Big Brother 2019

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#250Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 2:52pm

I've no doubt that one day Jackson will NEED a really good lawyer.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#251Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 10:00pm

Loved seeing Michie upset when Cliff pulls a game move and Michie realizes he could lose 500k to Holly. He doesn’t seem so endeared to her now. Lol

Other thoughts:

Nick is just gross and a very poor loser. Yes, Christie is annoying and cries too much and I’m tired of hearing about “manifesting”, but he’s just a d**k. Not sure what Kat sees in him.

Also, I’m looking at webpage to vote for America's Favorite Houseguest and I really don’t know who to vote for. I found so many people just not likable human beings. Others had just really bad gameplay. David is probably my favorite but he also didn’t get to play long, partially because he lost two comps. I’m surprised my other consideration is Christie. She was often annoying and had some bad moves, but she was often an agitator to a lot of the bad apples, had some good gameplay, and had loyalty to others (Sis, Tommy).

One last thing. I’m not the best about remembering past seasons. Is Cliff the oldest juror to make it this far? If so, I have to at least give him credit for that (although there were lots of flaws in his gameplay).

#252Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 10:15pm

Jerry in Season 10 made it to final 3.  He was 75.  That may have been a game move by Cliff with the threats of votes, but I think we saw a glimpse of the real Cliff.  In addition, when Julie was questioning him, he was getting annoyed with the line of questioning.  You could hear it in his voice.  I think that aw shucks, goody  goody act, is a front.  I was glad to see him go.  Nicole has really come out of her shell, socially and in appearance.  Something is different with her.  Hair and makeup maybe?  

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#253Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 10:23pm

Perhaps true on both fronts (Cliff, Nicole). Her only chance now obviously is to win HOH. Let’s hope it’s mental. If she wins, who should she send home? I think she’d possibly have better chance against Jackson, but she’s get credit for sending him home.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#254Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 10:42pm

FYI - I ended up casting all 10 of my votes for Nicole. She’s the most likable and had some good gameplay. Overall, she had a strong social game.

If she loses, maybe she’ll at least win this. If she wins, it’ll kill Michie that she won 500K plus this. Lol

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#255Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/20/19 at 3:37am

I wonder what Jackson is talking about when he says that people have burned him in his real life?

It was interesting to hear Cliff say that one of the reasons he wanted Tommy gone was because he was closer to Nicole. I had suspected that all along.

Cliff seems to be a legend in his own mind so he comes across a bit silly..

Updated On: 9/20/19 at 03:37 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#256Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/20/19 at 8:35am

I can't understand Cliff sadly. Ugh. PRAYING for a Nicole win. My AFP voting went 5 for Nicole, 3 for David, and 2 for Ovi. Really hope those are the only 3 people we ever see return from this awful season. I mean honestly, can you imagine a Michie win? After all his blatant racism, sexism, and just in general egregious behavior. God I hate him, I hope he's evicted at Final 3 and gets booed. I try to not hope the worst for people, but when he represents just the worst of people its hard to give a crap about the guy. Hoping Celeb BB returns this winter.  

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#257Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/25/19 at 11:07pm

MIchie played an almost flawless comp game, but his social game was pretty horrid. Future players sadly will see he won and see no reason not to emulate him. He is truly a clueless white male. You could see he was taken aback by the charges of racism.

Glad Nicole won America’s Favorite Player. Glad Ovi, David and Kemi called out the bullies and racism. Jack’s apology at least “appeared” sincere. Christie just blamed her behavior on hormones and the stress of the house. Way to take responsibility (not). Glad Bella called out Nick. How pathetic was his response? Very. And Kat knew what she was doing in jury house with him with possibility to be televised. Wow.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#258Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/25/19 at 11:22pm

I hate confetti anytime I see it at the end of a Broadway show, and I hate it at the end of Big Brother.

Oh no, now I feel obligated to search on the main board about shows that end with confetti. Why did I even bring it up?

Updated On: 9/25/19 at 11:22 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#259Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/25/19 at 11:26pm

I hated the confetti this time because MIchie wouldn’t shut up about it all season so I knew it would just pump him up even more.

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#260Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/25/19 at 11:29pm

Sure, he got his confetti, but his face certainly didn't match his previous excitement for it! Knew this would be coming since Nicole lost on Saturday, but with Julie and the pre-jurors going after them, did make this way more satisfying than I thought it would be!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#261Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/25/19 at 11:39pm

Yes, he did seem worried, mainly about if mom is disappointed in him. I’m guessing mom raised him into the man he is today so she’ll be very proud.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#262Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/26/19 at 3:26am

Julie did rain on Jackson's parade by bringing up the racism, He looked like he had s**t his pants. I have never seen a winner look so taken aback and nervous.

Most people who are racist do not realize they are racist. Jack had the time to go over everything in his head so he was able to offer a sincere apology. The optics were just so bad when the minorities went out right away and they had to live in that crappy room with the uniforms. It was embarrassing. If I were on the show and I was making decisions early on I would leave the minorities alone because they never get a fair shake. As a big brother fan Jackson should have had some awareness. about the optics...

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#263Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/26/19 at 9:42am

I have never seen a winner look so taken aback and nervous.

That and Nicole winning Favorite almost made the finale redeem itself.  Holly actually made a decent enough case for herself, but the idiots of the house decided to enable Michie's false sense of "integrity".  Unfortunately, the Big Brother contestants usually put more stock in comp wins and reward dirty strategy over social game play (regrettably, Tommy illustrated this with disappointing clarity).  Cliff proved to be nothing more than the stereotypical Texas Good Ol' Boy, focusing on male superiority and putting all his eggs in Michie's basket justifying it with the old school BS like "gentleman's agreement", "man-to-man", "look a man in the eyes", "man's handshake", "a man's word", etc.  It was pretty clear that Cliff would only place ultimate trust in his game with a man.  Nicole was just his safety net and I hope she realizes that when she watches the full season.  I adore Nicole.  She is EXACTLY the type of bestie I'd want to spend my time with.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#264Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/26/19 at 11:41am

Gross winner lol, moving on from here. Hoping we get Celeb BB or all stars this winter before BB22. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#265Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/26/19 at 12:00pm

If it’s all stars, let’s hope for no MIchie or Jack, but let’s hope for Nicole and/or David.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#266Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/26/19 at 1:13pm

Miles2Go2 said: "If it’s all stars, let’s hope for no MIchie or Jack, but let’s hope for Nicole and/or David."

I think after last night, those are likely the only 2 who have a chance in hell at coming back from this season. I can't imagine BB will be ready to bring people back from this season. Id expect another newbie season next summer with more fluff houseguests a la BB16. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#267Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/27/19 at 11:53am

I think Tommy and Jack would make a fun team for The Amazing Race.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#268Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/27/19 at 5:49pm

No, thanks.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#269Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/27/19 at 11:21pm

SmoothLover said: "I think Tommy and Jack would make a fun team for The Amazing Race."

I couldn’t think of a more annoying race team tbh. Tommy/Christie could be a fun hot mess honestly 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#270Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/28/19 at 4:06am

I think beyond Jackson being nervous about the racism thing when coming out onto the stage I think he was trying to act humble which did not translate to the audience in any way.

Yes,Jack was racist and rude but I did not mind watching him with his shirt off. He can run around The Amazing Race shirtless as far as I am concerned and Tommy can be his Jerry Lewis to his Dean Martin.

I wonder if Tommy was sad that Pretty Woman had closed?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#271Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/28/19 at 6:33pm

Well, he's out of a job, so Im sure he isnt HAPPY.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
