
Josh Strickland Questions...- Page 3

Josh Strickland Questions...

#50re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/22/07 at 10:40am

He responds to fanmail - I got a signed headshot back.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#51re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/22/07 at 2:41pm

I saw Tarzan last year (unfortunately) however Josh Strickland was the best thing about the show (I mean his acting, singing, etc).
He appeared to be quite congenial to his fans at the stage door and I will never forget that.

#52re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/22/07 at 4:41pm

I've listened to some of the songs from Tarzan, and I FELL IN LOVE with Josh's voice! but unfortunately, i dont think i'm gonna see him as Tarzan, i'm probably gonna have to wait for Tarzan to go on tour re: Josh Strickland Questions...

Jared Leto is my husbanddd <3333 :)
Updated On: 4/22/07 at 04:41 PM

jv92 Profile Photo
#54re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/22/07 at 9:31pm

I hear Mr. Strickland has two options after leaving Tarzan-

1. Star in Cher! The Jukebox Extravaganza! as the title role
2. Star in the heavily discussed Mommie Dearest musical (As Christina. I'd love to hear the big "Mommie Dearest" power ballad title number.)

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#55re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/23/07 at 1:13pm

Josh is amazing! LOVE him, great voice, great looks: amazing Tarzan... hope he could proceed to something else after Tarzan!

All That Jazz Check out & support my drawings @ www.facebook.com/felixdrawings

#56re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 4/23/07 at 1:27pm


i would pay to see either of those shows.

skingdom out.

#57re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:00pm

I'm sorry the 19 year old hated the show, but now that i WAS able to see it ( just before it closed)I stand by what i said earlier... for someone who has never been IN some sort of show, perhaps it is more difficult to appreciate some of what goes on.

The effects were not "over the top" and YES, there was a lot of swinging on ropes but we absolutely LOVED the show... myself AND the straight girl who went with me.

As for those who have spoken of wanting to see a ripped Tarzan, all I can say is to go back and look at the old black and white movies. Even if some had more body mass than Josh, none of them were well defined.

I thought it actually worked for Josh to not look like he had a bowflex in his tree-house. What Josh DOES have, though not "ripped" or "pumped up," was still not unpleasant to see on stage... and our tickets were second row center.

Other than Josh being pretty to look at ( yes, I think so even if some of you don't), I was more taken with his agility and facial expressions on stage.

I don't know about agility off stage, as I did not swing off to his tree house with him to find out... but he was SO kind to EVERYONE waiting at the stage door.

Sure, he can sing... so can I... but Josh can do things on stage I would NEVER be able to manage. His speaking voice vs. singing voice vs. whatever other voice he needs to put on for the role... mine may be a bit lower speaking and much lower singing than Josh's, but I can sympathize with him and any of the other male participants on this thread who have an appreciation for the masculine but don't quite fit the "ideal" image of what that comes across like.

Gentle speaking voice or not, I would not trade the moment I had to speak with Josh for one with a "performed" voice. I took a token gift ( not kinky, gay macho or effeminate) that had reason to have meaning in connection with the role Josh was playing... just a kind gesture... but hearing him speak AS himself as he first saw his gift was quite meaningful for me.

I understand that I am one of many who showed up with presents, especially near the end of the run... but for Josh's privacy, I will not speak any more of that meeting.

NO, there was nothing inappropriate... but I have no wish to make an issue of the moment when we spoke... but watching how much care he took with the mass of people that was keeping him from being able to leave bas beautiful to see.

Had the show continued, I would have made the trip back to New York to see it again. My initial fears over spending the money for the tickets evaporated as soon as the curtain went up.

As for those who spoke of "dead spots," I can't really follow the thought process. Maybe it is because of where our seats were, but all of it was over far to quickly to suit me... and not just because of Josh... the woman who played Kala ripped my heart out and Jane was great as well... well, honestly,everyone was...

#58re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:02pm

keystroke error... it should have been "10 year old"

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#59re: Josh Strickland Questions...
Posted: 7/15/07 at 5:25pm

re: Josh Strickland Questions...

There are some really great pics with fans on his website...


And after watching him in the videos (media section) I'm a bigger fan than ever. I, for one hope to see him back on stage soon. He's just wonderful, adorable & hot!!!! ~smiles~

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)
Updated On: 7/15/07 at 05:25 PM
