New Glinda?

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#1New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:15pm

Any rumours on who the new glinda is?

When does Alli's contract run until? August....?

Thanks, have fun!

#2re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:21pm

This has been discussed a lot on other threads. Most people think it is Erin Mackey.

#2re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:22pm

Yes, August.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#3re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:23pm

Why does the production recycle performers constantly? Does anyone else find this...boring?

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#4re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:31pm

not as boring as this thread...and the countless like it.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#5re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:37pm

The new Glinda is scheduled for her first performance on August 11. Alli's last is August 9.

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#6re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:43pm

BwayBoundJoe, that is unfair. There is currently no other new Glinda thread, it was just discussed on the endless Dee Roscioli thread, and most of that was unreadable since it drifted off topic a million times haha.

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

#7re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:44pm

"Why does the production recycle performers constantly? Does anyone else find this...boring?"

I think they do it because they almost NEVER start someone new in a principal role...the only exception being someone who is already famous or well known in another medium (ie Nicole).

They seem to like to start people as understudies or standbys to see how they do in the role. Kind of like an apprenticeship, where they retain or move up those that they like. Not a bad idea actually, but then it leaves them open to endless charges of recycling.

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#8re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 12:59pm

MichaelUK92, I meant no disrespect. Anywho, I think it's fair to say that anyone who has any intrest in wicked would LOVE a new person to came along.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#9re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:06pm

No offence taken. I know i'm wierd. lol

snowskittle: thanks for the insight, it does make sense to see how people do as an understudy and then promote them. it just does get a bit tedious with the same people in the roles (what it feels like anyway)

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#10re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:11pm

I say they just clone Kendra Kassebaum a few times so that she can more effectively shoot the amount of times she has played Glinda through the roof.

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#11re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:30pm

Kendra is right for the role, she's very Glinda. With that being said, in this economy, she's probably gonna stay with the show for a while.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#12re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:38pm

MichaelUK92, depending on the health (usually the vocal health, but not always), it may be that the standbys and understudies hardly get the chance to perform at all, or maybe only a few times. Time enough for the producers, managers, etc. to see them in action, but not time enough for the public to have seen them very much.

Thus the promotion of a great but hardly seen standby or understudy might be "new" to the vast majority of theatergoers but still gets stuck with the recycled label.

Doesn't seem quite fair to them.

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#13re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 1:58pm

BwayBoundJoe, I couldn't disagree more. Kendra's voice absolutely kills me. Maybe I am used to the more squeaky high pitched Glinda's, but her voice just does not seem right at all for the role... and I am just sick of her as playing the same role, she needs to get out of it eventually. However, I will concede, she seems adorable. Haha.

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#14re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 2:42pm

How is Kendra right for Glinda? Her voice is grating, she has weak comic timing, and she goes for the cheap laughs. Kendra was the first one to portray Glinda as a 5-year-old on crack, and most other Glindas have unfortunately followed in her footsteps.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#15re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:20pm

I agree. Kendra's performance was sort of disastrous. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, and there was no noticeable difference between her act 1 and act 2. Her Glinda went nowhere.

#16re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:24pm

In other Wicked me thinks that PJ Benjamin is extending another year as the wizard. In his video he said he was offered another year & made it appear that he will.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#17re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:31pm

Oh, BdwayBoundJoe. BLESS YOU for your avatar.

#18re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:33pm

I love that he zoomed in!

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#19re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:12pm

:) Anywho, I think the latter portion of Kendra's Glinda career was particularly good. IMO. Anywho, ever hear of Kate Reinders? Talk about Glinda on Crack. lol

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#20re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:14pm

Hey! No mentioning of...her. Wasn't it agreed upon a while back that we would never utter her name as a former Glinda again, because it was THAT scary.

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

#21re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:17pm

Kate Reinders is creepy! I actually liked Kendra's Glinda.

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#22re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:20pm

Can we not say her name! Every time her name is uttered, a Glinda gets more spastic!

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#23re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:23pm


Ooops...I just killed Alli Mauzey...sorry

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

zoraksferal Profile Photo
#24re: New Glinda?
Posted: 7/30/09 at 4:24pm

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! You horrible evil person! Poor Alli... look what you did!!!!!!! Why must the good die incredibly short and adorable... re: New Glinda?

"It doesn't work when you lick it!"
