
What will be remembered from this season?- Page 2

What will be remembered from this season?

#25What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 9:38pm

Depending on how the years play out, I have to wonder if in 10-20 years there will be people looking back and wondering how Fun Home took home the Tony while Finding Neverland wasn't even in contention. 

mattporter17 Profile Photo
#26What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 9:45pm

"Depending on how the years play out, I have to wonder if in 10-20 years there will be people looking back and wondering how Fun Home took home the Tony while Finding Neverland wasn't even in contention. "

^^^ I laughed out loud when I read this. 

"That's the stupidest thing that I have ever heard..."

Seriously wtf is that.

Updated On: 6/12/15 at 09:45 PM

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#27What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 10:54pm

matt, what did you think of Finding Neverland?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

mattporter17 Profile Photo
#28What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 11:14pm

"matt, what did you think of Finding Neverland?"

 I thought it had a few good moments but it was mediocre at best. The score is very mediocre too.

Fun Home on the other hand was one of the best theatrical experiences I've had, and I think that show will go down as an a piece of iconic American musical theater with the likes of all the classics, Rent, Next to Normal and (soon to be) Hamilton.

AAO26 Profile Photo
#29What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 11:19pm

The Visit

#30What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 11:29pm

""Seriously wtf is that."

That is something I very much hope won't be true, but we're talking 20 years. I in no way mean people right now who have lived and experienced this season, that will obviously never happen, but if Finding Neverland remains lucrative and sticks around for a long while, and also tours successfully, there will be an entire generation of kids who will hold onto it as being a special thing to them. Those are the people who in 20 years could end up insisting that it was all wrong in 2015. 

#31What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/12/15 at 11:33pm

Plays and musicals of substance can succeed even without star names.

#32What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/13/15 at 1:36am

"I know Fun Home will be remembered, but what worries me is that Sydney Lucas is going to fall into the obscurity that has swallowed all the other child actors I can think of. At least in recent memory that's been true - the Billys, Matildas, etc.

 I liked the Billys and Matildas just fine but I'm not sure I ever thought any of them were especially remarkable. I remember thinking Oona Laurence had star quality awhile back (even if she's not a very good singer) and she's in the awards-bait Southpaw later this year - but I was truly blown away by Sydney Lucas in a way I haven't been about any theatre performer in a long time, regardless of age. She's got such depth and maturity of expression, the term 'child actor' almost seems reductive for her.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#33What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 6/13/15 at 1:39am

In 20 years, I think it will be remembered that visionary BWW member PhillyPinto was right all along and that frauds like Drew Barrymore, Sarah Paulson, Raul Esparza and Gillian Anderson were just lying to themselves.  

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#34What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/26/15 at 2:28pm

I think it depends who you mean:

By fans? Kelli's win, John Cameron Mitchell's return, and Cheno

By "scholars?": Chita, On the Town, Finding Neverland, and The King and I

By both: Hamilton & Fun Home


I truly believe Falsettos will fit into one of these categories as well.

mattporter17 Profile Photo
#35What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/26/15 at 2:55pm


Fun Home (Tesori, Kron, Ceveris and Lucas more specifically.)

Kelli O'Hara

Kristin Chenowith 

The King & I


Something Rotten

The Visit

Side Show



Curious Incident

On the Town

Finding Neverland

Hand to God

These are just the big one's in my opinion...




Markie27 Profile Photo
#36What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:04am

"Fun Home" without a doubt.  

Fiasco's "Into The Woods" would be remembered as one of the most ingenious production ever mounted in New York.  Beautiful beautiful piece of art.  (Next to "Fun Home" of course)

When I first watched "Finding Neverland" I was chearing and crying at the same time.  I was very moved by the musical... But after three months I have already forgotten many scenes from it and I can't even remember any of its songs.   The last scene which involved confetti and air blowers (I can't describe the scene without spoiling it!)  was spectacular though.  That I will remember for years to come.

I wish they took time honing "Something Rotten!" instead of rushing it to St. James.  It had so much potential.  Now I don't think people will remember it in 5 years.

I'm not a fan of "The Visit" but I do remember the darkness of the material, which I think is a good thing.... But in 10 years?  I don't know.

"The King and I" was beautiful but I don't want to be mean but I really hated Watanabe's performance.   Kelli was spectacular. (Cheno deserved that Tony though).  O'hara's performance was breathtaking which almost helped me forget whatever Watanabe was trying to sing or say.

