
MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#50re: Belting
Posted: 7/27/04 at 6:11pm

Of course I am, but I'm in the DC area, so you'd have to be here. I'm actually just starting my career, so my space is pretty open. I usually do what most teachers do and give a sample lesson at a discount b/c no voice teacher is right for all students, you have to find the one best for you. (As before, this is of course for all to see, too.)

#51re: Belting
Posted: 7/27/04 at 6:22pm

Please everyone take this stuff seriously. That high belting done at such a young age, can seem easy, but really end up hurting you. I used to pride myself on what a "high" belter I was back in grade school, jr high, and high school. Know where it lead me? By senior year I have nodules and had to take 3 months of total vocal rest plus a year of intensive vocal therapy. Many of those years I had a voice teacher too so it wasn't like I was just out there winging it. I'm not saying don't belt, b/c I still do it, but make sure you're voice has matured before you invest a lot of energy into it and also please make sure your voice teacher is one of the best. There are so many out there its worth it to shop around. While I enjoyed Elphies stuff I was nervous a lot of the time about her belting technique. She seemed to be right on the path where I was, the outcome is NOT fun.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#52re: Belting
Posted: 7/27/04 at 8:31pm

I've had voice therapy too (fortunately before I ever got nodules), but it sounds to me more like you had a teacher that didn't know his/her stuff. Belting high isn't going to hurt you, if you do it right. Just remember, if it hurts, it's wrong. You really should feel just about nothing when you sing, except maybe at the very bottom of your range (before you go into fry).

Roxie Profile Photo
#53re: Belting
Posted: 7/27/04 at 10:26pm

Thanks for everything MusicPos2. I'm really nervous about auditioning for school and to hear that they are looking for potential not perfection is reassuring. I know that I have potential. It's funny that you would say that I might not be the next Kristin because my name is Kristen lol. Looks like i might have to cahnge my name haha. Thanks again.

#54re: Belting
Posted: 7/27/04 at 10:28pm

haha. darn musicpos2, i'm in brooklyn.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#55re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 8:33am

I just saw this string or I would have replied earlier. I'm actually a prof voice teacher in NYC. Alot of people have different definitions of "belting"..but most people can learn to do it healthily. Actually sopranos are alot better at some times than mezzos....anyway happy to talk more about this to anyone interested.

Good luck!

Roxie Profile Photo
#56re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:57am

I'm the one who posted this originally. I would love to hear any tips you have on developing a belt. I'ma soprano and am 16 if that helps any. Thanks for any advicve.

#57re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:58am

same for me! i would love to hear any info as well. soprano, 16 years old as well.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

Roxie Profile Photo
#58re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:00pm

Cool, we're like the same. lol

#59re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:01pm

haha. i know. weird, huh.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

#60re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 2:38pm

WEll it's really hard to explain over's more of something I'd have to work with you on as a student. ARe you close to NYC?

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#61re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 3:37pm

I can recommend a lot of great voice teachers in NYC (all reasonably priced, from what I know), and they're all faculty of the NYU School of Education.

Roxie Profile Photo
#62re: Belting
Posted: 7/28/04 at 4:01pm

Thanks for the advice but unfortunately I live in NB Canada, 14 hours away from NYC. re: Belting
