
Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)- Page 3

Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)

D2 Profile Photo
#50re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/18/07 at 10:01am

I don't understand what most of you want from Sutton Foster. Do you want her to be your best friend? Your sister? Your lover?

Or just what she is - a working actress, doing her job and very lucky to be going from one show to another. She is a human being, she has her good days and her bad days just like the rest of us. And if she chooses to leave the theatre via another exit, you might want to consider the reasons why she does so, rather than bash her for it.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

pjsings Profile Photo
#51re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/18/07 at 4:19pm

Ok, I have to say this for the Sutton fans out there. I didn't get to see her in the show sadly. I was so bummed about not seeing her and getting to meet he, but then I remembered reading a post here saying to go to the stagedoor before the show. So the next day I did that, and I met her. She was absoultely a sweetheart and talked to me and two fellow fans for 5 minutes and talked about her upcoming projects. I gave her tea which she was so grateful for(ginger for you fans) She wasn't even close to being a diva, consdiering it was close to her calltime, she seemed interestd in talking to her fans, signing autographs, and taking pictures. There is always a way to meet someone who you admire. I'm trying to say be a stalker or anything, but I gave it a shot and it worked, so passing the word on. I think some people forget that here and tend to get negative with people and their heros and the stagedoor. That's all..
Beth was indeed an incredible person! :)

nygrl23 Profile Photo
#52re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/18/07 at 8:11pm

I saw the show at the end of March, and loved it very much. The whole cast was just stellar and Jonathan Crombie was terrific. I'm sorry to hear he'd been having voice issues near the end of the run.

Sutton Foster's work is always wonderful to watch, but that strange vibe some people have been mentioning was there for me, too. Thought I was the only one who felt that 'edge' going on. She might have been ready to leave the show earlier than she agreed to, perhaps she really needs a break. Can't speculate at all, but I do wish her well and hope things are okay with her.

Too bad JC couldn't stay in the show a bit longer. But I hope to see him again on Broadway.

#53re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/18/07 at 9:59pm

its funny because i saw sutton about 3 weeks ago and i heard the same thing. that she acts bored and irrated throughout the show. when i saw it i didnt sense that at all and i thought she was absolutly fabulous. its her job to be wonderful and she has never disappointed me thus far!

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#54re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/18/07 at 11:32pm

I saw DROWSY the first night of previews and then 9 more times over the year, the last time being April 7. Sutton Foster was just as good on April 7, 2007 as she was April 3, 2006. I never felt that she was "going through the motions" or seemed "bored." Ever.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"



"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#55re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/19/07 at 4:12am

Sutton is incredible.

'nuff said

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

nygrl23 Profile Photo
#56re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/20/07 at 10:28pm

Yes, she is incredible. But I got a pretty strong vibe that she wasn't all that into it, and I was sitting in row U. I admire her work very much, but my impression led me to, like the jerk I am, think up Forbidden Broadway-like lyrics in my head. ("I don't wanna do this no more, don't wanna do splits no more, don't wanna stage-schvitz no more, I'm blowing this off.")

Evil, sick and many kinds of wrong of me.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#57re: Today's Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone (Suttons last)
Posted: 4/29/07 at 9:18am

Word is that the creators of Drowsy are working on something new! I have to look for the article but something is brewing in the pot. Jonathan is really rooted in his home turf. It would have to be something very funny to lure him to Broadway again.

I hope it isn't really an "impossibility" though? "Show me the money"! It does have a strange effect on some people. Maybe, he can be bribed? We will have to see. Hearing about his throat trouble is well, disheartening at best. I saw the show on Friday and he sounded fine but things happen. It wasn't really sensitive to hear that poster's comments. I am sure it must have been terrible for him to have to go through that on stage.

Since it was his last performance, they probably were hoping for the best, that he could get through it. "Pass 'im the Vodka pleeze!" A little improvising doesn't hurt, in a moment of crisis 'er now does it, now? Brandy will do nicely!

Sutton was on her mark on Friday. I really doubt they did so much partying on Saturday that they were stumbling along on Sunday? I think she was just getting ready to do something new. Remember, she came with the show from Los Angeles, so she has been whooping it up for some time in this role.

Young Frankenstein does sound like fun, I can't blame her too much. Sometimes, you gotta go where the road to opportunity leads you. The Management of one production rarely has patience for another one. If she wanted to stay in New York for awhile, she needed to make her move when she could.

