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Member Name: xilch
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Has Anyone Seen To Hanks in Henry IV
 Jun 7 2018, 12:26:53 PM

I saw it Tuesday the first preview. It is long. It started probably around 8:10, had a 10 min intermission around 9:45, and finished at 11:30. 

The cast is generally very good, with some great direction. They really utilize the outdoor aspects of the theater. Hanks is as expected, excellent. Some of the more serious scenes drag, and the audience would wake up a bit more whenever Hanks returned to the stage. 

If you are going to see the show, the theater is quite e

Wicked needs warm bodies with thrilling voices to destroy
 Jun 22 2009, 01:04:13 AM
First of all, this thread is hysterical. Pedophilia, socks, and clueless Wicked fans, what could be better?

Secondly, I saw Dee in Chicago, and was not too impressed. Her acting fell flat and her vocals were not quite up to par. I?ve seen three other ladies don the green in that piece of dreck, but would never want to see Dee again. Plus does anyone call her Ravioli?

 Jan 23 2009, 03:09:08 PM
I saw the first preview, and thought the show was great! Sure, it had its flaws and one or two scenes, especially one involving whipped cream were just begging to be cut, but what first preview doesn't? The choreography was excellent, the book was sharp, and it made for a great night of theater.
re: In the Heights... dreams come true
 Dec 2 2008, 04:10:38 PM
That is so beautifull! ITH deseves to run longer then CATS for that video alone...
re: 'Mary Poppins' - 2010 Scheveningen - Replacing 'Tarzan'
 Nov 10 2008, 08:13:30 PM
Great... Thank you for all that incredibly usefull information.
 Sep 20 2008, 12:55:41 PM
Ok, I am going to try my best to answer all the questions. First, there isn't a song list, but rather a list of the 52 composers and artists whose work appears in the show. From Irving Berlin, Gershwin, Rogers and Hart, to Prince and Phil Spector, it's a very unusual score- but my favorite part of the show.

Secondly, I was unable to stagedoor, but I will definitly not only stagdoor whene I return later in the run, but I will also go to a talkback session- they run midweek, I belive. <

 Sep 20 2008, 01:07:06 AM
Allright, just got back from the firt preview. Overall, it was a very sweet show, with a great cast. Rachel York sounded phenomenal on every song, and looked just as good! (By the way, how tall is she? Jeez...) The story itself had a few problems, plot holes, and even had one scene that almost recreated the recent Fiddler on the Roof revival, complete with a Harvey Feinstein lookalike. I really liked the choreography, costumes, and staging- it was minimalistic, but done very well. I cannot wait
 Sep 19 2008, 02:41:21 PM
First Post! I am a long time lurker, but I never felt the need to debate the battle of the Roses or be accused of sock puppetry... Anyway, I'm seeing the first performance of TOTC tonight(yay!)and was wondering where the stage door at the Goodman is? Thanks!
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