Roundabout Theatre Facebook Nov 18
2010, 10:51:17 PM
re: May have extra ticket to Grey Gardens last Jul 27
2007, 12:42:53 PM
Found someone who was interested. Thanks!
May have extra ticket to Grey Gardens last Jul 27
2007, 11:52:10 AM
I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple of people, but I may have an extra ticket to Sunday's closing performance of Grey Gardens. It's a balcony seat (obviously not the best, but at least you'd be there!), front row, $36. Send me a PM if intereseted, and I'll keep you posted if/when it's definitely up for grabs. Thanks!
re: Riedel on the Tony Nominations May 11
2007, 07:50:38 AM
I feel like Riedel's predictions for Featured Actor in a Play look the most out to lunch. Nick Berg Barnes for Journey's End?? I know it's still kind of early in the morning, but I don't even remember who he played! And two actors for the long closed Translations? No Billy Crudup? No Anthony Chisholm? Even though I didn't care for him all that much, no Steven Kunkin for Frost/Nixon?
re: Why Was 'History Boys' So Good? May 1
2007, 08:52:22 PM
A few things... -Echoing bythesword, I saw the show several times and from different vantage points (the last row of the mezz and extreme side orchestra) you could definitely see people moving the flats. -While I saw the play quite a few times (though nowhere near as many as bts!) I saw the movie once without much desire to go back, and while I did get the DVD, it was more for the bonus material. While it will be a nice souvenir to revisit occasionally, there's no way it'll be
re: Journeys End Go See It! Apr 25
2007, 05:59:23 PM
Even though I'd totally concede that the lack of advertising/marketing is really hurting this production (honestly, how many people did they think "from the producers of The History Boys" would bring in??) who much do you think can be attributed to the fact that it's in the Belasco? I'm sure the fact that it has such (perceived) dark subject matter doesn't help, but I feel like, unless there's something HUGE that's going to draw big numbers in and of itself, being on the other side of Broadway i
re: Coast of Utopia on Live From Lincoln Center? Apr 15
2007, 09:08:05 AM
While I'd love to see it happen, I'd have to say the odds would be slim to none. It seems like it would be a massive undertaking.
re: stage door at Year of Magical Thinking? Apr 11
2007, 04:31:49 PM
Thanks for the good thoughts. She seems like a very classy lady.
re: stage door at Year of Magical Thinking? Apr 11
2007, 04:16:55 PM
That's always something to consider, Jordan, but I'd like to think that as long as it's not an 8x10 or something that looks like it would be an obvious direct to eBay item, she'd still oblige. Worth a shot, I suppose.
re: Help! I need a ticket to Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck Friday evening Apr 11
2007, 04:13:59 PM
You're right...I didn't even consider that Shipwreck wouldn't necessarily be on the bill tomorrow evening. Maybe since they have the rotating schedule, they toss out the Tues-Thurs rule, and will allow you to past-date at any performance that isn't entirely sold out. Hope it works out for you!
re: stage door at Year of Magical Thinking? Apr 11
2007, 04:12:20 PM
So glad to hear it! I'm going to try to get my Long Day's Journey into Night window card signed (a mini goal of mine, 4 years and counting).
re: Help! I need a ticket to Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck Friday evening Apr 11
2007, 03:58:42 PM
Aren't you generally limited to Tuesday-Thursday for past-dating though? Worth looking into, and good luck, but if it would be at all possible for you to go tomorrow, your odds may be a bit better.
re: DiCaprio Broadway Bound in 'Pavlo Hummel' Revival Apr 4
2007, 05:23:23 PM
I saw a staged reading of Pavlo Hummel at the Public a year or so ago (I think Philip Seymour Hoffman directed it) . I brought my mom, who saw the Pacino version in Boston when she was a teenager. I'm definitely excited to see a fully staged version. I think DiCaprio would actually be decent in the role as well.
re: DiCaprio Broadway Bound in 'Pavlo Hummel' Revival Apr 3
2007, 09:06:35 PM
Daniel Craig?!?!? Be still my heart.
re: It's Extra Tix Time Again- 1 More Tic Left For 'JE' Apr 3
2007, 04:53:12 PM
I hope someone takes you up on this extra ticket! It would really be a shame for it to go to waste. A great show (from everything I've heard) and a generous offer...two things that you don't necessarily come across every day!!
re: My Brief Thoughts on A MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN Apr 3
2007, 11:55:25 AM
I thought you looked familar, but I couldn't place you (and you were chatting away, so I didn't want to bother you). But as soon as I saw you post that you were at the matinee, I knew it was you. Funny we missed each other at Translations too. Third time's a charm?? It really is a shame that Spacey seems to have jumped the track somewhere. I honestly felt the worst part (even more than the arm flailing and occasional mugging) was the awkward line readings when Jim quickly changed his tr
re: My Brief Thoughts on A MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN Apr 3
2007, 09:57:37 AM
I was at the show on Saturday afternoon as well (next to bjh2114...I thought that was you, but I wasn't sure). I didn't hear any of the ushers say anything about belongings being hidden away, but Yankee, was it more stuff on your lap or in the aisle? You mentioned keeping stuff out of the aisle a couple of times, and I would think that would be standard issue at theatres (like keeping belongings off the mezz/balcony overhang) for safety reasons, not necessarily to keep the show's diva of a star
re: Misbegotten Box Office Hours Apr 1
2007, 12:50:22 PM
I went to yesterday's matinee as well, and got my tickets at something like 20 past 10 (got evening tix to Spring Awakening, and figured since there are so many seats held at Moon I'd be able to go there after). We were also in the front row (I think there are 8 seats in the front row, then the rest of the rush seats are in the rear mezz). And I definitely concur, Cape, Eve Best was incredible!
re: Les Miz Student Rush Mar 30
2007, 05:22:45 PM
Not sure when your break is, but per talkinbroadway: "Offer is not valid December 25 through 28, February 14, and April 3-12. Tickets may be purchased with cash or credit card at the box office only." And it sounds like they probably won't have rush in effect as long as they're selling well. Though, the upshot of that is that if they're selling well, standing room should be an option.
re: Les Miz Student Rush Mar 30
2007, 05:07:02 PM
It's $36. Mezz L (the only row at that price, Tues-Thurs), seat 8.