
Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?- Page 14

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#325Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 1:57am

Just wait. It's gonna get so good.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#326Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 8:29am

Yay!!!! You will not regret it!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#327Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 12:37pm

"Ooh...you made me so happy I just peed a little."

I'm loving this show. On many levels. Awesome.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#328Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 3:33pm

Mrs. Stone got a perfect score, thank you very much.
Take Vulture’s Community Season Three Final Exam

strummergirl Profile Photo
#329Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 4:14pm

Megan Ganz is returning as a writer for the show. So at least some of the weirdness stays!!!!

broadwaybabytn Profile Photo
#330Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/24/12 at 7:05pm

I really hope it remains as quirky as it has been...

#331Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/25/12 at 3:32pm

If the new showrunners are convincing Harmon-loyalist writers to stay, I consider it a good sign. I doubt the show will reach depths of bizarre as great as "Virtual Systems Analysis", but I can absolutely live with that if the heart of the thing remains the same. (TBH, I think it got too weird this season. The Chang storyline was just a bit much.)

ETA: Took the quiz. Didn't know the name of the "Chaos Theory" pizza guy. Curses! :P

Updated On: 5/25/12 at 03:32 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#332Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/26/12 at 1:20am

Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#333Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/26/12 at 10:15pm

Just checking in--the 'Community' marathon continues here; I'm up to S.3, Ep. 3.

Of course, I love the show. Genius. I had largely lost patience with the whole post-ironic, Gen-X obsession with winking, straight-faced references to the larger pop culture within pop-culture vehicles--until season 2 of community. The way they use Abed to take the'Meta' trope to the infinite degree--culminating with the clearly labeled--there might as well have been subtitles--meta-within-meta-within meta of Abed's film 'Abed' in "Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples" was brilliant and hilarious, I thought. And it's done with such a light touch. I have been watching most of the episodes more than once--partly due to typical nerd/fanboy syndrome and partly because I dread coming to the end of the supply of new episodes.

But the topic that most interests me at this moment is Chevy Chase/Pierce, especially after reading the Huffpost interview with Chevy Chase.

I have no notion or awareness of what Chase's authentic personality is like--does he have a sense of humor about himself? Is he a complex 'meta' type guy? I found it interesting that throughout season 1, his character repeatedly made pleas to be taken seriously, only to take a crazy, slapstick pratfall--I took that to be the naked id of the actor Chevy Chase, being acted out by--very meta--Chevy Chase as Pierce Hawthorne.

In season 2, as the movie homages heated up, and as we see Abed and Troy indulging in the ironic, hipster taste for kicking back to watch a dreadful, pop-culture movie, I wondered whether a 'Vacation' film would ever find it's way onto their playlist. Chase's film career is such a goldmine of targets for this show, and yet it wasn't until S.3, Ep. 1 that anyone said the words 'National Lampoon', and--significantly??--Pierce was out of the room when that happened.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...
Updated On: 5/27/12 at 10:15 PM

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#334Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/26/12 at 10:25pm

And then--along comes the Huffpost.com interview, in which Chevy comes across as someone who is not in on the joke at ALL. Befuddled, sexist, racist and angry. Repeatedly making vague threats. Hinting darkly that they won't have him to kick around much longer. Very...Pierce Hawthorne.

Better yet, he repeatedly makes "between you and me" caveats as he tosses out his dark hints. A seasoned, Hollywood star making inflammatory statements to a reporter, but--"disingenuous" is an understatement--clarifying that it's "just between us." Is this classic 'Community' meta-within-meta--Chevy Chase-channeling-Andy-Kaufman-channeling-Pierce-Hawthorne--or am I thinking waaaaayyyy to hard about all this?

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...
Updated On: 5/27/12 at 10:25 PM

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#335Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 4:46pm

The 'Community' marathon continues. (Despite the fact that I have a house full of guests I invited--before the marathon began--to the country for the holiday weekend...)

We're up to S.3,Episode 9--Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism. I'm beginning to wonder about Jeff Winger. Is his character ever going to develop? Will he ever actually learn anything from his weekly lessons and epiphanies? I am perfectly happy to keep looking at Joel McHale for as long as I am given the opportunity, but Jeff Winger is wearing pretty thin. In typical fashion, the show demonstrated it's awareness of this fact in the scene--I think it was in the season-ending flashback episode--about the trite "Jeff Winger speeches" that are so predictably formulaic that you can cut and paste sentences from different versions of it without affecting its overall texture or impact.

While Jeff remains static, some of the characters whom I liked least have been given the chance to demonstrate real growth and reveal hidden dimensions. Yvette Nicole Brown's unexpected--and highly suggestive--mastery of Foosball is awesome. And her line delivery--"You don't know me." was flawless. Perfection.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

#336Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 5/27/12 at 5:52pm

Addison, this past season was actually my favorite so far as Jeff goes, precisely because his speech-making powers are gone and he's depressed and kind of hunched in on himself a lot. It made him kinder.

#337Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 6/28/12 at 6:31pm

The entire cast will return next season.

'Community' cast will return next season -- even Chevy Chase

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#338Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 6/28/12 at 11:15pm

For all you Alison Brie fans, she is charming, funny and completely uncensored as one of the guests on a recent edition of Scott Auckerman's 'ComedyBangBang!" podcast series.

2 head's ups:
It's just shy of 90 minutes long, and it's definitely rated for mature (well...some of it's pretty immature, actually, but you know what I mean) audiences only.

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

#339Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 6/29/12 at 1:43am

I"m hoping to catch their panel this year at Comic-Con... but we shall see...

#340Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 6/29/12 at 1:43am

I"m hoping to catch their panel this year at Comic-Con... but we shall see...

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#341Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 12:06am

Just finally caught up with the final 3 episodes. So much goodness...

When a show is as well-written and conceived as 'Community'--particularly one that plays the pop-culture-Meta-card so frequently and so well--there's a danger of crediting the creators with sly brilliance for decisions that may have been less consciously planned, BUT....do you think it's an accident that the performer who plays Leonard--the old guy who gets treated like CRAP on the rare occasions that he's acknowledged at all--has one of the longest, most impressive TV resumes I've ever seen on IMDB? They've gone out of their way to find a character-actor legend and treat him like a flunkie. Deep, deep Meta? Or just another job for Richard Erdman???

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
wickedfan Profile Photo
#344Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 9/2/12 at 1:12am

I'm sure you've seen this already, Jordan. But even so, I posted this for you and it needed to be shared with the thread.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW3lGbfyraI Allison Brie's Rapping Skills

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#345Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 9/2/12 at 2:01am

I like to call her Tricia Heifer.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#346Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 9/2/12 at 2:15am

Matt Lucas also got a guest-starring role as some Inspector Spacetime fan, that I assume will also be at the fan convention.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#347Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 10/8/12 at 9:41pm

Unsurprising, but this sucks nonetheless.

NBC Delay's Community debut Updated On: 10/8/12 at 09:41 PM

strummergirl Profile Photo
#348Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 10/8/12 at 9:47pm

Yeah, but the cast on twitter is acting pretty nonchalant about this whole thing which makes me think the show will assume the slot of a cancelled new show people care little about.

Brie Larsen (The United States of Tara and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World) is also guest-starring.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#349Does Anyone Else Watch COMMUNITY?
Posted: 10/8/12 at 9:54pm

Or they're just beaten down by the way they've been yanked around. I mean, at this point, these 13 episode season is most likely the last we're going to get of Community, so just give us the damn show already.
