The Trump Cabal

javero Profile Photo
#75The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/31/16 at 11:24am

In all fairness, I should make one correction to my previous post.  British PM Theresa May has rebuked US Sec of State John Kerry for his recent remarks concerning Israel and those contentious settlements.  Perhaps I'm paranoid but it appears that the remaining world powers are out to make Trump their useful idiot.  Both Putin and Netanyahu already have him in their pockets and now Theresa May's seemingly calculating how to squeeze the most juice out of him.  He reassures his base via Twitter that's he's large and in charge but I see an individual who's completely out of his depth, more so than any incoming President-elect in recent memory.  I'm left wondering whether May's stunt was coordinated with the Obama White House.  The Brits have always done cloak-and-dagger very well.

Theresa May Scolds Kerry for Focus on Israel Settlements (By Steve Erlanger, NY Times)

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 12/31/16 at 11:24 AM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#76The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/3/17 at 7:28pm

Strap yourselves in.  Here we go.  The price of gasoline better remain where it is or he's done.  Have you noticed it's already going up?  The hate we got for Obama matches nothing like the hate we have for Trump. We out hate you.




adamgreer Profile Photo
#77The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 9:51am

Confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, and xenophobe begin this morning.  Senator Corey Booker will become the first Senator to testify against another sitting Senator. 

Petralicious Profile Photo
#78The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 9:56am

The Democrats havent been this against a Republican President and his cabinet before he took office since Lincoln had to come to the White House in secret and under darkness because of assassination threats by Southern Democrats

When They Go Low, I Go High

adamgreer Profile Photo
#79The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 10:01am

Petralicious said: "The Democrats havent been this against a Republican President and his cabinet before he took office since Lincoln had to come to the White House in secret and under darkness because of assassination threats by Southern Democrats


No "president elect" has offered a cabinet this unqualified before, either. 

madbrian Profile Photo
#80The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 10:04am

adamgreer said: "Confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, and xenophobe begin this morning.  Senator Corey Booker will become the first Senator to testify against another sitting Senator."

Quite proud to call Cory Booker my senator.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

adamgreer Profile Photo
#81The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 10:37am

madbrian said: "adamgreer said: "Confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, and xenophobe begin this morning.  Senator Corey Booker will become the first Senator to testify against another sitting Senator."

Quite proud to call Cory Booker my senator.


Before I moved to Florida, where I'm now represented by the disgraceful Marco Rubio, I was very proud to call him my Senator, too. 


madbrian Profile Photo
#82The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 10:55am

adamgreer said: "Before I moved to Florida, where I'm now represented by the disgraceful Marco Rubio, I was very proud to call him my Senator, too."

Look on the bright side.  You can voice your opinion, organize, etc. to affect change.  You get to yell at the folks on the wrong side.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Petralicious Profile Photo
#83The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:09am

I like that he is for Charter Schools and educations reform. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#84The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:16am

He's no friend to public education and helped make a complete mess of the Newark Public Schools...for profit. And it appears that he supports Betsy DeVos who basically doesn't believe in public education and had a horrible record in her home State.

I'm happy to see him stand up to Sessions but I'm not proud to call him my Senator. Even though he does give a good speech and is great at twitter.

If he votes for DeVos he'll never get another one of my votes.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#85The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:32am

So nobody's going to mention how non-homophobic and antiracist Sessions has proved to be in this hearing? 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#86The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:40am

His voting record tells another story.

Pick Any LGBTQ Rights Issue. Jeff Sessions Has Voted Against It.

"WASHINGTON ? He claimed he supported LGBTQ rights on the campaign trail, but President-elect Donald Trump just tapped one of the most anti-gay politicians in Washington to be the nation’s next top lawyer.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), whom Trump announced last week as his choice for U.S. attorney general, has consistently opposed pro-LGBTQ legislation throughout his 20 years in Congress.

He voted in support of a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, against taking up a bill providing workplace discrimination protections for LGBTQ people, against repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, and ? two times ? against expanding the definition of hate crimes to include attacks on people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

In 2014, a year after the Supreme Court struck down part of the now-defunct Defense of Marriage Act, Sessions co-sponsored a bill that would allow the state definition of marriage to supersede the federal definition.

Sessions is currently co-sponsoring the First Amendment Defense Act, an extreme measure that would allow any taxpayer-funded organization to ignore laws that conflict with its religious beliefs about marriage. It opens the door to all kinds of discrimination against LGBTQ people. A state-contracted counselor, for example, could deny services to a lesbian mom. Taxpayer-funded adoption agencies could refuse to place children with same-sex married couples. Government employees could decline to file official forms for gay couples (see: Kim Davis, who went to jail for doing this)."

