Best finds at the Flea Market? Sep 26
2010, 04:46:35 PM
I came away with Marin Mazzie's Ragtime show jacket. I don't really know WHY I bought it, it was just sitting there like a shining beacon in front of me at the Bares table, so I snatched it up. It's signed on the inside and her monogram is on an internal pocket. Now I just have to figure out wtf to do with it.
Hey does anyone remember 'My First Time' from [title of show]? Jul 18
2010, 01:45:42 PM
Yes, it was in the blog as a link to the BCEFA website, which when they pulled down the video to put different ones up, the link became invalid. Doesn't mean anything. It was never linked to "officially" on the main site, just in a blog Hunter posted about it. I know the person who does her website, and they waited a long time to launch the website because they were making sure they had permission for every single thing on it (even some photos used in the galleries that were people's
Hey does anyone remember 'My First Time' from [title of show]? Jul 17
2010, 11:13:18 AM
She has permission to have the video on her website. Also, the video was never on the [title of show] website, so that means nothing. But yes, she does have permission to have the video on her website.
Hey does anyone remember 'My First Time' from [title of show]? Jul 16
2010, 11:33:35 PM
It's on Susan Blackwell's website. I believe it's under the Writer tab.
NO Bebe! Jul 16
2010, 02:16:30 PM
Bebe was apparently "sick" after the Morticia's Nails event, and skipped BN to save her voice for the show. At least that's what BN was telling everyone as they went in.
Getting to Signature in VA Via NYC May 16
2010, 05:40:57 PM
You can take a Megabus/Bolt Bus into DC, and then take the metro to Arlington, and then a cab to Signature. There may be a faster way to do it, but that's the way I've done it in the past.
Liza and Chita at John Kander Tribute... Mar 12
2010, 03:37:36 PM
I think you got them all Yero. It was truly a beautiful night of performances. I think the stage hand who gave Heidi that dead mic needed a swift kick in the rear, but she still topped the piano and blew it (in a good way) to the back of the house. Tickets were anywhere from $75-$1000.
If shows had a money back guarantee.... Mar 4
2010, 05:24:54 PM
Sly Fox Frogs Shrek Horrific or horifically boring, all of them. I can't tell you what Sly Fox was about to this day.
who is your favorite child broadway actor you have seen Mar 4
2010, 05:22:06 PM
Brian D'Addario has got a set of pipes. Hopefully he'll do something else other than be a Disney drone forever.
Pictures of Broadway Stars in Summer Stock Feb 19
2010, 10:06:14 PM
Music Theatre of Wichita usually brings in some decent names also, or at least they have in years past. Montego Glover has done a couple of turns out there, Stephanie J Block was in their Funny Girl, and I'm sure there's more I just can't think of right now.
Busch, Blickenstaff, Feldshuh & Jackson Perform VALLEY OF THE DOLLS 3/15 Feb 10
2010, 02:11:50 PM
I bought a balcony seat yesterday, and the theatre looks reallllly small. The orchestra goes back to like row N and the balcony is only five rows. To me, it looks about the same size/slightly bigger than Merkin Hall.
Natalie Weiss solo concert Jan 27
2010, 07:18:40 PM
I think she has a great, possibly even "excellent" voice. But she's got the emotional depth of a shallow puddle. She comes off on recordings decently b/c you can't see the dead, glassy look in her eyes. I wanted to like her, but I just can't get past the emotional void.
Johansson Wows Broadway Critics? Jan 26
2010, 07:03:59 PM
"Also, it says something interesting when some of the people on this board make such sweeping comments as "she was colorless" or "she was out-of-her-depth" after Scarlett got rave reviews from some very tough critics and other, perhaps older voices on this site who have actually seen the show relate how good her performance is. I guess either (1) theater is totally subjective, or (2) you got issues, baby." Let me rephrase. I thought her performance was fine. But to have loved her as muc
Johansson Wows Broadway Critics? Jan 26
2010, 02:05:24 PM
I found her to be gorgeous, but completely boring. Maybe her performance changed in the week between the preview I saw and opening. But the performance I was at she was completely 1 dimensional and the epitome of a screen actress on stage. The rest of the cast, especially Liev Schreiber, I found to be delightful.
What have you walked out of and why? Jan 18
2010, 09:40:10 AM
I have only walked out twice, but wanted to many more times than that. The first was when I saw Boeing Boeing near the end-ish of it's run (August '0 . I was in partial view seats for a matinee, couldn't hear anything, and was incredibly sick after traveling all day the day before. It wasn't holding my attention so I finally had to give in and leave at Intermission. The second? Rock of Ages with Kerry Butler in as Sherrie. The show was AWFUL the first time I saw it. But I went back for free with a friend to see Kerry and I had to leave. I just couldn't sit through it again.
re: Sitting next to a celebrity at a theater Dec 19
2009, 12:10:20 AM
Sat next to Ana Gasteyer at a performance of Spelling Bee. She was an absolutely delightful woman. I had a big bag (I was only in the city for the day and had done some shopping) and it fell over onto her feet, and to my absolute mortification the SNL sweatshirt I had just bought for one of my best friends birthdays tumbled out and she handed it back to me. I quickly explained, and she offered to sign it for my friend. I declined (it was a sweatshirt for petes sake! one she actually would wear a
re: Little House on the Prairie Musical - Denver review Dec 18
2009, 04:00:12 PM
If I wasn't in the process of moving, I'd go dig out the program from the NYS&F production and see exactly what that watermelon song was actually called. But it's hidden away in a box somewhere. I'll Be Your Eyes (I KNEW It wasn't You Are My Eyes, but I was close) has potential, but it's just...wrong as it is now (and was back then). Definitely cringeworthy. All I can recall about the watermelon song was they sang it at a picnic or hoedown or some other town gathering. It, to
re: Little House on the Prairie Musical - Denver review Dec 17
2009, 11:36:02 PM
I saw, and worked on, this show when it premiered at New York Stage and Film in 2006...despite a cast of absolute talent (Greg Edelman, Heidi Blickenstaff (as a last minute and FABULOUS replacement for Marla Schaffel), Sean Palmer and Sara Chase) that show was a real big snooze fest. I hope it's had some major edits since back then, but I'm not hopeful that it has. Is there still a Watermelon song and "You Are My Eyes" or whatever that crazy song Mary sings to Laura is?
re: Who is the most pleasant actor you've encountered at the stage door? Dec 2
2009, 03:20:03 AM
Sort of surprised no one has said it yet, but the prize in my book goes to the [title of show] cast. They were all so gracious and took time with every single person, no matter the time, no matter the weather. It was a breath of fresh air in comparison to a lot of people.
re: Little Mermaid 2010 National Tour: Casting Ideas anyone? Oct 10
2009, 01:20:12 AM
I'm throwing in a vote for Debra Monk. Not that I'd get off my rear end to go see the tour since I saw that freak show on Broadway already...but. Yes, Debra Monk. "Heidi Blickenstaff, again. " While I will agree with you that she was a fantastic, albeit different, Ursula...I'd rather see her stay put in NY and do bigger and better things (because God knows she will).