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September 1st Broadway walk out?- Page 4

September 1st Broadway walk out?

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#75re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/26/04 at 2:25pm

I think all we are doing IS trying to fight with our last breath... There are many ways of doing that. And this is one way that is nonviolent and nonconfrontational.

I am not about bashing anyone. I, too, have a multitude of opinions among my friends and family. However, I have no problem trying to speak truth to power in a civil way. The only end to my civility is any attempt to explain to me how who I am means that I somehow deserve fewer rights than someone else. Then you've moved into bigot-ville and do not deserve my reasonable attention.
Take the day off. We said so.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#76re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/26/04 at 5:44pm

I guess I just don't see how any GOOD can come of essentially cutting off the city's nose despite its face with the kind of 'walk out' you're advocating.

Open dialogue is necessary. Rather, promote an opportunity for people on all sides to come together and celebrate that which makes us American, and find common ground from which to build a bridge.

Much more important than simply saying you won't sell a dress to a Republican...

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 7/26/04 at 05:44 PM

rclocalz Profile Photo
#77re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/26/04 at 10:33pm

Well, as a Republican, I just don't understand how my fellow Republicans will be able to "listen" to you guys if you take the darn day off? If your not there, then how will the Republicans care about your beliefs and your opinions? That will not help anything, it will just build on the fire. I think if you perform your duties, say what you may at the end, then the Republicans will hear it on a more personal level than a voice just saying "Such n' Such will be played by Such n' Such in this performance since Such n' Such doesn't perform for Republicans" I mean, gosh you have the Republicans right on your home turf! Why would you want to run away? - Glamsmash Productions, a video production company in the heart of New York City

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#78re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 9:25am

The cynical side of me says that the particular Repugs in town that week are unlikely to "listen" to anything anyone has to say. They are the diehards and fanatics. In fact their votes (depending on what state they are from) are unlikely to count anymore than mine (NY) is. A handful of voters in a handful of states (OH,MO,PA,FL) will likely determine this election.

That said, I stated before that I would hope that anyone performing that week would make some sort of statement from the stage. It would be hard for me to imagine someone working in the arts, much less a union member to not be somewhat upset with an administration that slashes funding for arts education and has been fairly stongly anti-union. But then again, maybe I'm just more sensitive about getting hit where I live.
Don't bring your hate to my doorstep and expect a welcome mat.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#79re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 9:56am

I think what you're not realizing, Shut It Down, is that you are expecting people to make your statement while they are doing their jobs. That would be like me getting up on my desk and making a political statement to all around me. It's inappropriate, to say the least. And not all actors on a particular stage may be in agreement. Not to mention crew, etc.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 7/28/04 at 09:56 AM

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#80re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 10:43am

Hmm. I can't imagine feeling like speaking my mind being inappropriate anywhere--one of those things I like about my country. It might be socially awkward to me or others, but not inappropriate.

Would not expect them to break character mid-act and scream "Cheney-Off Bush!" Actors proseltyze at curtain call all the time for BC/EFA. Doesn't seem inappropriate. Wouldn't even need to be a speech. Signs, t-shirts could also be effective
Take the day off. We said so.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#81re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 10:46am

Yes, but BC/EFA is a charity organization. Not a political one. This is more complicated than you seem to realize.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#82re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 10:48am

Using the term 'Repugs' pretty much lets everyone know where you stand on rational discourse.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#83re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 10:58am

But to your point, what if a cast member didn't agree with the mission of the particular charity.

I don't think my use of Repug says anything about rational discourse. It clearly lets you know where I stand regarding the rhetoric and policies of their party, but it shouldn't tell you anything about my willingness or ability to discuss any myriad topics in a rational way. Updated On: 7/28/04 at 10:58 AM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#84re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:03am

Charities and political statements aren't in the same category, and the fact that you're putting them as such furthers my agreement with DGrant's last statement.

Give it up - it is not going to happen.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#85re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:04am

My mistake - I was confusing rationality with respectfulness. Please continue to be rationally insulting. Perhaps this is a clue as to where other Democraps come from.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#86re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:30am

Your probably right. A strong opinion is a dangerous thing. We should probably just smile and let things happen as they may. Seemed to work for the French in WWII.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#87re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:33am

You can protest in public places. A Broadway house is private. End of story.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#88re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:36am

Oh, please - if you can't even understand expressing an opinion without denegration, then why on earth should anyone pay attention to what you have to say? No one is impugning your right to an opinion - or the ability to take action based on it - but I see no reason to give credence to crass interchange. And just so you know, IF I were to actually allign myself with any particular political group, it would be with the 'Limpertarians.'

robbiej Profile Photo
#89re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:37am

My question is, if this was the 60's, would you all be like, 'Hey, black folk, just shut up and take the bus.'

I see nothing wrong with a boycott. It is a peacable and effective way to protest.

And I'm sorry, but the Republicans at those shows aren't listening to any other point of view. They're just watching the happy faggots dance.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#90re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:38am

That's all fine, robbie. But Shut It Down expects the actors to make a speech or statement of some kind during/after a show. That's not appropriate, no matter what the point of view. If you want to have an outside protest and invite those actors to be a part of it, then go ahead.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

robbiej Profile Photo
#91re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:41am

But if civil rights were based on what is appropriate, blacks would still be tilling their 40 acres with one mule and women wouldn't be able to vote.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#92re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:43am

Okay robbie. I'll start a protest here at work and see how many of us I can get fired that way. It might make a difference in some ways, but then a whole lot of people will be unemployed and that opens a whole other can of worms.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#93re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:49am

I would prefer they just sit out the show.

But someone suggested that the casts had a chance to have the Republicans "listen" why not use that and some sort of statement, silent or otherwise, was my thought.

A No-W button for example, like a red ribbon, pink ribbon. I don't see any difference between "I support the fight against HIV/AIDs" and "I support the fight for a higher standard of leadership".

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#94re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:52am

When are they supposed to wear those buttons? They're in costume.

A sit-out is not practical nor appropriate either - and as I mentioned earlier in this thread, as they just barely missed having to strike and are still sensitive about that.

Again, this is a private arena and place of business. Why don't you put something together outside of their business hours in a public place and invite the casts to join you?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#95re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:59am


That is a great idea, one I would welcome. However, I've got my hands full with this, a full-time job on Wall St. and a family. Obviously, Broadway is not the focus of our efforts. We are working for a broader effort, more of a general strike (although I prefer the idea of a massive senior skip-day). Would love to see some organized response from Actor's Equity regarding the administrations disregard for working families in NYC and for the arts.

robbiej Profile Photo
#96re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:04pm


You just described the plot to NORMA RAE in your last post to me. And not only did that woman bring about reform in her workplace, she won Sally Field and Oscar!!!

Not everyone will be at the forefront. Not everyone will take a risk. But insisting that someone doesn't because it's not appropriate will only leave things as they are.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#97re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:05pm

Not exactly, robbie. Norma Rae was fighting for changes in her workplace. We're talking about fighting for changes outside our workplace but doing it within the workplace.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

robbiej Profile Photo
#98re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:18pm

We're just going to have to disagree. Change doesn't because people act appropriately. It never has.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#99re: september 1st broadway walk out?
Posted: 7/28/04 at 12:40pm

I'm just trying to be realistic about what Shut It Down can actually expect to happen.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
