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re: Lyrics that have always bugged you
 Aug 10 2005, 12:06:57 AM
in response to BlueWizard, i think the lyricist may have been trying to pull a beatles lyric. if you've ever heard "all you need is love" john sings "There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It’s easy. Nothing you can make that can’t be made.
No one you can save that can’t be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It’s easy." basically meaning

re: A cast for a movie of Little Women: The Musical
 Jul 21 2005, 11:39:49 PM
clumsydude I concur. If anybody is putting Emmy whatever in anymore singing roles we may as well be listening to the duff muff also. I will not watch whatever "the abomination" to phantom chooses to ruin. I f-ing love little women the movie(the musical too ) and that was a re-make also. We dont need 3 movies on the same stroy lets make some more original movies and leave the musicals onstage...except for rent because the world needs to see it! Ahhhhh I can't wait!
re: Official- No Steph Block in LA- email from her
 Jul 12 2005, 04:46:10 PM
I am seriously so f-ing excited! I was lucky enough to see Eden in New York in June 04' and my god was she AMAZING! She was so nice when my friends and I were at the stage door. I'd post my pic with her if I didn't look like such a hideous monster. Don't get me wrong, I love love love love love LOVE Idina, but lord was Eden 100x's better than the tony performance, and 10x's better than the cd. I'm going again just so I can see her and only her. I'm sure everybody is good now, but everybody shoul
re: Tour Expected for Edward Scissorhands
 Jul 5 2005, 05:59:09 PM
um yeah... I can't really explain how much I love this movie. I've had this icon for about 4 mo's but I haven't posted anything for a while. But this is going to be beautiful! If it's just a ballet that's going to be beautiful because Danny Elfman's music is one of god's gifts to man. I'm seriously hoping they do a us tour so I can see this. AHHHH! I'm so excited! 128 days till RENT!
re: Sh-K-Boom
 Mar 28 2005, 02:38:43 PM
WHY GOD WHY!?!? It still didn't come! *picks up obcr and puts it back into cd player* I guess this will have to do for one more day. Has anybody gotten theirs yet???
Actor's FundHair CD Anybody Have It Yet???
 Mar 25 2005, 04:54:07 PM
Okay, so it hit my banking account on the 22nd and I got the e-mail saying that it would be shipping, and I'm assuming everybody else did got that too, but I was just wondering...HAS ANYBODY GOTTEN THEIR CD YET??? I'm dying to listen to it!
re: anne hathaway.
 Mar 23 2005, 08:25:22 PM
WOW. I just watched Ella Enchanted last night. It's so weird how you see or hear something for the first time and then BAM! people start talking about it or you see it everywhere you go. Maybe it was fate that I watched it last night.

About the post though, she seemed to have an okay voice (or maybe it was just the s***ty quality of the movie) but I wish more than anything that she would have been in POTO because to me ANYBODY is better than Emmy Rossum! At least we would have gotten s

re: What's your job? What's your passion?
 Mar 23 2005, 08:08:46 PM
Wow I'm kinda suprised at how young a lot of the people on this board are but anyway...

JOB: I work in the billing and collections dept. at Comcast cable "Do you want to make a payment on that today?!" I graduated last year from high school and I'm saving EVERY penny so I can go to college this fall and major in Musical Theater!

PASSION: Anything realted to theater! I WILL be a performer and I don't care who, what, where, when, why, or how much I do or don't get paid. It's in m

re: Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Mar 16 2005, 05:23:01 PM
Ok so I've been watching the boards and searching to see what happens to the person in seat A101 and I absolutly cannot find out! I live all the way out in the god forsaken state of Utah and I don't think I'll be getting out to see Spamalot any time soon. Will somebody PLEASE PM me and tell me what happens?
re: Rent Has a Release Date!
 Mar 15 2005, 09:57:31 PM
OMG that is the day before my birthday! I'm gonna throw up that makes me so happy! I'm at work right now and I was reading this as I answered the phone and I completely blanked out! This makes my year!!!
re: Your First Theater Experience
 Mar 7 2005, 07:40:27 PM
first show ever:Phantom of the Opera (touring company)I was eight. Can we say BEAUTIFUL!

