
Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away- Page 2

Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away

#25re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 12:18am

My information is most likely the source for everything that's followed today. I was notified around 3:30 by a friend of John's late Uncle Frank who had been called from McGlinn's apartment by a detective looking for his next of kin. Russell Warner was also called and he then called me and confirmed this.

At that point I posted the info on CastRecordingList as well as my Facebook page, and I emailed everyone for whom I had an address who had either worked with John, knew John, or been burned by John. This is not the place or time to be his critic and I, as one who worked with him for nearly 20 years, am most likely his largest critic. I think his SHOW BOAT is a great achievement, but I'm also aware of his failings as scholar, researcher, musician and friend. I believe I am most saddened by the fact that the breach in our friendship is now irreparable.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#26re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 1:45am

John McGlinn made some wonderful recordings and he had a great vision and he made some tremendous contributions.

Still, at least part of the reason he didn't make more recordings is that he alienated many people. Yes, it was money, but if the people who put up the money won't work with someone, that's a problem.

May he rest in peace.

jewishboy Profile Photo
#27re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 4:13am

So sad. His album of Show Boat is a work of art and his Brigadoon with Brent Barrett and Rebecca Luker is pretty awesome as well.

#28re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 11:48am

Thank you for all of your kind thoughts concerning my cousin, John McGlinn. His brother and sisters have been notified and his sister is in NYC at this time. As his family, we are deeply saddened by his death. Such great talent lost!
Lisa McGlinn Preston

#29re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 12:29pm

I am John McGlinn's younger brother. As many of you might know, he was estranged from my family for over 25 years despite our repeated attempts to help him as well as get in touch with him.

To be honest, I sadly don't no much about his life even though I lived near him in New York for over 15 years. My sister and I are in the process of trying to settle his affairs as well as put together an obituary for The New York Times and a possible memorial service - but I really don't know what his wishes were or who is friends are. It is just so sad.

If you have any information - friends, lawyers, personal wishes etc - you could share with my family, I would be eternally grateful. I can be reached by email at evster@att.net.

Thank you.


Evan McGlinn

#30re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 5:34pm

I was a good friend of John's from college until about 12 years ago. I was shocked and saddened by the news.

His SHOW BOAT is incomparable; his BRIGADOON only slightly less so. And his KERN TREASURY and BUSBY BERKELEY ALBUM ... just divine.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#31re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 6:45pm

This is a fascinating thread.

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

jv92 Profile Photo
#32re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/15/09 at 6:45pm

I shall listen to his Show Boat album tomorrow. He was a master. Regards to his friends and family.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#33re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/16/09 at 7:22am

Being a big fan of John McGlinn's SHOWBOAT and his CD of the overtures of George Gershwin and Jerome Kern, I suddenly feel the need to listen to more of his work. I have ordered THE BUSBY BERKELEY ALBUM and BROADWAY SHOWSTOPPERS from Amazon.com and know that I won't be disappointed.

My heart goes out to his family from whom he was apparently estranged.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

Paul Gruber
#33re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/17/09 at 1:04pm

Teresa Stratas has asked that I post this to the message board:

"Thank you for the music, dear friend."
Teresa Stratas

Paul W. Thompson Profile Photo
Paul W. Thompson
#34re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/19/09 at 12:11pm

Here is a link to today's lovely NYT obituary article on John McGlinn.


And I can't believe I forgot about the "Kiri Sings Gershwin" album. It is simply ravishing, and if you don't have it you must rush out and get it immediately. I think it was a top seller, too.

#35re: Conductor John McGlinn has Passed Away
Posted: 2/19/09 at 4:20pm

My name is Gerard Stropnicky, and John and I were friends when we were Northwestern together. I think I was one of his few friends at the time -- he was so brilliant, so opinionated that he tended even then to alienate many people. I just didn't let it bother me; I rather enjoyed his company. John's apartment was down the hall from mine, and we ended up hanging out together quite a bit. We bonded over "Popcorn and Monty Python on TV" for a score of Sunday nights. He bamboozled me into writing for Waa-Mu, the glitzy original musical at NU. We laughed a lot, along with a third of that group, Ron Ensel, who died two years ago.

We stayed in touch for a few years after NU -- we never had a falling out that I remember. But in those days before Facebook, it was just harder to stay in touch. I'd hear about his many accomplishments, listen to his recordings, and would celebrate from afar. I was proud to know John -- and I'm so sad to learn of his passing, and of how alone he seemed to be at the end.

I'm a theatre professional, freelancing around the country, but mostly serving as Producing Ensemble Director for Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble in Bloomsburg PA, which I co-founded 31 years ago. My own son (now 20) has the form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome -- and in him I see much that reminds me of John. The precision, the eccentricty, the sometimes savant abilities.

Brilliance like John's was a rare thing. His unforgiving perfectionism was such that when used well, it made the world better. But it was certainly a two-edged sword.

You seem to be in great pain -- and I do understand. If I can help to fill in any blanks around those years of the mid to late 70's, let me know. - Jerry Stropnicky
