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re: Legally Blonde understudies Dec 11
2007, 09:58:52 PM
Well, good luck! I normally LOVE understudy shows. But I can get a little snippy when Eden Espinosa's out in LA, and that's only after an hour's drive. I hope it all works out for you. :) We missed LB when we were in NY this summer. From what I've seen on TV, though, Matthew Risch is adorable!
re: Ahmanson Theatre 'Hot Tix' Question Dec 11
2007, 09:26:40 PM
Thanks for the info, Popular! Did you get your tickets over the phone? Do they just deal them out, or were you given a choice for seats? I'm glad you got yours for this weekend. Hope you have a good birthday!
re: What did Cheyenne Jackson's tattoos say at the Macy's Parade? Nov 24
2007, 11:58:31 PM
Yeah, I saw Maddy also. And Amber under that.
re: If anyone wanted to know what were those lyrics in LEGALLY BLONDE's 'Th Nov 24
2007, 11:37:28 PM
Now, is there any special term to describe rhymes using only portions of words, like "pal, a sis-" or "Helping you with your ascent al-"?
X-Mas tree lighting vid and picture Nov 24
2007, 10:58:20 PM
Rick sounds different, even his speaking voice. Hopefully it's from being tired and not sick. Lesser of two evils. And Walk-Like-A-Man choreography during Little Drummer Boy... Genius.
Macy's Tree Lighting Ceremony Nov 14
2007, 03:11:55 PM
The official tour site has been updated with bios of the new cast members. Both Melissa and Sarah Darling are listed for Francine. Anyone know if Melissa has a return date? I think someone said it'd be after Costa Mesa.
Macy's Tree Lighting Ceremony Nov 12
2007, 12:35:23 AM
Yeah, the tour itself has no rush policy. It's whatever is set up by each venue. Eric was GREAT as Crewe. You would have never thought that he was an understudy. He had the role down to the t. This would be so fun to watch. John's Crewe is always a highlight for me. After watching the Broadway cast, I could really see how much he brings to that role. Eric must have been hilarious too. SOMEONE also said that the executives were planni
Well here's the rest of the cast. Nov 8
2007, 08:51:23 PM
Great-looking cast. LOVE Joyce Chittick's headshot. Finally, no more speculating, about SF at least. Now they should really update the Sherry cast list to include Zachary Prince and the new girls. Speaking of, for those familiar with the Zephyr cast, were the girls' tracks the same as with the Sherry cast, like with Lorraine also playing the lead Angel and Francine as Christmas Present? On Broadway I think the roles are switched. Just wondering if they work it out differently with each cast.
Update from Eric G. Aug 28
2007, 08:41:07 PM
Got there around 9:30am and there were already 40+ people in line! Never knew the LA crowd was so hard core. Aw, reading that makes me strangely proud of this city These last few weeks I'd get there before eight and was still always second or third. I think the earliest on Sunday was twenty before seven! Was it Sunday that you went, mizzairee? Hope you have fun tonight. The audience Sunday was the loudest and most enthusiastic crowd I've ever been a part of. The whole show was just so fun, and the ovations lasted forever. People started clapping for "Working My Way" when Rick said "Summers in Jersey..." He had to pause, and it became this big whooping applause. I just thought, "Aw, man, they don't know the Francine scene is coming up," hehe. Here's a quick summary, but read it anyway. mll85, I look forward to reading that line as much as I look forward to reading the actual blog. I thought Lauren Tartaglia was adorable. Very comedic. As far as staging goes, they haven't changed anything yet. We'll have to wait for reports from Sacramento. Erik is going on as Tommy! I'm going to miss it, but I'm glad Deven has a day off. I wonder if any other understudies will get to perform, with the set rehearsals, extra show yesterday, and matinees Wednesday and Thursday. I hope they all take care of themselves. I'm really starting to be sad about the cast leaving. Got way too attached to them. The show just made me very happy lately. Not to post-jack Lizzie, but I had one of the best nights of my life so far last week. It was great. I'm really going to miss them.
Tonight Aug 20
2007, 02:40:43 AM
Miles Aubrey was Bob tonight. Douglas Crawford was in Miles' track, and Jennifer Evans was in for Melissa, who I didn't get to see last Sunday either. I hope she's okay too! ETA: Hmm... A comment from Doug on Melissa's MySpace says she's out until October. Anyone know why? I love Melissa.
re: Omigod You Guys Aug 17
2007, 03:46:34 AM
RentHead2, was it that they tweaked the show since you saw it in previews? And I'm assuming, as they became more familiar with their roles, the actors improved as well? I've never been to a preview, so I'm just curious about what kind of changes can happen in the few weeks before opening.
re: what is Aug 17
2007, 03:39:59 AM
Is this how you become a Chorus Member in the span of two days? I'm still a Swing after a month. ETA: Never mind, I'm there! gypsy and I are on the same level now.
re: Rent merch question Aug 17
2007, 03:38:06 AM
I haven't seen them yet (still hoping), and I would buy one. Is there no merchandise specific to the Adam/Anthony run? If there ever was a time to exploit the hell out of "Limited Edition," I think it would be these six weeks.
re: buying tickets at box office in advance? Aug 17
2007, 03:18:18 AM
If the box office is convenient, it's cheaper because you avoid ticketmaster or telecharge fees. Charged me sixteen extra dollars for a single ticket. I've learned my lesson, and Ticketmaster will pay one day... On-topic: I believe anything that has become available can be bought at the box office on any given day.