first Broadway show: RENT (and proud of it!) I was 17

first show i was in: 7 brides 4 7 brothers (chours so it sucked)I was 16 and this was the first time I ever auditioned for anything cause I really love this show and couldn't see done and not be in it! The townspeople are really under appreciated! he he he

first show with a part: How to Succ

An IMPORTANT question for Anthony
 Feb 12 2005, 07:17:58 PM
This may seem stupid, and it may have been asked before, but I haven't been on in a while and if anybody has seen the answer for this please tell me where I can find it. If not then this is an important question not just for me but for every RENThead and the people who have a little more time than others on their hands.

Anthony, I was just wondering if you and all your other cast mates have been keeping video footage of the making of process of Rent. I'm all about special features and a

re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
 Dec 29 2004, 03:16:36 PM
OH MY GOD BESTOFBROADWAY!!! My sister and I were talking about the rave dancer!!! I think he should have had glowsticks, that would have been awesom! I love you for saying that! So I'm almost afraid to say this but i've seen the movie 3 times now. But I'm not afraid to say this, Emmy Rossum is very beautiful but she is THE worst actor in the entire film. I think she had a total of 3 faces the whole time, oh yeah and she could cry. And somebody must have failed to mention that you have to MOVE yo
Making it on Broadway
 Nov 11 2004, 03:48:32 AM
I was just wondering if any of you are reading the posts on this book and since Anthony is an actor who has made it on Broadway, I wonder what his input is on this book and it's contents!
re: WORKING, the musical
 Nov 11 2004, 01:51:44 AM
Awesome Awesome Awesome show!!! I got to be in it about March, and my god it was fun to be in but it's also very moving show. I do agree with others that if it's not done right it completely sucks. I was the woman who sang "If I could've been" and it was me and this kid who was kinda quiet but he did well. The whole cast was standing behind us in a half circle and the harmonies were so beautiful I would get chills everytime!!! Our Housewife was really good though. We didn't have anybody who was
re: The greatest line or lyric ever said/sung on a stage
 Nov 8 2004, 05:29:11 PM
That's awesome Munk!!! What part were you? I was the "Woman" who sang "If I could've been." We did it for our school compitition. We took first at region (of course). But enough reminesing, I freaking love the musical!
Rosario Dawson as Mimi
 Nov 8 2004, 05:23:44 PM
Um...I guess we'll all have to trust Anthony and others on this one. But Josie and the Pussycats singing is WAAAAYYYYYY different than Mimi's singing in Rent. But I'll talk myself into believing that she is the right one for the part later.

PS. Anthony rocks! It's so awesome that he's so willing to take time out of his day to keep us all up to speed and answer our questions!

re: The greatest line or lyric ever said/sung on a stage
 Nov 8 2004, 05:14:59 PM
Lyrics; "Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy, la la la lo lo. Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le le lo lo. Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba, early morning singing song!" -Good Morning Starshine -HAIR - Okay so maybe they're not the greatest lyrics or most meaningful but just say the words and they'll make you smile!
re: Just In: Howard Keel Has Passed
 Nov 8 2004, 04:18:26 AM
I feel sick. Long story short, if it weren't for him and
"Seven Brides..." I wouldn't have the absolute love, devotion and passion about performing and musical theater that I have right now! I was just looking for "Kiss Me Kate" TODAY at the video store and they didn't have it so I rented "HAIR" again. I hope people take notice and if they don't know who he was they should educate themselves.

re: Wicked the Novel
 Nov 5 2004, 04:38:30 AM
I wish that Fiyero would have looked a little different. From the book's discription and the pix i thought that he would have. But that's okay by me cause now i have a thing for Norbert Butz!
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