
Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)- Page 2

Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#25re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/12/08 at 12:54pm

Splendero3: You are entitled to your opinion but you haven’t debated in an intelligent way (unlike Foster above, who I don’t take issue with) because you used inappropriate examples to illustrate your points, so to repeat myself yet again…

1) The appearance of Billy’s mother is a metaphor, as is Billy being hooked on to a rope. I learnt about metaphors in school sometime between the ages of 10 and 12 hence me assuming you were that age. Plenty of other theatrical productions use similar metaphors where characters speak to other characters who aren’t there in the actuality of the scene. Follies is an example, where the older characters interact with their younger selves, but there are many more in the pantheon of theatrical drama.

2) The dancing dresses echo and reference British Pantomime and Music Hall traditions, as does the long finale, as do the moments when the onstage performers acknowledge the audience eg Billy and Michael saying “Just like we rehearsed” to each other during the same song. It may have “made no sense” to you but it did to everyone who either understood what was going on or who looked outside of their own worldview to try.

3) Billy walking up the aisle leaving his friend onstage on the bicycle echos the sort of amateur entertainment the miners and their families would put on for themselves in their village social club. To reflect that sort of entertainment was a conscious decision made on the part of the author and director as can be read in the interviews they have given to the media. Do you honestly think that Stephen Daldry who directed An Inspector Calls in such a complex manner (e.g. different timezones inside and outside the house) would make anything other than a reasoned, deliberate, conscious decision? “DUH!”

4) Next time you’re in the UK let me know – I’ll drive you to Easington and you can personally tell the miners that you’re smarter than they are because you’re not amused by crotch jokes. I’ll even drive you to hospital when they’ve finished with you. Alternatively try to understand TBD2’s post, who deals with your ignorant snobbery more objectively.

You keep saying that you understand the show but you post nothing to evidence this. As I am getting bored out of my skull by repeating myself I shall not respond to you again unless you address the points I make by posting intelligent, substantive, justified comments instead of hiding behind your (repeat) bog-standard text book analysis.

Updated On: 11/12/08 at 12:54 PM

#26re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/12/08 at 2:54pm

Scripps, your insults are deeply, deeply insulting. I take deep offense at your comparing me a ten year old and your insistence that I don't understand the story in a historical context. In my opinion the show is flawed which surprises me since it has been produced by what are clearly experienced writers/directors/choreographers. I need to remind you that I am an artistic director of a regional theater and if I had a show with as many issues as this one has I would demand a major re-write.

The mother's presence is unclear. I maintain that if I didn't already know the story I would have no clue who she was or why she was there. Her wandering on and off from stage left was also unclear and seemed random at best. In fact several cast members ran on and off from that same area. It was never clear to me where they were going or where they had been when the came back on. Just one of the many problems caused by a lack of clarity, in this a clear idea of where the scenes were taking place. SPECIFICS!!!!!

My issue with many of the production numbers is that they had nothing to do with moving the plot forward. The number with billy, his friend and the dancing clothes was silly because the tone of the show suddenly changed. What was a fairly serious story with a very stark, darkly shaded set suddenly became a Las Vegas show or, as you say, a celebration of the Great English Music Hall. Same thing when the girls came rushing out with brightly colored ostritch feather fans. The tone suddenly changes and we have no idea why. In fact, the finale left me with the same feeling. Why are they doing a "mega mix" finale? It has nothing to do with the tone that was set at the beginning of the show. I'm sure Mr. Daldry had something specific in mind but I think it will be lost on an american audience that is not familiar with the history of the english Music hall. My opinion is that all it does is muddy the waters and make the story telling very unclear.

I still don't agree with you about the ending of the show. The last thing we should see is billy leaving to go to London. Not his friend staying home. It misses the point entirely.

#27re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/13/08 at 1:19pm

So offering to have somebody assaulted is an intelligent response???

The original poster is correct. Bily does well because of the cast. The score is uninspiring and the book is overly-sentimental. If it wasn't for the cast it would have little or no impact at all.
Updated On: 11/13/08 at 01:19 PM

#28re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/13/08 at 10:04pm

thanks for the support, mwill. that's what I've been trying to say in way too many words, clearly. Daldry's concept only confuses the show. His homage to the English Music Hall changes the tone set up in the opening number. It's as if there are two shows going on at the same time. It just doesn't work. in the end we get an excellent cast, a well executed show but lousy, uneven material that is for the most part unmemorable.

matty159 Profile Photo
#29re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/13/08 at 10:26pm

As the OP of this thread, I have loved seeing the evolution of it. A VERY spirited debate. I see both sides of what you are saying from both a personal and professional side. More than anything, Scripps2, you have made me research this show more thoroughly. Thanks. And spendero03, thanks for your take too. That a show can ellicit such a spirited talk is a very good thing. This is the very thing theatre is all about...and all the reason that we are all a critic (and a member of this board)...
Updated On: 11/13/08 at 10:26 PM

coryografer Profile Photo
#30re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/13/08 at 11:19pm

HURRAH for everyone who took part in this lively discussion. THIS is what a theatre message board should be. Thanks to all participants.

mwill London Profile Photo
mwill London
#31re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/16/08 at 5:09pm

Speaking as the original mwill, I'd say that the music is actually very inspiring.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#32re: Thoughts on BILLY (10/31) and EQUUS (11/1)
Posted: 11/16/08 at 5:32pm

Backing up to the Equus production....I, too, was non-plussed with Kate Mulgrew...whom I ADORE. I found she had little connection to the piece and no personal connection to Griffiths character.

And except for the personal attacks....I very much enjoyed reading all of the arguments of Billy. I can't add to that discussion until Christmas.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
