
Your hero's biggest mistake?- Page 4

Your hero's biggest mistake?

#75re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:40pm

You'll have to work harder and smarter than that to insult me... especially coming from a Margo Lapdog that is a self-proclaimed "jerk."

Call me idiot if you must , but I know enough to know that Yipper explains Follies to me in a way Margo never could. Margo doesn't know everything about theater, no matter how nasty you get.

Updated On: 9/14/05 at 10:40 PM

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#76re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:45pm

It's a good thing nobody expects that of Margo, otherwise the standard would have to be pretty high. I really don't care whether I hurt your feelings, to do so would be to dedicate to much effort to a person who obviously has a need for attention that is insatiable in real life and must be fed on a message board. That's alright, drama people are frequently in need of attention (that's why everyone loves center stage).

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#77re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:51pm

YOu don't care whether you hurt my feelings? How delusional are you? As for attention. I have held back for many weeks reading these posts and the first day I speak up and say something... pretty tame if you ask me 1) that Yipper's writing makes me want to study the show Follies 2) Margos writing about Follies makes me want to avoid it, and she has a tone I find rather nasty.
I'm hardly seeking attention. But I refuse to ...especially on my first day...stand still while a bunch of Margo lapdogs who can't stomach the fact that someone might know something Margo doesn't jump all over me.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#78re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:53pm

Sweetheart, that wasn't the issue. It was a mere dispute over the merits of a book. People have that argument every day on this board, the titles change but not the basic concept. I've been here longer than Margo and I've been here far longer than you and nothing here surprises me. Your reponse is like a thousand others as is my own. The great thing about Margos posts are that they are for the most part unique and interesting. That is why Margo has such a following.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#79re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:54pm

why does Margo saying that the music and staging of Follies is some of the best ever but the book has problems make you NOT want to find out more about it?

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#80re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 10:55pm

Because you can OBVIOUSLY only be interested in musicals if people are nice and cuddly and friendly when they talk about it. Duh.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#81re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:02pm

Margo says the book makes no sense. Yipper explains how to think about it in a way that makes it makes sense and shows it's brilliance.

That is a weird question, popculture. Do you go to a movie where the critics say the script sucks the photography is brilliant? I want to see Follies and find out whether it is brilliant or not, only because Yipper has such heartfelt things to say about. Unlike Margos nasty begruding approval of the show.

#82re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:07pm

Are all theater people this contemptuous of people who have heartfelt reactions to shows like Yipper? I thought theater was about emotions and the deepening of feeling. Wow I was wrong. Again, no wonder people prefer movies.

#83re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:10pm

Kristin Chenowith once made a mistake of Epic Proportions....!


#84re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:13pm

Sumofallthings, I don't understand that if my posts are like everyone elses why are so consumed with responding to me? I have two things to say'

1. I appreciate Yippers explanation of the show Follies, it makes me want to see it and understand it
2. Margos explanation makes me want to avoid it, and I think her tone is nasty and pretenstious

How hard is it for you to accept that not everyone thinks Margo is grand poo-bah of theater?

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#85re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:16pm

Do you go to a movie where the critics say the script sucks the photography is brilliant?

Yes I do. I describe them as movies that are glorious to look at but not terribly fun to watch. I can enjoy movies, music, books and theater on many different levels and can enjoy something which doesn't add up to the sum of its parts, even if that is ultimately frustrating.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#86re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:20pm

Wow, this thread took a bizarre twist. Personally, I don't think Margo is the Grand Poobah, neither I'm sure does he.

While I often don't agree with his conclusions, Margo does seem to have the most reasoned, logical arguments in a debate with a perspective in Broadway history.

However, I DO get annoyed when someone gets into a discussion with me, and the climax of their argument is "Well, Margo said....." Margo doesn't annoy me; THOSE people annoy me.


popcultureboy Profile Photo
#87re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:23pm

Amen, Mikewood, amen.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#88re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:25pm

Well I'm glad for you popculture...I'm trying to be more discriminating.

zzannahk Profile Photo
#89re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:28pm

menzella, i think you will find the main problem with some of the "legends" is that they think they really are. I dont know margo so this really isn't about himm, just in general. a couple weeks ago there was an off-topic dicussion about people's ages, you would be suprised to read how many were teenagers so most of what could be intelligent discussions turns into name-calling and other insults.