Updated On: 1/10/17 at 11:40 AM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#87The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:45am

There's a big difference between one's personal policy/voting preferences and the responsibilities and policies one is prompted to uphold as Attorney General. This hearing has made it evidentially clear that Sessions is able to separate these two. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#88The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 11:46am

The Democrats havent been this against a Republican President and his cabinet before he took office since Lincoln had to come to the White House in secret and under darkness because of assassination threats by Southern Democrats

Putting it into context, back then, Democrats were the conservative party and Republicans were the liberal party.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

newintown Profile Photo
#89The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 12:02pm

"There's a big difference between one's personal policy/voting preferences and the responsibilities and policies one is prompted to uphold as Attorney General. This hearing has made it evidentially clear that Sessions is able to separate these two. "

No, this hearing has only shown that he knows how to lie and dissemble when questioned. And that he's able to fool the more gullible members of our community.

newintown Profile Photo
#90The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 12:04pm

"Putting it into context, back then, Democrats were the conservative party and Republicans were the liberal party."

You really ought to know better than to use facts to confuse our woolly-minded friends.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#91The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 1:32pm



"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#92The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 1:45pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "There's a big difference between one's personal policy/voting preferences and the responsibilities and policies one is prompted to uphold as Attorney General. This hearing has made it evidentially clear that Sessions is able to separate these two. "

That seems incredibly naive. 

adamgreer Profile Photo
#93The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 1:48pm

ErikJ972 said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "There's a big difference between one's personal policy/voting preferences and the responsibilities and policies one is prompted to uphold as Attorney General. This hearing has made it evidentially clear that Sessions is able to separate these two. "

That seems incredibly naive. 


Consider the source. 


Petralicious Profile Photo
#94The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 1:57pm

Mister Matt said: "^



"Yes!  Do not forget Special Snowflake and Safe Spacer


When They Go Low, I Go High

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#95The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/10/17 at 1:58pm

This hearing has made it evidentially clear that Sessions is able to separate these two.

Oh, I've no doubt he has the ability.  Whether he'll actually use that ability is doubtful based on his track record.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#96The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/12/17 at 12:27am

Reports have come in claiming that the author of the dossier on Trump is ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele.  Mr. Steele is rumored to have gone to ground for his personal safety.  This sordid tale tops anything Hollywood is capable of producing.  Trump was an utter abomination at the press conference that he finally consented to.  And Marco Rubio is back!!!

Christopher Steele: ex-MI6 officer named as author of Trump dossier

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#97The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/16/17 at 9:16am

He's likely moving the White House Press Corp out of the White House and into the OEOB next door. Ostensibly because they have a larger space, but please. Shutting the press out of the White House because they provide unfavorable coverage of his pathetic "administration" is just the beginning. The idea that he wants to allow access to more news outlets simply means he wants alt right organizations like Breitbart to have a seat at the table. It won't be long before Klanswoman Barbie herself, Tomi Lahren, is asking questions at press briefings.

Updated On: 1/16/17 at 09:16 AM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#98The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/16/17 at 10:52am

Something like this should simply not be allowed.  It is disheartening that absolutely no one seems to push back and say "no" to this man.  He seems content on completely destroying our government and they are effectively allowing it to happen. #StillNotMyPresident   The Trump Cabal

Petralicious Profile Photo
#99The Trump Cabal
Posted: 1/17/17 at 10:11am

It seems that the press has been under fire for 8 years now and would have been under Ms Rodham-Clinton as well. 

When Hillary Clinton headed for Reno, Nev., to make a big speech attacking Donald J. Trump on Thursday, her campaign used two planes. One was for the candidate and her entourage. The other was for the reporters, photographers and videographers assigned to follow her every move — which, of course, is impossible when she’s not physically on the same aircraft.

This is Mrs. Clinton’s standard air travel arrangement, and it represents a departure from how presidential candidates (including Mrs. Clinton in 2008) have dealt with their dedicated press corps since at least the early 1960s, by which point journalists were regularly traveling with them on their planes.

Even Barry Goldwater, the hard-right, press-fighting Republican nominee of 1964, flew with the reporters who covered him. He wound up enjoying it so much he rewarded them with “Eastern Liberal Press” lapel pins.

Right now, every signal from Mrs. Clinton is that should she win, her administration would continue the tradition of being still more secretive than the one before it; the Obama White House has achieved just that with its abysmal record on fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests and its record of prosecuting whistle-blowers who have shared national security information with the press.

When They Go Low, I Go High
