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re: Brooklyn Tour Ended Tonight--Post Your Love Here!
 Aug 21 2006, 10:30:58 AM
I saw the tour, two shows in Hartford. I am pleased to say the house was full both times, and the touring cast really was excellent. Of course, Julie, Lee, and Cleavant had all performed those roles before (At least, I think Julie had done Faith, I know she did BKLYN). So they were comfortable. Diana was a great addition to the cast. Melba Moore had some good moments, and she can hold a note, but she did mess up a few times during one of th performances I saw. However, all in all, I really enjoy
re: let's get ready for some football!!!
 Jan 15 2006, 04:31:01 AM
'HAWKS!!! I love Shaun Alexander, he's a great player from Alabama who made good in the pros. Of course, he just have gotten hurt; he barely played today. Hasselback had more rushing yards!! I couldn't tell what happened -- I'm in Korea for my brother's wedding, and I watched the broadcast live but in Korean. Very weird.

Missed Broncos/Pats, but will try to catch parts of the other games tomorrow. Have to get up at 3 a.m. for the first game tho. A

re: Brooklyn Tour to Bow at Hartford's Bushnell Center; Calhoun Directs
 Nov 18 2005, 02:34:59 PM
I agree, I think that a less high brow audience will take well to Brooklyn. I hope it does well in its tour. I am looking forward to seeing it in Hartford. How weird to see it with other performers.
 Oct 4 2005, 04:28:17 PM
I saw it Friday night too. I enjoyed reading all the reviews and the few divergent opinions there were. I was entertained, parts were good, I was able to follow the show completely (I'm sure this is because I have ADHD.) I was under the impression that the Jenny character has OCD, but I didn't see any performance of those qualities. If anything, she's ADHD. I'd leave everything as is but cut the Nick/Samantha stuff. Or not. And those jingles I read somewhere are jingles (Dr Pepper, VW) which wer
re: In My Life Continuity Problems
 Oct 4 2005, 02:48:14 PM
Margo, I think the one of Indian descent is the actress who plays the little girl, Vera. Liz is the mom. The actress who plays Liz (her name is like Pamela Golden, something like that) her little boy is about 3 or 4 and he cold not stop waving during her song, he kept waving at her, it was really cute. He told everyone in line getting tickets this was "my mommy's show." HE REALLY enjoyed the show!
re: In My Life Continuity Problems
 Oct 4 2005, 01:16:27 PM
I agree with Margo Channing. I was entertained by the show. The whole giant lemon thing at the end made me laugh tho. How many critics are going to use that symbolism when they kill this show? Like ALL of them? I did not hate the show. Parts I thought were cute. I really enjoyed the voices of Jenny and Vera and Liz. All in all, I probably wouldn't recommend anyone spend hard earned money, but for a laugh if bored, buy a TDF ticket and go.

this is pretty much just FYI, and really not im

re: In My Life First Preview! (9/30/05)
 Sep 28 2005, 12:13:48 PM
I have 2 different samplers of the show, (One had an extra song) and while the toerh songs are OK, I agree that I am my mother's son is basically unlistenable. It is an odd concept too. We'll see. i plan to get a TDF ticket and check it out.
re: Kathy Griffin, husband split
 Sep 28 2005, 12:10:48 PM
Yes, Chrysanthemum, there are a FEW who can be married and in "showbiz" -- Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, Michael J Fox and Tracey Pollan (sp), there are a few more I'm forgetting -- David Duchovny and Tea Leone (at least, so far) -- help me out here, folks. (there are also many biz types who are married to non-celebs as well, I'm not a familiar with them...). But it is clearly a difficult thing to make a marriage work in the "real world" so i can't imagine doing it under the celebrity micros
 Sep 28 2005, 11:55:04 AM
Up in Lost, I don't think saying their dolphins who morph is ruining the show, you find that out in the first minute. And it's in the program. Or did I say something else I don't realize?
 Sep 27 2005, 05:20:35 PM
I liked the show. Yeah, it's a little whacked, being it's dolphins who talk and morph into humans. But I loved the music and the dancing and thought it was really creative and original. Too bad about the guy who couldn't perform. He was really good. I saw both acts.
New Orleans Facing Katrina and Where Is the President?
 Aug 31 2005, 07:05:05 PM
Just for the record, my previous post isn't so much about hate (except to the extent that I DO I DO I DO I DO hate that Bush 43 that complete MORON is our president) as it is about knowledge and sounding off without knowing facts. "Traveling outside the US in the 90's" doesn't actually excuse ignorance. All one had to be doing was paying attention during the 2004 presidential campaigns to know what I know.