Updated On: 9/14/05 at 11:28 PM

#90re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:34pm

Thank a mill, zzannahk. You are the first person address me without attacking me. I joined the board today thinking that this was a great place to share what I think and get information on a subject I'm starting to care about.
P.S. Love the Wicked rehersal pic!

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#91re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:41pm

well perhaps if your first post in this thread hadn't been this:

Margo, you know a lot of stuff about the history of musicals. You also want everyone else to know that you know a lot. I think you sould teach musical theater nastiness.

then maybe you wouldn't have been "attacked". Just a thought.....

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#92re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:53pm

Well, when I wrote it I thought you were allowed to share your opinion on this board. I didn't know Margo would send her lapdogs out to start snappin' at my rear end.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#93re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:57pm

There are ways to word your opinion without sounding like an angry teenager with a low IQ though. That's where you went wrong.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

Tesse Profile Photo
#94re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/14/05 at 11:59pm

Menzella-- We're all very glad that you're getting into theatre, and that you've joined this group. The more, the merrier. But despite having the right to say whatever you want here, it's probably a good idea to exercise a bit of caution and remember that insults quite frequently disintigrate into flame wars. Introducing yourself to the board with an attack on a highly respected member was probably not the best idea. You are entitled to your opinions, of course, but your posts have made you seem rather arrogant and uninterested in real debate, which I'm certain you are not in real life. Much as you may have disliked Margo's posts, there was really no need for all the name-calling.

"I hate musicals... People don't sing in real life."
"Well, maybe they should."
--Kiss of the Spider Woman (cut line)

#95re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 12:32am

Thanks for the lecture Tesse.
Here is what I said.

1. Yippers explanation of Follies makes me want to understand the show more.

2. Margos explanation make me want to avoid it, and I think that Margos tone is nasty and pretentious.

Tesse,honey, I would save your lectures on posting etiquette to the old timers who set a bad example for us new gals. I said I found Margos analysis nasty... and that inspired her old time lapdogs to rally round me with insults about my IQ and such.

Tesse Profile Photo
#96re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 12:46am

Well, if you call Margo's opinions "nasty," why are you surprised when people say the same about yours?

The thread was pretty polite until you began calling names, and justifying yourself by saying that you had the right to say what you think. And you do, of course, but don't you think all of this might have been avoided if you began your post with something along the lines of "I disagree with Margo's opinions because..."?? You'd still be saying what you think, but not offending anyone-- best of all possible worlds.

Not everyone who defends Margo is a "lapdog." Some people simply don't appreciate insults on what is usually a very friendly and respectful place for theatre fans-- "old timers" and "new gals" alike.

"I hate musicals... People don't sing in real life."
"Well, maybe they should."
--Kiss of the Spider Woman (cut line)

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#97re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 12:48am

And perhaps if you learned to punctuate correctly and express an opinion without being a whiny little brat about it, we wouldn't be talking about your IQ (or lack thereof) quite so much. Again, just a thought.

And please don't talk about posting etiquette. Margo posted his opinion of Follies and you personally attacked him for it. Where's the etiquette there?

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#98re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 12:58am

I was waiting for the grammar/punctuation attack... little slow in coming with it aren't you popcultureboy? I think Margos posts are nasty and pretentious. I never said Margo was nasty and prententious, I dont know Margo. But, now I know her followers and lapdogs are the really cruel ones.

And as for you, Tesse, save your lectures for old timers and new gals alike, and stop singling me out.
Updated On: 9/15/05 at 12:58 AM

#99re: Your hero's biggest mistake?
Posted: 9/15/05 at 1:04am



I must get some sleep, we can play again tomorrow.
