
Your first cast recording was...- Page 4

Your first cast recording was...

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#75Your first cast recording was...
Posted: 7/26/10 at 2:12am

Oh man, I for the life of me can't remember. I want to say Bye Bye Birdie but that might just be the first record I wore out. I suppose Gigi was my first recording of a musical (soundtrack) but honestly I could be wrong on both accounts. One came quickly after the other as I got more and more obsessed and at this point it's all a blur.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

Aswatrowinkenbo Profile Photo
#76Your first cast recording was...
Posted: 7/26/10 at 2:21am

I'm pretty sure the very first cast recording in my house was highlights from Miss Saigon, but I wasn't supposed to listen to it... The first one that I was able to call my own was Cats OBC.

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#77Your first cast recording was...
Posted: 7/26/10 at 12:08pm

My first exposure as a child was SOUTH PACIFIC on 78's. First monoural 33 1/3 mono LP was WEST SIDE STORY. The first family household stereo LP came with our first stereo record player with a smacking new release of the OBC release of THE MUSIC MAN. My first dollars spent on a cast album was CARNIVAL. I remember putting it on the record player one evening during dinner. My grandfather was over and dropped his fork when Kaye Ballard yelled "Diiiiiiiirect from Vienna!".
