
Has the Light in the Piazza gone out?- Page 3

Has the Light in the Piazza gone out?

#50LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday
Posted: 7/28/05 at 2:42pm

most of the more colorful language is in italian LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday

#51LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday
Posted: 7/28/05 at 5:30pm

Redhot, all I said was that there was a connection between your absence and the lack of threads about the show.

This is not to imply that I don't like art, that I don't appreciate things that move audiences and least of all, that I am against you or "positivity."

Just that there's a corrolary relationship. However, your positing that maybe people "gave up" on the show or "didn't care" about it anymore would give make any guilt-inducing mother proud.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#52LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday
Posted: 7/28/05 at 6:23pm

I'm just speaking from personal expericence... I'm glad that the Tony's boosted up the sales for each of the shows nominated, but for me I went in July because it was the only time I could go. I was so excited for the Tony's because of Light in the Piazza's two [well... maybe one and a half] performances for the night.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#53LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday
Posted: 7/29/05 at 12:56pm

Namo - I'm not here to argue or start anything - and my comment wasn't necessarily pointed at you. Though I do wish you'd rethink the way you word things sometimes. When people read a message from someone, they can't hear an inflection or tone of voice, so they have no idea whether the person is being sarcastic, funny, or mean and judgemental. There are a lot of people on these boards, especially in the past year, that just insist on making comments that seem bitter, sarcastic, and aimed at bringing people down. I'm a firm beleiver that "misery loves company" so I always chalk it up to that. If people can't find a reason to be happy, kind, and sincere, then I feel that their comments don't belong on a board like this.(And believe me, I am just as guilty as the rest, of coming here when I'm in a bad mood and bashing someone's favorite show) I'm trying to correct that in myself and find it very off-putting when others do it. I may seem like a pure PollyAnna to some people - but I'll be damned if I'll let people's bitterness at how lousy their own lives are, ruin my day. Sure, Life is hard. I say get over it and keep moving forward in a positive way and with a positive attitude, as difficult as that may be for some people.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#54LC Saw a Bright LITP on Sunday
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:09pm

Tinny, I am glad you at least acknowledge your negativity. It really surfaced in your evaluation of WICKED. Some people find THIS show “Life affirming”, yet you had to point out how “insipid and simple” the writing and effects are.

Hey - I felt cheated when the flying WORKED...its so lame.

but they settled for such a lame affect - it is just so obvious that she's standing on/or attached to something that simply lifts her straight up into the air - it's just boring. (but then, I found the whole show boring, after having read the book)

Look at the insipid quality of the writing of Wicked and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Exactly one of the reasons I dislike the show so much. none of the depth of the book - only "very simple lyrics" geared to a majority of the ticket buying public. She's a frigging WITCH for chrissakes - SHE SHOULD FLY. There is no magic in the show at all - and thats what people expect.


#55Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:18pm

Yuck, another vomit inducing post about Piazza by Red. I guess such threads won't stop until the show closes, and even then, I expect we will continue to hear from Red about how wonderful it is and that no other show in the history of theatre can ever match it.

I also expect that we will see this thread bumped continually like all of Red's other Piazza posts.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#56Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:21pm

Sue - that TinyToon review makes me laugh, only because he thinks BKLYN is the sh*t.

But, oh, it is sh*t alright.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#57Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:22pm

Oh, Nard, that is redhoTINNYc not TINY-TOON.


Thenardier Profile Photo
#58Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:24pm


Now it isn't so funny.

You wrote "Tinny" I thought it meant Tiny Toon - not redhoTINNY


#59Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:28pm

this is random, but are matt morrison and laura bell bundy still dating?
sry, randomness!

#60Never Enough
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:29pm

Please. I prefer "upchuck" to "vomit."

The terms apply to bad pizza not delicious Piazza.

Get a vocabulary.
Updated On: 7/29/05 at 01:29 PM

robbiej Profile Photo
#61Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:35pm

I think I can finally begin to explain what I didn't like about PIAZZA. I feel the treatment of the story...which is incredibly dark...mother basically sells her daughter supposedly for the daughter's happiness without really understanding or not caring about the ramifications...was actually told too romantically. I know I did not find this show particularly romantic...or even love-affirming. The story is actually pretty bleak. And I felt the treatment of the material was insufficient for all the dark underpinnings. It seemed to want to be a simply story about the power of love. And that's how it was told, which is why it didn't work for me. The darkness in the Light in the Piazza was never fully explored.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#62Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:35pm

Sueleen - exactly my point. You and Bwayfan215 cannot come on line and say anything nice or sincere about anyone - all you know how to do is stir up trouble. I feel sorry for you both. You're exactly the kinds of people I was referring to in the previous post - bitter, jaded and sarcastic at all times. I admitted my shortcomings and yet you had to quote them back to me (and everyone else) just to show how much of a true b*tch you can be.
I know you're far too old to turn over a new leaf (but God could surprise me on that issue, too!)...but just once I wish you'd learn to live and let live as opposed to the constant knife-in-the-gut behaviour you insist on displaying on these boards. You can't drive me away, as much as you might like to. I will continue to most my sickeningly sweet, over the top, positive thinking, pollyanna filled posts and you can continue to read them or, like so many hundreds of people have suggested time and time again - you can choose to igore my remarks and only post on threads where you have some knowledge and can make a difference.
Grow f*cking up already.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#63Never Enough
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:41pm

I'm utterly bitter, sarcastic and jaded.