She was great when I saw her and I was happy that I did. I agree that more Actress' will come in with a fresh take on things and hopefully please other people. If the talent is good, I usually don't care who takes over the part.

I still hope we get either Martin or Crombie in San Francisco though. Obviously, we need better grab bags here in the City by the Bay because we sure aren't getting the talent from Broadway these days. I guess our, get drunk with the Mayor angle didn't turn out so good, so we need to come up something beside tours of Alcatraz, I guess?

Honestly! We aren't going to have a big Earthquake and you are not going to fall into the Bay, well at least not in that order. Usually, anyways...
Updated On: 4/29/07 at 09:18 AM

#58What are they up to?
Posted: 4/29/07 at 1:47pm

Do you recall what the article was about? I know Jonathan is working on a documentary about Ishtar (read it somewhere, can't remember where, but I'm sure it is googleable), but he isn't a Drowsy creator. I can't imagine anyone having to be "lured" to Broadway - gives me a giggle just to think about it.

GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#59What are they up to?
Posted: 4/29/07 at 1:59pm

"Word is that the creators of Drowsy are working on something new!"

I wish I recalled what Bob Martin told me on his last day but he did mention that he looks foward to coming backto New York and trying out the new material he's working on.

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#60What are they up to?
Posted: 4/29/07 at 8:10pm

Well, not everyone wants to be a Big Star on Broadway. He was happy to play the role and he really does love New York. It is just he loves Toronto just as much and has been working steadily there. So yes, it would take quite a part and some good money to lure him back to New York.

His project, with co-creator John Mitchell,"Waiting for Ishtar" is still in post production. They had some trouble getting a hold of Library users who were on the waiting list. Hopefully the articles in the paper helped them some. They have a lot of great interviews from former cast members and such. Check out their website, waitingforishtar.com/ if you like?

Here is the article about Bob and Casey's, secret project. Well, since it is still in the works, when does Bob have the time? Well, the whole team of "Drowsy" is working on it, bits and pieces, all of that, you understand right?


As for Crombie's involvement? It may come down to being tortured with developing dialog and some hopefully helpful input into the process. He has been involved with the project since the beginning but not directly writing the Play. This group goes back to their College days, so they all work off of each other's ideas. I do know that they have been working on stuff all along while still performing in Drowsy. He could have just been helping out Lisa with her song tune for Mr. Broadway too. That sounds like fun too! Don't forget to check that out!

#61What are they up to?
Posted: 4/29/07 at 9:05pm

Thanks, Tkt. I've asked you the same question on the toronto treats thread, so please ignore that request. Are you friends with the team or just a really good researcher?

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#62What are they up to?
Posted: 4/29/07 at 11:03pm

Well, I'm not sure? I would say more of a good fan since I only see Jonathan when I can catch him on stage. I don't live in Toronto. I have a fansite for Jonathan, jonathandcrombie-actor-site.com. It's new so I am still getting use to setting things up.

I've seen a lot of Jonathan's work in Toronto lately, so I get to run into him from time to time. He told me about Drowsy when it was in LA and I have been following the news ever since. I have just come to admire their work, as well as John Mitchell's and Brock Simpson's, along the way. Janet was actually onstage in, "All Hams on Deck", which also starred Jonathan Crombie. It was very funny, so I couldn't help but take an interest in them all.

I haven't met anyone, except for Jonathan and Brock. Though I might get lucky when the show comes to San Francisco, you never know? Unfortunately, my plane came in late on Thurs and I didn't get to meet Lisa. I guess you can say, I met Casey too, in a rather odd sort of way.

Jonathan knew I was working on the website so when he gets the chance to talk, he will tell me what is new. Jonathan is just such a great Actor and a very nice person too!

I should add too, that I have just been so jazzed that something that started at the Toronto Fringe Festival has grown into this great production on Broadway! I am just so happy for all of them. I had hoped all along that maybe Jonathan might take on a role in Drowsy again, since I wasn't following his work back then, so you can only imagine how I reacted when it was announced Jonathan Crombie will be sitting in for Bob Martin!

Well, I just couldn't believe it but it was true, so despite the many tales of woe and back alley abduction, dang Smallville episodes! I had to figure, if Spidey could do, so can I! So I packed my bags and finally endured the airmiles, delays to New York.

However I was a little disappointed. Everyone was so nice, I got good directions, felt safe walking the streets at night? I had a great visit that had to end way too soon. I am just so grateful I was able to see the Show and I am sure, I'll visit New York again some day. It was way cool!

Updated On: 4/29/07 at 11:03 PM
