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Member Name: nygrl23
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re: Neither party is addressing the economy
 Aug 27 2008, 08:13:38 PM
Yes, Dottie, where is the retribution? The most fitting punishment would be to take money away from those who profited most from the trainwrecky Bush admin. and place them in the types of minimum wage jobs that said admin. is so proud of creating.

Or give them the ol' Mussolini treatment. I'd put a photo of it, but it's a bit graphic, even for this crowd.

re: Subway Question!
 Jul 24 2008, 03:38:30 PM
The flat fare is sucky, yes. So is the fact that they've shaved 50 cents off the bonus fare when you put $10 or $20 on your card. $20 used to get you a $24 metrocard, now it's $23.50.

Meanwhile, the wait at 50th street for an uptown C continues to be at least 15 minutes.

re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
 Jun 7 2008, 07:38:01 PM
I think composers, producers, etc., should just write less belty and acrobatic scores. Breakdowns should not be calling for people who can belt to G or whatever. I'd rather hear something lyrical and articulate with the occasional fireworks than something that overdoes the loud.
re: EW says Chenoweth deserves an Emmy nod
 Jun 7 2008, 12:34:19 PM
I know, Liv. That's why I said "acting" Emmys.

Patrick Stewart should have won easily at SOME point during TNG's 7-year run.

re: New MY FAIR LADY film
 Jun 7 2008, 12:32:00 PM
Keira Knightly. Ick.
re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
 Jun 7 2008, 12:31:17 PM
What IS the healthy way to belt, oh Yoda?
re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
 Jun 2 2008, 11:54:08 AM
>Yup, pretty much. We try to belt, as part of our denial, but it just doesn't work. *weeps*

Well, I think that's a good thing. IMHO there is no healthy way to belt, and Eden Espinosa's belting sounds damaging. I think she's talented, but lucky.

re: Eden Espinosa-Pitch Issues
 Jun 2 2008, 06:46:41 AM
Another support group? They sure do spout up on here!

What IS a soprano in denial? Someone who wants sing Rent-ily but is actually better suited to Carousel-like material?

re: Appalling audience behavior at Little Mermaid last night
 Jun 1 2008, 10:14:17 PM
That's a drunk and disorderly and should have been dealt with immediately. I hope people got their money back.
the Senator from NY should NOT quit
 May 9 2008, 10:52:36 AM
>Oh, I will never stop loving Hillary.

I'll bet some nimrod will try to pay her off to drop out. Or threaten her, if they haven't already. After all, she did completely and suddenly stop talking about universal health care a short while into her stint as first lady.

re: Laura Bell Bundy Gets Sardi's Caricature
 Apr 30 2008, 12:36:49 PM
Doesn't really look like her at all. Looks more like a "she's got her own cartoon" kind of rendering.

Sutton hasn't gotten one yet? Strange.

re: Who was the nicest Broadway actor or actress you met?
 Apr 16 2008, 08:22:34 PM
Sutton helped me move!
re: Does anyone else think that the Sex & The City movie looks...
 Apr 16 2008, 10:23:39 AM
Carrie did get more manic with each season. I can't believe Aidan put up with her after her behavior at the country house in Suffern.
re: Phantom of the Opera is not my NUTELLA
 Apr 16 2008, 10:20:55 AM
I had to google koogle.
re: Broadway stars who did NOT go to College...
 Apr 12 2008, 09:42:18 AM
>>"He said 'College is for people who don't know what they want to do. I knew what I wanted to do.'"

College is also for people who need to get a degree in order to do what they want to do.

Knowing what you want to do and actually getting to do it is based on a lot of luck and happenstance. Showbiz is pretty happenstancey.

re: Wife of the head of Shubert Organization Makes You Tube VIDEO... MUST W
 Apr 11 2008, 08:21:49 PM
Well, she feels powerless, he made sure she'd be. If she can prove everything she's claiming in the video to be true, there isn't much grounds for lawsuits.
 Apr 11 2008, 10:46:54 AM
Very cool, jrb. You're definitely passionate about this, and it's contagious.

Sibling rivals they may indeed be, but their differences are their strengths. Makes it more interesting. And IMHO there are a lot of Kristins and Audras out there, versatile performers who bridge that gap.

Right now the only thing that the Met and MT have in common is trying to appeal to wider audiences by skewing younger and younger. The Met's hiring green, yet attractive, singers (with not

 Apr 11 2008, 10:12:21 AM
>People get passionate about this stuff and can disagree really intensely. I’m leery putting technical concepts on a forum. <

Thanks for your post, jrb. I've learned a lot from you today, cf. the resume thread. :) Hey...I'm cool with _all_ of this information. I'm really enjoying hearing about these points of view and the words that people keep using in lessons and rehearsal, but never can explain, as understanding the terms seems to be a time-release sort of process.

Are y

re: Singing range on resumes
 Apr 11 2008, 10:00:37 AM
Thanks, KrissySim, ljay889 and Jrb! Jrb, you made excellent points. For all the specificity that might be required at an audition, initial impressions in the form of a resume do have to contain a healthy amount of ambiguity, for lack of a better word, due to the tunnel visionitis you described.

Thanks for the advice, all, and thanks for the perspective, jrb! I've taken the range off the resume and left in vocal type (mezzo/soprano).

Singing range on resumes
 Apr 11 2008, 01:01:32 AM
Not sure which board this goes on...

For the singers on the board, what do you put for vocal range on your resumes? Do you include every note you're capable of reaching on your good days, or do you claim a stronger, smaller range?

Please excuse the newbie question.

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