That's what people have always liked about me.

Who says this isn't about me?
Updated On: 7/29/05 at 01:41 PM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#64Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:45pm

The thing is, Tinny, I don't pretend to be something I am not. I admit I can be a bitch, but what I hate more than anything is hypocrisy. I will call people on their crap, I will stir the pot, but on the other hand I can be VERY positive about things. Perhaps you just refuse to see it because to you people are either one way or the other. Black or white. Why is it so hard for you to see that people can be negative and bitchy at times and still be good people? I don’t think there is anyone on this board that is a bad person. We all have our own senses of humor some more wicked (sorry) than others, our own measure of quality…so why don’t you acknowledge that and move on…


#65Enough Already
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:47pm

"Grow f*cking up already." Well that was a little nasty.

Robbie, I love you. Yes...simply put the plot made me sick. This is a relationship destined to fail. I saw nothing life affirming about it.

And for the record, I am sarcastic, mean and judgmental. Doesn't make me a bad person. Some in fact find it refreshing 'cause they know I'm not blowing smoke up anyones patootie.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

#66Never Enough!
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:51pm

Who feels all these compliments are personally directed at them?

Raise your hand!

(No, not you.)

Sorry, it's a lovefest for Piazza and its shimmering performers.

Kiss kiss kiss.

Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:55pm

um, matthew and laura bell? to my knowledge they never dated... aside from within the storyline of hairspray as amber and link...
Updated On: 7/29/05 at 01:55 PM

Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:15pm

So much for Red ignoring my posts.

Actually I have lots of nice things to say and say them often.

Here is one - I LOVED Piazza, in fact, I am listening to it know.

What I object to is the same nonsense being posted week after week. I swear, Red must be on the Piazza payroll.

It is wonderful to love a show and be passionate about it. I applaud it. But posting for the sake of posting is annoying to me and many others who don't have the balls to say anything about it.

I find Red's posts to be self serving and repetitive. I find all too often that many of his posts read like mini-resumes. I realize that people in "the business" have rather self-inflated egos and my opinion of Red is that he is one of them. In most of his posts we have to repeatedly be subjected to who he studies with, what actor he knows, who is good/bad in his "professional" opinion, what awards he is nominated for, which he has won or lost, what shows he has been in, blah blah blah.

Just tired of some posters on this site who hold themselves up as experts on the subject of theatre. Red in one, Margo another, WISHIHADATONY was another, but thankfully is gone.

I don't post often as you can tell, but can't resist when I see such repetitive pomposity.

Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:55pm

Red, I'm not sure why you felt the need to get defensive about the fact that there are fewer Piazza posts when you are not here to create new ones or goose up old ones? Whether or not I was being sarcastic or judgmental (and this time I was being neither), it's simply an objectively verifiable fact. No Red = Less Piazza.

And the use of the word "bitter" is just so 14-year-old drum majorette who tried out for cheerleading, didn't make it, but disses people who could only get into band as being "bitter."

I agree with whomever spoke in favor of INTEGRATED personalities, ones that can be bitchy, funny, kind, serious, stupid, angry, AND generous without having to inhale pink and exhale blue and align their chakras and force-feed their lives into (largely artificial) fonts of positivity.

Because (and mark my words on this one) REAL LIFE always comes back and bites such people real hard on the ass.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Thenardier Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:58pm

"um, matthew and laura bell? to my knowledge they never dated... aside from within the storyline of hairspray as amber and link..."

It is like that episode of FRIENDS, when Brooke Shield's can't seperate Joey from Dr. Drake Ramorey.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/05 at 3:50pm

Namo - Real life comes back and bites EVERYONE on the ass. But the people who maintain a positive attitude and the capability to rise above any situation, generally fare better when it happens to them. I speak from experience. Integrated personalities may certainly be the ones who survive in a very harsh world - but if someone exhibits an overly bitchy style of behaviour around me - I just walk away - it isn't worth my time of day to have to put up with it. I also don't see where you thought I was being defensive about the lack of Piazza posts...I was simply asking a general question, wondering whether the hoopla had died down or not. Just making pleasant conversation.
Thanks for your input though. Always enlightening to hear from you. And that was not meant sarcastically. I find you to be very well-versed, intelligent and informative, if also a tad confrontational. To each his/her own. It's a very large world we live in and there is room for everyone.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

Starchild Profile Photo
Posted: 8/1/05 at 3:46pm

RE: THENARDIER: Enough Already Posted On:7/29/05 at 01:21 PM
"Sue - that TinyToon review makes me laugh, only because he thinks BKLYN is the sh*t.
But, oh, it is sh*t alright."

---I've read positive stuff you've posted about BKLYN, Thenardier. It's kinda hypocritical and completely random to sucker punch Tiny Toon on a board about LITP, isn't it? Why you gotta be a hater? One's trash is another's treasure. And enough with the personal attacks.

I'm going to see LITP this Friday night, I'm looking forward to it!

VB: Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregard... WW: I don't care.
Updated On: 8/1/05 at 03:46 PM