Venting here tho, isn't making it any better, considering how much planning could have been done that wasn't to protect, for example, New Orleans. I read a great article that wasn't written that recently about how NOLA would become a toxic soupbowl if more than a Cat. 3 'cane hit it.

here's the article:

Now look kids, supposition becomes reality! Nice. And if they'd just bolstered the levees in advance of this disaster, perhaps this great city and its inhabitants wouldn't be swimming in dead bodies and toxic waste. It's so sad. I hope Bush enjoyed that golf game and playing the guitar yesterday. F*cker.

re: Mamma Mia, .. What are your thoughts.
 Aug 31 2005, 11:48:24 AM
I can only say thank god I got a half price ticket. It was cute mindless fluff, designed for the tourist crowd. I didn't hate it, but I don't see what the fuss is about either. I did think that the current cast, with Carolee Carmelo, did a great job.
re: The Next Elphaba
 Aug 29 2005, 06:42:40 PM
I'd love to see Eden back in NYC doing Wicked. I've read good reviews of her on tour in SF, and I saw a video of her singing at a promotional appearance and she was great. I'd like to see all the Elphabas so I so I can compare. I have seen Idina and she was fab. of course. Love to be (or have been...) a fly on the wall at the tryouts.

Bo Bice would be great too, he's got the hair.

re: Ramona Keller
 Aug 29 2005, 06:30:31 PM
This could go on all day. At least there is one thing we can agree on, Then, and that is that BKLYN is closed, so get over it.

As for Ramona, she is great. I am anxious to see what she does next. I hope it's not a LONG wait!

re: Ramona Keller
 Aug 29 2005, 01:47:13 PM
Last time I saw her, I asked Ms Keller what she was doing next after BKLYN's close, and she said, "Rest!" She didn't have an immediate next show from what I could tell. I hope that she re-appears soon, I think she's very talented. Can't wait to see her next effort.

I can't help but ask, tho -- Thenardier, why do you STILL persist in taking cheap shots at BKLYN? Anyone who can read knows your opinion.

I agree that Ramona's buzz was overshadowed by Eden's buzz. And it did appea

re: ASA Somers
 Aug 6 2005, 01:41:11 AM
I did a review of the show, Once Around the Sun, at this thread if you're interested...

re: let's get ready for some football!!!
 Aug 6 2005, 01:25:23 AM
I am from ALABAMA, a big Crimson Tide fan, and I say ROLL TIDE ROLL! I cannot wait, it's a month till kickoff and I'm chomping at the bit. I can't WAIT to tailgate.

SEC baby!!

If I have to choose a pro team, I can watch Giants (or Jets), and SeaHawks b/c of Shaun Alexander (former Tide star)

I LOVE this thread, thanks Liotte!!

LOL JohnPopa, I think Gallagher has a point, tho I do like to watch almost any live sporting event. Soccer can be uneventful, we Americ

re: Once Around the Sun previews review
 Aug 6 2005, 01:18:02 AM
Hickok looks 48 to me.... i was real close ! I hope y'all enjoy the show, it's light entertaining fare, but definitely entertaining! come back and let me know what you thought!
re: Christina Applegate vs. John Lithgow (just hear me out)
 Aug 5 2005, 01:36:11 PM
Margo Channing, I agree with your discussion of Christina Applegate as Charity. I saw the show (I recommend every does before they give their opinions of this revival). I like Applegate fine as an actress. She does have charm and some stage presence, and what she did to keep the show afloat is admirable. However, it was clear the choreography was simplified, and she was, I thought, just passable in performing it. Her voice was fine, her acting was good, her dancing passable. I didn't hate the sh
re: Wicked in SF
 Aug 5 2005, 12:44:41 PM
MUST HAVE REVIEWS!!! please do post post-show, thanks!
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