
An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers- Page 2

An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers

#25An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 8/18/12 at 9:48pm

I too am old enough to admit to seeing "Jerry's Girls" in the day. What struck me then and now is: With Dorothy Loudon's formidable talents, what kept her from getting more major roles on Broadway? Was it circumstance/karma, i.e., her age at the time of her peak? Was it her TV involvement (Garry Moore)? I watch her "Vodka" number, plus the two-tune Sondheim medley, on YouTube frequently to raise my spirits. Why did she not have a bigger/grander/more-deserved Broadway career? Maybe she just didn't want to work? I know not. Please advise!

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#26An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 8/19/12 at 5:41pm

I would LOVE to see those scrapbooks. I'm obsessed with that 50's and 60's New York world of Broadway and TV variety shows. Wish I'd been a part of it!

DAME Profile Photo
#27An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 8/19/12 at 7:46pm

I also saw Jerry Girls. A few times. I loved going to that theater and watching all the divas work it. The last performance I saw was the Friday before Chitas car accident. We used to get comps thru NYU.. so I was always at the St James.


#28An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 12/8/12 at 10:00am

And now you can! All of Dorothy Loudon's scrapbooks have been scanned and put online as part of a digital exhibition. We (NYPL) also have her scripts for ANNIE, ANNIE 2, The Ashes of Mrs. Reasoner, West Side Waltz and a script for Fig Leaves are Falling (from another collection).
There's also an audio recording of a variety show, with lyrics by Fred Ebb, at a summer camp in 1959.

Dorothy Loudon Collection at NYPL

#29An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 12/8/12 at 10:57am

Miranda, Like Maureen Stapleton, Loudon had a serious alcohol problem which impeded her working later in life. Like most great comedians, she had a tragic side that belied her outward personae.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#30An Introduction to the Dorothy Loudon Papers
Posted: 12/8/12 at 1:28pm

dreside, thank you so much for sharing that with us! It's beautiful!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."