"On The Town" and "An American in Paris" are both beautiful dance/ballet/musical shows but they are not that groundbreaking nor did they advance the art form to be remembered for years to come.  

The rest of the musicals, not to throw shade, but I have already forgotten them and the year ain't over yet!  (I did enjoy "It shoulda been you" though... One of my guilty pleasures this season)


Updated On: 7/27/15 at 12:04 AM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#37What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:10am

Fun Home

Beth Malone

Beth Malone's captivating smile

Sydney Lucas

Sydney Lucas' performance in Fun Home

Hamilton, which hopefully runs longer than Heights did

Michael Cerveris as Bruce Bechdel is one of his most iconic roles and his performance will be remembered forever

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#38What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:13am


Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

#39What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:53am

""Depending on how the years play out, I have to wonder if in 10-20 years there will be people looking back and wondering how Fun Home took home the Tony while Finding Neverland wasn't even in contention. "
^^^ I laughed out loud when I read this. 
"That's the stupidest thing that I have ever heard..."
Seriously wtf is that."

 Really? That is the stupidest thing you have ever heard? Really? Let's look at this realistically instead of as fanboys. The grosses for Finding Neverland are incredibly high. While it may not be a favorite here, it is a hit with audiences. Fun Home has strong sales right now, but how long can a small show with such controversial themes run?

Fun Home will be remembered fondly by those who have seen it in the last two years, and those who see the upcoming tour, but this won't play well in many regional houses in middle America. Although it may have life in college theatre departments, eventually the discussions will die down, and the big family friendly show that is Finding Neverland will still have a long life to live. It will be performed in high schools, community theatres, and regional theatres for years to come. 

Fun Home is the better show, and will always have a cult following, but it is the big shows that live in the memories of the masses. Ten to twenty years from now when Finding Neverland is still being performed in small theatres across America, people will indeed wonder how it was never in contention for a Tony Award, and how it lost out to a show that many will likely never have heard of.

That isn't stupid, it isn't funny, it is just looking at things practically.

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#40What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 3:11am

" But it is the big shows that live in the memories of the masses."

 A Chorus Line?


Next To Normal?

Your whole argument is ludicrous. Finding Neverland was a great show but it wasn't iconic and revolutionary like Fun Home. Its no Lion King, Wicked, or Phantom. But as for Fun Home, its slowly climbing us that ladder. Fun Home will most likely run longer due to its smaller theater and its Best Musical status, which has guaranteed it at least 2 years. When the rights are released it'll be performed at high schools until who knows when. I do believe Finding Neverland has longetivity but its way too early in the run to conclude that it'll have a successful longer run. Especially since Matt Morrison is still there. 

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

tazber Profile Photo
#41What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 6:38am



She's still goverend by child labor laws as well as Equity rules for minors.

Her talent may be beyond her years (and I agree, it is), but she's still classified as a child actor.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 7/27/15 at 06:38 AM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#42What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 12:46pm

She's still goverend by child labor laws as well as Equity rules for minors.
Her talent may be beyond her years (and I agree, it is), but she's still classified as a child actor."

 You obviously know what I mean...

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

tazber Profile Photo
#43What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:45pm

If I knew what you meant I wouldn't have bothered to reply.

I was pointing out that there is a reason why people refer to her as a child actor which has nothing to do with her talent.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 7/27/15 at 01:45 PM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#44What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:48pm

But you did know what I meant. If you didn't you wouldn't have brought up the logistics of someone who is classified as a "child actor" 

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

tazber Profile Photo
#45What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:52pm

I didn't bring it up, you did.

I just clarified your mis-leading statement.


....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 7/27/15 at 01:52 PM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#46What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:56pm

"I didn't bring it up, you did.
I just clarified your mis-leading statement.

 It wasn't misleading. It was pretty self-explanatory I think. Just because she's 12 people like to lable her as a child actor. Which she really isn't. Her standards are much higher than a child actor. She's just an actress who happens to be twelve. The logistics were unnecessary 

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#47What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 1:59pm

Is English your first language?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#48What will be remembered from this season?
Posted: 7/27/15 at 2:37pm

I in no way mean people right now who have lived and experienced this season, that will obviously never happen, but if Finding Neverland remains lucrative and sticks around for a long while, and also tours successfully, there will be an entire generation of kids who will hold onto it as being a special thing to them. Those are the people who in 20 years could end up insisting that it was all wrong in 2015.

I don't think I've heard anyone say that about Mamma Mia, Oh! Calcutta! or Grease.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
