City of Angels revival

Valjeanjolras Profile Photo
#25re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 1:50am

By that logic... Daphne Rubin-Vega should play Bobbi/Gabby

kissmekateshindle Profile Photo
#26re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 1:56am

All things Wildhorn to me are sacred. To be perfectly FRANK, I think Christine Andreas would also nail the Bobbi/Gabby track but I can't associate my Pimpernel leads with anything but what they are in my heart. Also regarding Laura Benanti, it's not like Louise is a soaring soprano role. Nor her role in The Wedding Singer. Laura is a sultry dame who would fit nicely into that track. The original Bobbi/Gabby Kay McClelland played her share of higher sops in her day as well. Good voices are versatile.

#27re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 1:57am

City of Angels is a tough show...
I think it's o.k. from a writing standpoint.
From a production standpoint, it really has to be done well to impress.
I saw an amature children's production (teenagers) and it fell flat.

kissmekateshindle Profile Photo
#28re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 2:04am

City is a nearly perfect show if done well. The only problem is the terrible terrible ending. If technically done well it is a nail-biter.

#29re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 2:11am

"Good voices are versatile."

KMKS, my point about Rachel York exactly!

Why relegate her and Christine Andreas to one role for the rest of their careers???

Glad to hear you liked them in SP, though. re: City of Angels revival

Byron Abens
#30re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 2:14am

Louise is not thought of as a soprano role, but often cast with one because of Little Lamb (all four times I have done the show in the past Louise was a soprano, as well as in several other productions I have seen, Laura included). Unfortunately, the only aspect of Wedding Singer I really liked was Felicia Finley, so I didn't really see sultry coming from Laura Benanti in that.

I would love to hear someone like Valarie Pettiford sing "With Every Breath I Take." Yes, she is primarily known as a dancer, but go back and listen to her "Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries." That is the sound I associate with Bobbi.

PS - On a side note, I must say it's refreshing that I feel like a real dialogue is occurring here, as opposed to the usual descent into childish name calling we so often see on these boards!

kissmekateshindle Profile Photo
#31re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 2:32am

I think we should compromise with Sarah Uriarte Berry in the Bobbi track. Although Franca is a Sop role, Ms Berry seems to have a chest heavy soprano and I'm sure that she has the low notes for Bobbi. And there is no questioning her sultriness. Byron I'm interested in your opinions on the rest of my ideas for the cast.

Byron Abens
#32re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 12:06pm

The rest of your cast from your original post sounds pretty good to me, though now that I've slept on it I would like to see Leslie Kritzer as Oolie/Donna. Now there is a girl with some great comedic chops and an amazing voice (and is a doll to work with, or at least was way back in the day when we did Evita in upstate NY).

I briefly wondered if Kate Shindle might be too young for Alaura, but she definitely fulfills the legs for days requirement of that role, and when I checked is now only about 4 or 5 years younger than Dee Hoty was.

PimpinPimpernel Profile Photo
#33re: City of Angels revival
Posted: 3/2/09 at 8:02pm

"Kate Shindle...definitely fulfills the legs for days requirement of that role..."

