Toxic Avenger coming to Broadway? Sep 14
2011, 03:14:32 PM
Ugh. Can't they bring back "Evil Dead: The Musical" instead?
Why wasn't Tommy a huge hit??? Aug 29
2011, 09:24:52 PM
greensgreens, I still have that book. I have it packed away right now, but it's definitely a treasured possession of mine. I thought Anthony Barille was brilliant as Cousin Kevin and am sad, aside from a few movies (especially one hysterical movie I love) I have barely seen anything more from him. Also, at last years Broadway Flea Market, I heard a rumor that it might be revived for the 2012 season. But since I haven't heard much since, my hopes are lowering.
True Triple Threats Aug 5
2011, 03:11:04 PM
Christopher Walken. He's done two musicals on Broadway, he's a classically trained dancer and fantabulous actor. Despite the bad lip-sinc job, it's him.
Unpopular opinions you hold Jul 26
2011, 09:03:02 AM
jdrye2222 said: ""Next To Normal" was an offensive portrayal of mental illness that seemed to have no grounding in what real people go through with this kind of condition." THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one who felt that way.
Unpopular opinions you hold Jul 25
2011, 09:28:43 AM
Let's see... where to start?
-I am not a fan of Sutton Foster, but I loved her in Anything Goes (and I loved the show).
-I love Million Dollar Quartet and am not ashamed to admit it.
-I hated The Scottsboro Boys. I mean HATED.
-I am not a fan of Norbert Leo Butz; Josh Gad should have won the Tony.
-I don't think Rory O'Malley deserved to be nominated for supporting actor; he just didn't have a big enough part for supportin
Rockwell/Hecht STREETCAR Jun 30
2011, 10:14:05 AM
I freaking love Sam Rockwell. Would kill to see this.
Scenes You'll Never Forget Jun 30
2011, 10:13:18 AM
West Side Story (movie only, because the revival was awful): Maria's "Don't you touch him!" and then covering Tony with her body. Awful, awful tears. RENT: Seeing Angel walk off, looking at his friends as they speak during his eulogy. Hair: Seeing Claude walk out in the crew cut and military garb. Angels in America: The fight between Louis and Joe, followed by Louis' (paraphrasing) "I'm just going to lie here and bleed." Million Dollar Quartet: Yes, I know eve
All that chat is just reporting HOW TO SUCCEED's 100th performance cancelle Jun 23
2011, 01:22:24 AM
If that's true, it's not a surprise. It's not often that 29-year-olds go into cardiac arrest. Could have been some underlying cause - every now and then you hear about a perfectly healthy young person dying from an undiagnosed heart problem. But drugs will definitely do that to you. Just as tragically. Just an awful situation all around. Thought and condolences to the cast, crew and his family.
All that chat is just reporting HOW TO SUCCEED's 100th performance cancelle Jun 23
2011, 12:52:20 AM
That is awful. And is reporting that he was only 29 years old. Cardiac arrest at 29. I can't even. So so so sad.
Play Dead for 13 year olds? Jun 16
2011, 09:22:10 PM
It's definitely a little creepy and deals with some unsettling subject manner like pedophilia, cannibalism, some talk of sex and brief nudity. There's also a bit of fake blood. So it depends on how mature the 13-year olds are. I'd say maybe 16 and older is good.
What is THE show to see OFF BROADWAY right now? Jun 2
2011, 10:55:21 AM
I really enjoyed "Play Dead." Todd Robbins is highly entertaining. Creepy and funny at the same time.
Rocky the Musical in the works Jun 2
2011, 09:10:37 AM
As someone who is named "Adrienne," and yes, named after Talia Shire's character (even though hers is spelled the masculine way).... I beg. No. Please no.
rate 1-10 current musicals on bway May 19
2011, 07:17:20 PM
Anything Goes 9 Billy Elliot 7 Book of Mormon 10 How to Succeed 8 Jersey Boys 7 Lion King 1 Mamma Mia! 1 Mary Poppins 5 Memphis 8 Million Dollar Quartet 9 Phantom of the Opera 1 Rain 7 Rock of Ages 8 Wicked 7
Panic! at the Disco to pen a musical? Mar 30
2011, 12:44:06 PM
I said that when they made American Idiot into a musical. I'm gonna get smashed for this, I'm sure, but The Black Parade > American Idiot (my very strong opinion.) Would pay good $$$ to see that (done well) on Broadway. That said.... I always thought PatD were very theatrical. But this is a "new" PatD, with only two of the original members. Am curious though....
Who is playing Dyanne in 'Million Dollar Quartet' now since Elizabeth Stanl Mar 21
2011, 04:09:30 PM
She WAS doing matinees up until 3/13. Along with Levi Kreis, the 13th was her last day. As far as I know, Victoria Matlock has taken over the role full-time.
Help! Priscilla Running Time? Mar 16
2011, 12:17:11 PM
2 hours and 15 minutes. And I don't mean to be snarky, but if you had time to post this, you had time to pop on Goolge and find out the info yourself. Took me all of 2 seconds.
Jared Mason will succeed Levi Kreis in MDQ Feb 15
2011, 10:46:55 PM
Has that been confirmed though? I heard the same thing, but there hasn't been any word about it one way or another. I'd absolutely love that, though.
Jared Mason will succeed Levi Kreis in MDQ Feb 15
2011, 08:08:41 PM
He's excellent as Jerry Lee. A wonderful replacement for Levi. They don't mention who's going to be taking over for Carl Perkins yet, though.
Most cherished piece of Broadway memorabilia Feb 2
2011, 09:18:52 AM
Berger's jeans signed by Will Swenson that I won a a Broadway Cares Auction after the show. Also? A windowcard from Elling. I collect the cards and they didn't have them yet when I went to one of the previews of the show. My BFF went to the final show (We both loved it and thought it closed way to early). She was gonna pick up a card for me, but told me the sold out. Then, for Christmas, she shows up with the windowcard signed by the whole cast. Sneaky bitch. Bestest friend ever.
Angels in American Stair seating? Jan 22
2011, 05:37:56 PM
This may be a stupid question, but do you have to wait for people in the cancellation line to do their thing before you buy stair seating, or can you just walk up to the window anytime to get stair seating?