Drowsy Chaperone Lotto

steven22 Profile Photo
#25re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 4/8/07 at 7:17pm

off topic but i tried the ave q lotto yesturday (saturday) matinne and i lost..

jordangirl Profile Photo
#26re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 4/9/07 at 12:09pm

Lotto for Drowsy really varies. Some days almost everyone gets in. Other days there's a big crowd. I think I'm about 50/50 for trying and winning. And one of those wins was a fluke ~ I'd paired up with a girl I'd met at the Wicked lotto, and then this older couple asked us what the crowd was. We told him, and the man said "So even though we've got tickets, I could put my name in and if it's drawn buy the tickets for you?" We nodded and he did. And HIS name got drawn. We were like "Grandpa! You won!" It was cute.

Last week it was crazy-busy because a lot of people were on break for Holy Week or Passover.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#27re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 4/9/07 at 12:22pm

When do they do the lottery and where does it take place?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#28re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 4/9/07 at 12:24pm

For an 8pm show, they take names from 6:30-7 and draw at 7.

Works nicely...you can do a 5:30 one (Rent, Ave. Q, Wicked, A Chorus Line), Spelling Bee at 6, and Drowsy at 6:30.

Basically for Drowsy they start taking names an hour and a half before curtain and draw an hour before curtain.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Eponine Profile Photo
#29re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:36pm

I walked by on Thursday...there was this cute guy collecting names. :)

There were a lot of people that day, so that's why I decided to prebuy my tix. Everyone has been most helpful! Now, to get my hands on "Gilbert!" (Not in a creepy stalkerish way...)

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#30re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 10/13/07 at 1:21pm

anybody tried drowsy lotto lately? Just wondering if it's crowds are down, becuase the attendance sure isre: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#31re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 10/13/07 at 1:31pm

ps. the drowsy lotto guy is definately gay eponine...i'll have a much better chance than you.

bwayrocks_ca Profile Photo
#32re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 10/13/07 at 4:46pm

I've done the lotto the past couple of weeks on Fridays, and there have been about 30 people for the 22 seats. However, last night (Friday), there was definitely over 50 people.... which means I did not win re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#33re: Drowsy Chaperone Lotto
Posted: 10/13/07 at 10:40pm

bwayrocks - thank u! I tried tonight and lost, but I'm gonna try Wicked and Drowsy tomorrow again...hopefully I'll win one of them:)
