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Member Name: lizliz
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Actors being fired / replaced
 Dec 22 2015, 04:19:49 PM

Not mentioned before in this thread, I don't think -- Sebastian Arcelus was promoted to full-time Roger in Rent after Manley Pope left, and then abruptly demoted.

Switzerland -Geffen Playhouse
 Mar 14 2015, 08:05:59 PM
Variety is up:
Bombshell Benefit Concert
 Mar 14 2015, 07:57:24 PM
Also, backers can modify or cancel their Kickstarter pledge any time before the project ends (April 10). So if someone pledged $25 for the chance to buy tickets in the presale and now feels that was an unwise investment, they just have to cancel their pledge and they won't have to pay anything.
Cute little lyrics you love
 Jun 21 2013, 03:35:20 PM
"The Creation of Man" from The Scarlet Pimpernel has some really fun ones:

Of the goosie and the gander, sir
Which gender is the grander, sir?
To render total candor, sir,
The splendor is the male's!


Percy: Sir, be a lion-hearted prig
Fill those pantaloons with light!

Prince: I could dangle down a spangle... out of sight!

Percy: Oh, yes! Be bold, sir!
When it's cold, slap on that wig
Draw your britches in quite tight
HELP! Long lost beautiful youtube performance...
 Apr 4 2013, 03:20:52 AM
It sounds like it might be Matt Doyle singing Katie Thompson's "I Know" at Birdland, which was the first time he performed it:

It's become rather a signature song for him, so there are a bunch more versions of him singing it out there.

At least, that's my guess, from your description!

Broadway Cancellation Insurance
 Aug 29 2011, 12:50:06 PM
Ken Davenport also touched on this issue in his blog today.

Most Broadway contracts have "force majeure" clauses, which release parties from financial and other obligations in the event of an "act of God", which will give Producers some relief from their responsibilities.

Broadway Cancellation Insurance
 Aug 28 2011, 07:55:54 PM
At the time of the 2003 blackout, the NY Times noted: "Insurance may cover some losses, though many companies require a theater production to miss at least two performances before a policy takes effect." I had wondered the other day if this was part of the reason they were so quick to cancel both Saturday AND Sunday shows this time, so that shows would miss at least two shows (the fact that public transportation in NYC wasn't running was obviously a huge factor as well!).

I'd imagine t

How long will War Horse last?
 Aug 22 2011, 03:31:51 PM
Correct. Both the play and the movie are based on the same source material, but they have no direct relation to each other. But most people probably won't realize that, and it's likely good buzz for the movie will help the play anyway.
How long will War Horse last?
 Aug 22 2011, 01:00:36 PM
I believe they're expecting it to run three to four years.
Book of Mormon SRO, was it worth it?
 Jul 20 2011, 12:45:24 PM
It's two tickets per person.

I keep wondering if this is going to become one of those things that attract the professional "line sitters", like Shakespeare in the Park, but the fact that they don't give out the tickets until an hour before curtain probably makes it more complicated to try and do that (which is undoubtedly why they do it that way).

wow...this is really next seasons crop of new musicals?
 Jul 13 2011, 10:37:56 PM
LaChiusa's "Giant" is doing an out of town production in Dallas in January, and seems to be aiming toward a Broadway transfer next year. Not sure if they'll make it in for this season, though.
Use of Microphones on Broadway
 Jul 7 2011, 08:53:32 PM
The WSJ blog had an interesting article about this a couple years ago... the chart showing all the hidden microphones in Brighton Beach Memoirs was fascinating!

They also talk about the use of pre-recorded backing tracks in shows, including Phantom.

Lines dependent on the performance location?
 Jul 5 2011, 08:34:47 PM
In Spring Awakening in the West End, they had a lot of trouble with the line "Looks so nasty in those khakis", partially because they don't use "khakis" to refer to a type of trouser in British English, and partially because when said with a British accent, it no longer rhymes. They went through a bunch of changes and finally settled on "looks so crowded in those trousers", I believe.

They also changed "Michaelmas Chorale" to "Christingle Chorale", but that was more a function of rea

Interview about demise of Wonderland on Broadway
 Jul 5 2011, 07:51:05 PM
The failure of Wonderland was a huge blow to the reputation of Wildhorn, a prolific composer who once had three musicals running simultaneously on Broadway: Jekyll & Hyde, The Scarlet Pimpernel and The Civil War. His previous show, Dracula, the Musical, which opened in 2004, was a flop, though.

Didn't "The Civil War" run for all of about three months? I always jokingly refer to myself as "one of the tens of people who saw TCW on Broadway." How does that one get counted as a succ

HAIR Seat Removal...Anyone else have this problem?
 Jun 30 2011, 10:43:15 AM
This is just a guess based on what's happened, but it sounds like since they took out the first row on the sides, and they're relocating those people to the front row in center orchestra, that it's likely front row center orchestra was being held back from sale because they're using it for lotto.

Which means we can all prepare for the people who are going to bitch that there aren't many (or any) front row lotto seats for certain performances, because of all the people they had to reloc

What Do Show Cast Members Say About Their Audiences?
 Jun 23 2011, 01:08:10 AM
I was a, er, non-teen rabid fan of the show I believe is referenced above, and I was always surprised at how much the cast saw in the audience. I remember one night I was talking to Hunter Parrish at stage door, and I commented on something he'd changed in his performance, because it was something we had talked about before, and he said, "Yeah, I had hoped you noticed that when you were here last Thursday sitting 7th row on the aisle, but you didn't stage door, so I couldn't ask you!" My jaw pre
Considering it just extended will Tales of The City Transfer to Broadway
 Jun 18 2011, 04:49:44 PM
They haven't made an official announcement or updated the website yet, but Wes Taylor, who plays Mouse, tweeted that the show in San Francisco has been extended again.
War Horse seating question
 Jun 16 2011, 09:17:09 AM
I was in Row B in the 500s, and I didn't feel like I was too close (though I had to resist the urge to pat the horse when he went by on the aisle... I did resist that urge successfully, though!). There is a lot of "spectacle" to this show, but it's also very intimate. They use the space very well. I'd say go for it.

Dramamama, can't wait to hear what you think of it!

Book of Mormon SRO
 Jun 15 2011, 06:44:26 PM
I will likely be much more difficult to get tickets on a holiday weekend.
Name the 1st Broadway show you saw -- on Broadway
 Jun 10 2011, 10:29:27 AM
Annie. With my parents, I was pretty young. It must have been near the end of the Broadway run, because I believe Alyson Kirk was playing Annie.

Pretty sure the first big musical I ever saw, though not technically Broadway, was Snow White at Radio City Music Hall... it was a live-action adaptation of the Disney movie, and they used to play it on HBO every year for a while. Picked up a (very very illegal) DVD copy of it at the Broadway Flea Market a few years back, and was thrilled to f

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