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Member Name: prodigy79
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Jessica Lea Patty will be on as Eva Peron in July and August
 Jun 29 2012, 01:03:36 PM
For those who might be wondering, according to her Facebook page, here are the dates she is going on:
Saturday July 14th 2:00
Wednesday July 18th 8:00
Wednesday August 15th 8:00
Saturday Aug 18th 2:00

The Miracle Worker To Have A Lottery
 Mar 2 2010, 10:53:24 AM
I was wondering how crowded the lottery has been recently. My friend and I are thinking about seeing this in a few weeks and we are debating on whether to try a Saturday Matinee or Saturday evening. Thanks for the help!
re: A Steady Rain standing room
 Oct 7 2009, 08:19:20 PM
Just wondering if anyone here has done standing room since the show opened? I was thinking about trying this, any information would be appreciated. Thanks!!
re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
 Jul 6 2009, 10:23:49 PM
Just an FYI: I tried the standby line tonight and arrived at 4pm. The last ticket went to the person that was two people ahead of me and we all arrived at the same time. It appeared as if they handed out about 50-75 tickets after they gave out the tickets to those with vouchers.
re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
 Jun 23 2009, 11:01:52 AM
My friend and I are going this Sunday to stand in line to get tickets and I was wondering what's the latest we should get there? I know the weather is supposed to be nice so I was thinking between 6 and 7am, is that too late? Thanks for the help!!
 Jul 5 2008, 03:26:40 PM
Thanks for the info, I think I am just going to wait until the box office opens. I hate having to pay the service fee that Telecharge requires.
 Jul 5 2008, 02:50:38 PM
 Jun 28 2008, 11:20:47 AM
Just wondering, me and a friend plan to see this show in November and I was wondering how fast it selling? Should I go ahead and get my tickets off of Telecharge or can I wait until they go on sale at the box office (August 4, I think)?

re: Any news on Lippa's 'A Little Princess'?
 Jan 12 2008, 09:08:07 PM
Andrew Lippa's website might help answer these questions- He posted a recap of this past year (recorded A Little Princess) and plans for the upcoming year.
re: Beauty and the Beast SRO?
 May 12 2007, 07:21:52 PM
Thanks for the help! Which site has the discount code? I've checked but their code expires on May 31st. Also, thanks for the head up for SRO, being that I am only 5' 1", I think that counts me out :)
re: Beauty and the Beast SRO?
 May 12 2007, 12:30:16 AM
I am planning a trip to NY the third week in July and was hoping to see Beauty and the Beast before it closes (I have never seen it). I was wondering if I should purchase a ticket now or take my chances with the TKTS Booth or SRO (please keep in mind I am trying to make this a fairly inexpensive trip). Thanks for any help and advice!


re: Drowsy Chaperone Vinyls
 Mar 27 2007, 11:26:09 PM
I'm a new poster to BWW and I am more of a reader than poster but has anyone noticed the small error on the inside of the vinyl? Under each of the songs, they have the "actor" who sings it (i.e. Jane Roberts, Beatrice Stockwell, etc.) but under the song Accident Waiting to Happen, they accidentally put the character's name Robert Martin rather than the actor's name Percy Hyman. Just a little observation.
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