
Newport Beach, CA High School Cancels RENT, Blames Gay Characters - Page 2

Newport Beach, CA High School Cancels RENT, Blames Gay Characters

winston89 Profile Photo
#25re: Newport Beach, CA High School Cancels RENT, Blames Gay Characters
Posted: 2/18/09 at 3:26pm

I remember one high school class where we watched the movie of Rent and used that as a discussion jump off spot. The teacher treated us like adults and said that he knew that the material in the movie that we would be exposed to is nothing new to us, and he knew that we were all adult enough to handle it. My high school was very laid back and the headmaster was usually open to letting the kids see anything in class so long as the general consensus was that they were okay with it. I never once had a permission slip sent home because of a movie that we were watching in class.

Now, I do understand that there are movies, shows etc to see that are appropriate for a classroom or school setting. And, there are things that aren't. I am okay with that and I understand that. The thing that bothers me are teachers who are convinced that their high school student never saw an R rated movie where they drop the F bomb.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll
Updated On: 2/18/09 at 03:26 PM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#26re: Newport Beach, CA High School Cancels RENT, Blames Gay Characters
Posted: 2/18/09 at 5:46pm

I, too, went to a Catholic high school and was surprised with some of the stuff we could get away with. We did Brighton Beach Memoirs (with only a few minor cuts), All My Sons, House of Blue Leaves, and Sly Fox. Yet, our theatre director decided it would be too much to take on RENT this year because of not how the parents would react, but how the alumni would react. Any high school takes money from alumni, especially Catholic schools. If an alumnus sees something they don't like, the school risks them pulling money. Most schools, particularly nowadays, need all the help they can get, financially. I can understand the principal pulling RENT from the school's theatre season. It could have been for any number of reasons and I would still understand. I don't find it offensive as a gay man that he did so for reasons of the homosexual plot points. It's how society is right now. We're making progress as a society, but as of now, it isn't quite as accepting of homosexuality. The principal did what he thought was best for the school and, in the end, for the students and the theatre.

Amneris Profile Photo
#28re: Newport Beach, CA High School Cancels RENT, Blames Gay Characters
Posted: 2/19/09 at 12:21am

Has anyone seen Summer Heights High? This case totally reminds me of that.

And...remind me...Why am I a Dumb F-Asterik?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
