
Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox- Page 5

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox

#100Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 11:03am

I just spent a few minutes in Right Wing World. Go check the Daily Caller or The Washington Times and you'll see that this "attack" on Romney has failed miserably. It's just proof that Obama hates capitalism and that he's sleazy and ruthless. Apparently he'll say anything to hang on to power so he can reward his cronies. It truly is like stepping into bizarro world.

Kad Profile Photo
#101Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 11:04am

I can't read those comments because they give me nosebleeds.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#102Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 11:11am

That's America today: What the people on the left see and what the people on the right are completely unalike.

Elections are won when one side or the other persuades the vast middle to their side.

This Bain Capital/tax returns issue may very well push the middle to the left.

romantico Profile Photo
#103Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 11:34am

They re-write history. They see what they wanna see. These people are dangerous and capable of ANYTHING. They get their news from Drudge and Fox. Enough said.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

Playbilly Profile Photo
#104Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 11:55am

The Right is so used to hiding things from the public, they don't think is a big deal.


"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

romantico Profile Photo
#105Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 12:01pm

I bet $10,000 he won't release his returns.


Anyone remember this?


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/17/12 at 12:01 PM

#106Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 12:12pm

I think this situation is going to be rough for Mitt to navigate. It all comes down to relate-ability. Clinton did wrong but I think most people thought "Man, I don't know if I'd answer completely honestly if someone grilled me about my sex life!"

Now with the Bain scandal you have those people saying "Yeah- that's what those big companies do- they buy a place, fire everyone and send the jobs overseas. That sucks." And the more Mitt explains they are wondering "How did he get paid to run the place for three years if he wasn't doing anything?" And the more dismissive Romney is about $100,000 no-show salary or a few million in an offshore account the less people relate to his situation.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#107Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 1:17pm

This is now becoming the Republican's deepest and darkest nightmare: a populist issue that serves as a lightning rod for all the rage that fueled the Tea Party movement.

Anyone who's lost a job, anyone with an out-of-work neighbor or relative, anyone without health insurance--even anyone who just resents their employer--will now look on Mitt with even more scorn than was heaped on the first George Bush when he didn't know how a supermarket worked.

They will blame Romney for factories closing, they will blame him for businesses going bankrupt, they will blame him for the housing crisis, they will blame him because everybody's money is tight, except for his.

And there's no way he can recover from that kind of scorn. It will destroy his campaign--and could possibly destroy the campaigns of Republican governors and mayors and legislators.

And if he releases the tax returns, it gets worse.

Obama may have sewn up the election even before the Republican convention.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#108Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 1:24pm

My thoughts are even if he somehow comes out of this episode intact, it has so damaged his credibility as a leader, and someone who can react to issues quickly and with a level of discretion, that he has lost many of the independents regardless.

The GOP is not used to a Democratic party that fights back - even with the money advantage Romney has - this kind of stuff is going to rile up the Democratic base and get people working.

madbrian Profile Photo
#109Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 1:31pm

And yet, there's nothing in the daily polling info that shows there has been a substantial shift in public opinion. All measurable data indicates that this will be a closely contested election. Complacency could be the biggest enemy.

And let's not forget that the GOP will have a substantial money advantage this cycle. Folks in the battleground states will be inundated with ads and data, some funded by groups outside the official campaigns.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#110Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 1:57pm

Mitt Romney again insisted he will not release additional years of tax returns, arguing he doesn't want to give President Barack Obama more ammunition to attack his campaign.

Worst response EVER.
If you can't stand the heat....

Kad Profile Photo
#111Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 1:57pm

I love how the Drudge Report has barely had any mention of this scandal on their page.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#112Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 2:17pm

Other conservative websites have realized they have to.

Romney told the conservative National Review Online today that he was "not enthusiastic" about releasing them:


For much of this week, you’ve been asked about your tax returns. What’s the downside to releasing your pre-2010 financial records?

My tax returns that have already been released number into the hundreds of pages. And we will be releasing tax returns for the most current year as soon as those are prepared. They will also number in the hundreds of pages. In the political environment that exists today, the opposition research of the Obama campaign is looking for anything they can use to distract from the failure of the president to reignite our economy. And I’m simply not enthusiastic about giving them hundreds or thousands of more pages to pick through, distort, and lie about.

Romney on Tax Returns

Playbilly Profile Photo
#114Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 2:21pm

PalJoey, That's why I hate Romney. Never even seems to occur to him the the people who he would be prepresenting might have an interest in this information. It's all about HIS privacy, or what might happen to HIM? Has there ever been a seemingly selfish nominee? Good thing McCain reitred that "America First" slogan.


"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

#115Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 2:45pm

I don't understand why such an "excellent businessman" needs extensions to file his tax returns by the April 15 deadline most Americans meet every year. Shouldn't an "excellent businessman" be on top of these things?

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#116Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 2:53pm

Another thing rich people do routinely that we regular folks do not get. Basically you can get a 90 day extension automatically and then request 90 days more- so why wouldn't you? There's no benefit to filing in April.

Playbilly Profile Photo
#117Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 3:01pm

I haven't filed in April in YEARS!!! Too much happening in the first months of the year. And (tip from a 2%er) accountant find more deductions in the slow season. Before April, they're trying to get ya out the door.


"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

romantico Profile Photo
#118Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 4:05pm



Hopefully, the start of Warner Bros./The Democrats new ad campaign

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#119Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 4:06pm

Who didn't think of Bane every time Mitt Romney started bragging?

romantico Profile Photo
#120Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/17/12 at 4:22pm

Romney Campaign Attacked Opponent For Refusing To Release Tax Returns In 2002


Duh! That was some Common person who is not as rich as I am. Gee's! You poor people are sure dumb!

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

PalJoey Profile Photo
#121Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/18/12 at 7:34am

This possibility makes the most sense: that Romney can't possibly release his 2009 taxes, because given losses from the downturn in the market and tax shelters, he probably paid 0 percent that year.

Even though completely legal, the damage from that concept would be more enormous than the present bad publicity. (Or so he might think.)
Bloomberg Businessweek: What's Romney Hiding in His Tax Returns?

madbrian Profile Photo
#122Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/18/12 at 8:02am

How I'd phrase the tax return question:

"Mr. Romney, in 2008 you were being vetted by the McCain campaign for the job of VP candidate. Then, you turned over 23 years of tax returns. Now, you are bring vetted by the American people for the job of President; why do they deserve less?"

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

romantico Profile Photo
#123Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/18/12 at 9:31am

Whats hilarious is even FOX NEWS and conservatives on the right,some who even endorse Romney, are PLEADING with him to release his tax records while Romney's desperate followers ignore it and start ranting about Obama.They are trying so hard to deflect attention away from Mitt's tax records and it ain't working. George Will said that if he does not release these records and we go into the fall,he is toast. Mitt picking a VP will not draw attention away from this story.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

romantico Profile Photo
#124Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:51am

New Romney ad

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
