
What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?- Page 2

What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?

#25re: What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?
Posted: 2/7/06 at 5:48pm

I'm not into girls either. I guess I would consider myself an Elphaba too. I'm alway missunderstood by my mom. She thinks my liking broadway, my liking Rent and Wicked is just an obsession. I hate it when my mom says that... "You're just obsessed natalie" I just want to be like shut up... She just doesn't understand when I like something, so I can feel like Elphaba a lot... totally missunderstood.

*Theres only us, theres only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss- no other road no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY! *

#26re: What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?
Posted: 2/7/06 at 6:05pm

Def Maureen... drama quenn... stage freak...out spoken... but not into girls, too.

I like Charlie Brown's hands... "It's like I'm being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal Mickey Mouse."

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#27re: What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?
Posted: 2/7/06 at 6:06pm

I relate very strongly to Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast because there was a time in my life when I was human and a servant in the castle of a beautiful but selfish princess. When the princess made the unfortunate mistake of offending the wrong person, a short little man who in actuality was a powerful leprechaun, the leprechaun's revenge curse affected all of us in the castle. The princess was turned into a giant hedgehog and all of us servants were turned into ceiling fans. The curse can only be lifted if someone comes along with a shadow that the princess hedgehog is not afraid of, but she is a very cowardly princess hedgehog. So when Lumiere longs for "Those good old days when [he was] useful" I know exactly what he's talking about.

Oh, and I have a German accent, but for some reason everybody around me either has a British accent or a standard American accent.

Either Lumiere or Mark Cohen or Nessa.

yr ronin,

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#28re: What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?
Posted: 2/7/06 at 6:20pm

LOL, Roninjoey.

I relate to Penny Pingleton, Elphaba, and Nessarose - perhaps a mix of all three. And there's definitely a touch of Nadia from bare.

#29re: What broadway character to you relate to most and Why?
Posted: 2/7/06 at 6:30pm

I'm weird, cause I'm female but I feel like I relate to Mark Cohen in RENT. Maybe because he's all outsideish in his group of friends, and observes them. But I also have Maureen moments. Without the liking of females.

Backbeat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
