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Member Name: givesmevoice
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Gender: Female
Location: Brooklyn, NY

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Good Roles for Daveed Diggs
 Jan 4 2021, 04:21:48 PM
Harold Hill.
Shut down until June 7
 Apr 20 2020, 11:41:18 AM

Mr Roxy said: "When the sainted Obama was president we had the swine flu. Killed betweenn35 to 45 thousand deaths. We had no shutdowns and no one was calling for his head on a pole. Right now people are asked to choose between their health or their livelihood if they ever had one. Bottom line is NYC will feel the effects of this long after the hysteria is done. Is it really necessary ? Is is really worthy of us to count each death on a tote board? How will subway and bus commuting be

Shut down until June 7
 Apr 20 2020, 11:27:50 AM

Mr Roxy said: "Our illustrious mayor has now cancelled all non essential gatherings thru June. Thank God this horror show of a mayor will be gone after this year. Sadly his replacement will be more of the same. After the smoke clears on this what will Broadway and NYC look like? Until the 6 feet rule is done away with Broadway cannot operate. NYC will never again be the tourist destination it was ."

What's more concerning to me is the number of people who are at

How long is Aaron in MR?
 Mar 19 2020, 04:55:53 PM

I'm not even close to being an expert on contract law, but I've been having a lot of conversations with our Director of Special Events about events contracts, and she said a lot is dependent on wording and how a force majeure is defined in the contract. I imagine that would be true of an actor's contract, too.

This is a truly unprecedented event, and I'd be shocked if anyone's contracts for anything would have stipulations. 

Broadway and the Coronavirus
 Mar 10 2020, 01:13:43 PM

Wick3 said: "I'd think those who can run NYC half-marathon wouldn't have any respiratory issues or wouldn't be sick."

This is such a ridiculous thing to say. People who have autoimmune disorders (and therefore have compromised immune systems) can still run half-marathons and are still at risk for contracting COVID-19.


Loudest gasp you've heard in the theatre
 Feb 13 2020, 01:12:14 PM

chrishuyen said: "In The Inheritance Part 2:

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That's h

Phone rings, door chimes, in comes COMPANY!
 Feb 4 2020, 03:57:29 PM
Yes, I could hear traces of an accent. I wonder if that’s just the way she produces sound when she sings.
Phone rings, door chimes, in comes COMPANY!
 Feb 4 2020, 03:24:35 PM

ljay889 said: "Katrina sang "Someone Is Waiting" at theGuggenheim tonight, for the Works and Process series. There were other performances too. There was also a moderated discussion with Elliot, LuPone, and Lenk.Hopefully something will be posted soon, so we can finally hear how Katrina sounds singing the score."

She sounded great, and made some choices that I found very interesting. In an unrelated part of the conversation, she said they're still makin

My Name Is Lucy Barton - Reviews
 Jan 24 2020, 11:40:51 AM

I actually was incredibly moved by the play, moreso than I expected. Linney's performance is marvelous, as always. I had read the book last year and enjoyed it, but I think this hit me at a really sensitive and appropriate point in my life, as I am leaning VERY heavily on my mother at the moment. I was in tears leaving the theater and on my way home, and actually sent Linney a gushing fan letter, thanking her for sharing this performance and story with us. 

One Song Roles
 Jan 24 2020, 09:49:55 AM

ggersten said: "Doesn't Fiorello only get one song in Fiorello!?

(And kudos to carnzee for the reference to Applause!)

TV Tropes calls it "One Scene Wonder," so Fiorello wouldn't exactly fit into what this conversation is.

Lying Broadway discount flyers
 Jan 23 2020, 10:40:19 AM

If you're able, I would always recommend going to the box office with a discount flyer or code. They sometimes can pull up seats more easily than you can on Telecharge Offers, and I've had multiple box office employees offer me a seat not included in the discount for the discounted price. (It's always been a seat a row or two ahead of the lowest priced seats, so it's not like I'm getting sold a premium orchestra seat for last row mezz prices, but it's nice to get somet

John Mulaney and The Sack Lunch Bunch
 Dec 31 2019, 09:25:13 AM
Jonah Mussolino, who was John’s son in The Algebra Song and narrated Sascha’s Dad Does Drag [And the Act Needs Work], is also going to be Noah in the Caroline revival!
John Mulaney and The Sack Lunch Bunch
 Dec 30 2019, 04:31:13 PM

Kad said: "givesmevoice said: "Kad said: "Natasha Lyonne's contribution is, like, two minutes. I find her totally and immediately compelling as a personality and could probably just listen to her talk about whatever all day, though."

I was surprised she was only on as a talking head, and I wondered if they had something else planned for her that wound up getting cut. I also find her so compelling as a personality and could listen to her talk

John Mulaney and The Sack Lunch Bunch
 Dec 30 2019, 12:10:10 PM

Kad said: "Natasha Lyonne's contribution is, like, two minutes. I find her totally and immediately compelling as a personality and could probably just listen to her talk about whatever all day, though."

I was surprised she was only on as a talking head, and I wondered if they had something else planned for her that wound up getting cut. I also find her so compelling as a personality and could listen to her talk all day.

I've watched the special three t

I want an August Osage County revival.
 Dec 17 2019, 01:47:29 PM

Stephen75 said: "That Arianda idea is so inspired. WHERE is she? Why is every Broadway producer not clammering to get her into their shows? She is one of the finest actresses of her time, and she hasn't been on stage in close to 5 years."

A friend told me that she was brought in to audition for The Band's Visit (possibly while it was being workshopped), but otherwise she's been doing film and TV. I'd love to see her back onstage!

Way Too Early 2020 Tony Predictions thread
 Dec 16 2019, 11:06:19 AM

In London all six of the queens were jointly nominated for Supporting Actress. But the Oliviers are a lawless entity, and I'd be surprised to see that happen at the Tonys. (Though, of course, the original children in The Sound of Music were jointly nominated for Featured Actress and the Billys jointly won Lead Actor for Billy Elliot. But I think not having the Matildas in a competitive category kind of put the kibosh on joint nominations moving forward.)

The Inheritance and Housing Law
 Dec 10 2019, 12:45:02 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "Oh that’s very interesting. I was always under the impression that if the original leaseholder died, the rent controlled apartment could not be passed on to anyone. There have been very high profile stories for years about people having to move when someone dies, so this plot point didn’t strike me as odd. But now I’m very interested to know what the real law is."

The NYC Rent Guidelines Board website has some information about Succession Rights:

The Inheritance and Housing Law
 Dec 10 2019, 12:40:17 PM

I don't remember the specifics, but doesn't your name have to be on the lease for a certain period of time to inherit a rent-controlled apartment from a relative?

The Band's Visit tour cast
 Nov 22 2019, 12:00:20 PM

I will say that race/ethnicity can be a contentious issue among Middle Eastern Americans in the United States. Most identify as white, but that might be from lacking another bucket that fits them better. If we are working under that thinking, that people from Egypt or Israel are white, then really it really should be a non-issue that Lenk (whose ancestry is in Eastern Europe), Kennedy and Dacal will have all played Dina.

The Band's Visit tour cast
 Nov 22 2019, 10:45:46 AM

Pashacar said: "What many people find issue with is when actors from overrepresented groups take roles playing characters from marginalized or underrepresentedgroups they don't belong to. (For example a straight actor playing a gay character, or a white actor playing an Asianone.) With Jews aswell-represented in mainstream theater as they are, and Latinx people less so,I don't think this issue is at play here."

A straight actor playing a gay character is not

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