
Wicked Saved Broadway!!! So did many musicals before Wicked! Cake!- Page 4

Wicked Saved Broadway!!! So did many musicals before Wicked! Cake!

Ruth Sherwood Profile Photo
Ruth Sherwood
#75re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:31pm

Frankly, I can't stand Wicked. I'm not going to explain because it has probably been said a million times before. I understand that Wicked has introduced younger people to Broadway, and while I think that is a good thing (to get people interested in Theatre), I wonder what happens when they see a show that isn't a tourist trap? A show that makes them think? My guess is most (not all) won't appreciate it, and will continue seeing tourist trap shows as opposed to supporting (what I consider) to be real Theatre.

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." -Stella Adler

keggss23 Profile Photo
#76re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:32pm

I agree, WISH. Broadway always seems to be dying of something. It drives me nuts! Broadway has been around for a long time and will remain part of our culture forever.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#77re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:35pm

Well, isn't the hope that people will mature?
I got first introduced to broadway because of Phantom.
Phantom is candy. Its the peddlers bait that got me interested in this form. Now, as I've matured, I've experienced Sondhiem, Porter, Webber, Larson, Boubil/Schonberg and many others. It takes time, but we mature.

Anyway, so is Broadway 'dying'? No. Why? 'Cause we keep buying tickets. As long as we're alive (and have money) Broadway will be just fine...for us.

The concern, I feel, is we need to pass on the love and passion of the arts to a younger generation...since musical theater IS the road less traveled.

Updated On: 4/14/05 at 05:35 PM

Ruth Sherwood Profile Photo
Ruth Sherwood
#78re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:47pm

Adam- I understand where you are coming from. But what I'm saying is that Wicked may give a false sense about what the Theatre is really about. Wicked is mindless fluff with a lot of special effects. Yes, I think it is good that some will gain an interest in Theatre, and perhaps lead to people going to see (and enjoying) shows that are not tourist traps. But I think many will be disappointed by these shows because Wicked has given them that false sense. And I'm not saying that it is just Wicked... there are plenty of "tourist" shows out there.

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." -Stella Adler
Updated On: 4/14/05 at 05:47 PM

keggss23 Profile Photo
#79re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:51pm

Very few people will see the tourist trap shows and become lifelong Broadway fans. I am not knocking the tourists or the shows, because realistically they keep the money flowing and we need that. Of course we hope that some people will mature and experience other shows. It is just very naive for anyone to say that everyone that sees Wicked is going to go to directly to the music store after the show to buy every Broadway album they can get their hands on. Most people that go to Beauty and the Beast, Mama Mia, etc. are going for the entertainment value, not because they want a deep, moving experience.

Broadway didn't and doesn't need "saving" and if it did, I highly doubt that only one show would be soley responsible for "saving" it.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

Ruth Sherwood Profile Photo
Ruth Sherwood
#80re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 5:54pm

Keggs-That's what I was trying to say!

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." -Stella Adler

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#81re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:03pm

Ruth and Keggs, I actually think we all have the same understanding/agreement. I sometimes wonder if I didn't see Phantom on the West Coast, would I have ever taken interest in it all. My interests before theater included some sports and comic book collecting! HA! It's a far jump between the two. That is why I'm thankful for the Wickeds and Phantoms that show up during the years.

I don't believe WICKED 'saved' Broadway on its own. Collectively all the shows do their part. Every show effects different types of people. I know you know this. I'm just preaching to the choir :)


Updated On: 4/14/05 at 06:03 PM

#82re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:09pm

Adam... U rock... I agree... When I was younger I was obessed with pop music and the radio but around 7th grade I did my first musical: Fiddler and I was hooked... Bway has been my thing since about 7th grade and I love Wicked, Hairspray and all the popular musicals of this time and era but I also love DAMN YANKEES and Bye Bye Birdie... I've never really heard much of Sondehiem other than Sweeney Todd n Into The Woods which are brillant... So I think you saying we mature is defiently true... I mean I went to Soda Pop to The lights of Broadway.

keggss23 Profile Photo
#83re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:21pm

Adam - I think your right! Everyone has that first show/experience that turned them into lifelong theater fans. Mine was Les Miz. To this day, I can still remember the feeling I had sitting in that theater. I think those that become theater fans, become lifelong fans.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#84re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:28pm

I'll never forget the rumble of the organ during the overture in phantom... and the lifting of the chandelier.
it was like i was in another world! It left quite an impression on me.

Updated On: 4/14/05 at 06:28 PM

pab Profile Photo
#85re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:30pm

"I'll never forget the rumble of the organ during the overture in phantom... and the lifting of the chandelier."

And then everything went downhill after that. For me anyway.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#86re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:34pm

ahhhhh, pab... don't be a naysayer.

pab Profile Photo
#87re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:38pm

Hey Adam, just my humble opinion. I've actually seen the show three times (for various reasons) and it was just not worth the hype. It was not awful but I would not recommend it over a number of other shows that are (were) playing.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#88re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:39pm

ahhhh, pabby.... i'm sorry to hear that.

(just messing with you)

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#89re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:40pm

by the way, what does PAB stand for?

#90re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:41pm

Adam... never seen the show but I love the movie soundtrack and want the real CD!!!

Its such good music...

keggss23 Profile Photo
#91re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:44pm

When I saw Phantom in LA in 1993, I remember being completely floored by it. It was my favorite show for a very long time.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

pab Profile Photo
#92re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:46pm

I've actually pre-ordered the DVD which will be released on May 3rd. I never saw the movie but from what I've heard it's better than the stage production. I'll know if that is in fact the case in a few weeks.

PAB are initials.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 4/14/05 at 06:46 PM

#93re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:47pm

The movie is very good... Emmy Rossum floored me!

keggss23 Profile Photo
#94re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:47pm

I didn't get to see the movie either. I am going to rent it though as soon as it comes out. Not sure if I will like it because Emmy and Gerard's voices drive me crazy!

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#95re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:51pm

I hope you like the movie...I felt the show was better. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie...but there is just something about seeing it live. Which is the case with almost everything.

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#96re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:53pm

PAB - brace yourself.... 'Adam' stands for ......Adam. Mystery has been solved! I know you all were wondering :)

keggss23 Profile Photo
#97re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:54pm

That is kind of what I thought. There is something about being there and watching these things really happen right in front of your eyes that might get lost in the translation to screen. However, I will not make any judgement until I actually see the movie.

What do you think about Emmy and Gerard?

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

pab Profile Photo
#98re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:55pm

Wow Adam, that's a load off my mind. Here I was racking my brain wondering what that meant. Thanks, I can relax now. re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 4/14/05 at 06:55 PM

Aigoo Profile Photo
#99re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
Posted: 4/14/05 at 6:55pm

I'm sorry to say that Wicked got me hooked on Broadway. Weird, eh? I wasn't really looking for more of the poppish sound, but I just wanted to find out more about Broadway. And what can I say? I'm hooked! I'm saving up sommore money to buy more CD's. (Especially some by Sondheim. He's a geeeniuuusss)

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