Sunday night Aug 14
2007, 03:25:50 PM
Here's the summary, but read the whole thing anyway. -Alot of the cast members have been getting sick. Aw, poor Brandon, Doug, and Melissa. Sounds like they were all dropping like flies backstage. I got to see Jennifer Evans for the first time on Sunday, and Erik did Brandon's track again. Courter Simmons was there also, and of course Eric was in as Tommy. I figured it must have been last-minute for him, but Eric did really well. There were hiccups in a couple of lines but nothing too noticeable. He had a great sneer and winked a few times. His performance didn't remind me of Deven's at all. Line delivery was more straightforward, and his tempo was really quick throughout. I wasn't used to it at first. I feel like Deven takes his time and very clearly pronounces every word and action. He's so much more stylized. Eric's take was also so different just because of physicality. His being smaller made Tommy a really interesting character. During the show I thought, "Wow, he must be clever, he must have connections, or else someone would have surely taken him down by now." The scene where Frankie blocks his punch, I didn't feel like he could have hurt him, hehe. But actually that just reinforced the idea that Tommy thinks he's more powerful than he is. One thing, though. I always find Deven's Tommy so endearing; he wins you over almost immediately and is so charismatic that anything he does is forgivable. For me, Eric's Tommy was kind of an ass throughout, so he seemed more like a side story. Just this very amusing character but not someone I really rooted for. It felt like the spotlight wasn't on Tommy as much, if that makes sense. I finally got to see Steve Gouveia, and I found him thoroughly entertaining. Completely different from Michael. He does seem very normal for the most part, and I don't know, not as "Jersey"? But he also has the most animated face, and even though I felt like some notes were too low for him, the audience just loved his "Silly boy..." and bum-bum-bums. He got a whole second round of cheers by pointing up at the mezzanine during the Seasons' first big ovation. I thought he had people in the audience, but my brother said he saw that at his show too. And I have to say that Steve's smile is really infectious, but during the table scene with Gyp I had to keep from laughing. I'm not sure he has a "serious" face. The show itself was just incredible. High energy, and the audience loved it. Erich and Rick both sounded better than I've ever heard them, and I thought they were perfect before. It was so strange when the four of them stood together. A very different-looking Four Seasons for me. I was like, "Who are these guys?" Wow, my apologies for writing a whole short story up there. But, really, it was a fantastic night.
Eric Gutman on as Tommy tonight Aug 12
2007, 06:35:39 PM
Oh, wow. I've never seen a show without my beloved Deven! But I'll be able to compare Eric's Tommy with his Bob now. Who's swinging Joey? By the way, has anyone ever seen Erik Bates cover Tommy? He was in Brandon's track my first show, and I was just intrigued by him. Yay, I'm excited for tonight. It's been too long :)
Tuesday night Aug 9
2007, 07:05:06 PM
My brother and his girlfriend saw the show for the first time Tuesday night and loved it. They had great things to say about Deven, Rick, Erich, and the whole production, but I made sure to ask for the specifics on Steve. They thought he was fantastic. Really, really funny. The four of them fit well together, and since he looks a little bit older, the big-brother vibe comes across. What they loved about Steve's performance was the dejected, Eeyore-like line delivery he does. He got laughs every time he wanted to start his own group (which Michael didn't really get when I saw him), when he sat down and sighed after his rant about Tommy, etcetera. And he made great faces. They couldn't explain it, so I'll have to see on Sunday. Just a very entertaining performance from him. Oh, and there was a problem with Brandon's mike during "Ces Soirees-La." The girls' voices were there but no rapping at all. It's too bad, the opening is always a highlight for me (and a bonus to see some of the older couples thinking "Whaaa?" at the rap video unfolding onstage ).
Taylor plays Pesci Aug 7
2007, 07:53:23 PM
If they did, the girls better have some double stick tape on or get rid of the shimmy they do during the song, or else there could be some wardrobe slip ups, if you know what I mean. Mid-show standing ovation, I'd predict. And thanks, mll85, I was already planning to rush this Sunday. Courter Simmons has been great the times I've seen him and seems to improve every show. It'll be interesting to see a different Joey. And Nick! I saw Steve Gouveia at stage door the night before he
Photos of the cast at the Help Is On The Way Benefit Aug 7
2007, 01:46:01 AM
Hehe, I said the same thing. "B.D. Wong!" And I imagine if they thoroughly Vegas-ed the Vegas production, the girls would wear that Lucy Lawless dress in "My Boyfriend's Back." Rockin' bod though.
More from Eric Gutman Aug 6
2007, 03:18:22 AM
I don't know why that is. There's always a large crowd stage-dooring WICKED. The lotteries lately have gone up to over 200 people, so the stage door line wraps around the building. For JB, the rush and stage door crowds are so disproportionate. I remember in June I got there five minutes before the box office opened and was maybe fifth in line? There were two people at stage door when I went. Then last month, I went an hour early, and there were already thirty people waiting. Still only two people at stage door that night. I'm not complaining! Though it's hard not to feel like a stalker sometimes.
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