
Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-- Page 2

Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-

Sally Profile Photo
#25Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/10/10 at 10:27pm

Helene could have saved herself some money if she had read Chris Jones review of the show in the Tribune. He liked it better than she did, but said,

"If (but only if) everyone involved here takes a long, hard look at the title of “The Addams Family” and reacquaints themselves with the characters — Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Wednesday, Pugsley, Grandma and Lurch — that people are actually coming to see, I think that this new musical, which opened its pre-Broadway run in Chicago Wednesday and is stocked with Grade-A talent, will have a chance in New York next spring."

I don't agree with Helene that there was no story. The story was about Wednesday figuring out how to be an Addams and still love her boyfriend with the subplot of the boyfriend's parents discovering a Gomez/Morticia-like sexuality.

---Trouble is, the stories don't have enough to do with the Addams family. I was never a fan of the Addams cartoons or television show so I didn't much mind, but a show called The Addams Family probably OUGHT to be more about the Addams family.

--Still, ya gotta love a ballad called "In the Arms of a Squid."

Jones of the Tribune and a couple of other critics I've heard discussing the show agree that it definitely needs work, and the show *has* hired a show doctor.

Nonetheless, I really enjoyed what I saw and heard, and perhaps because I did my homework a little better, I wasn't expecting to see a ready-for-the-Tony-Award show when I went last Saturday.

#26Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 2:14am

Since apparently one needs to establish credentials in order to post an opinion here, I am not affiliated with any shows. I am an avid theatre-goer, both in Chicago and New York, and I have no agenda other than enjoying good theatre. I have been reading these boards for several years. Many shows have problems, and miss their shot at being great by varying degrees. Until seeing the Addams Family this week, I was never disappointed enough to post here. The reviews have alternated between raves and "a few problems that can be fixed." The show I saw this week was much worse than I have read about anywhere. The completely unenthused full house the night I saw the Addams Family - at least a few dozen left before the show ended - felt quite differently than the boosters on this board. At intermission a lady behind me was reading her program, telling her companion omygod there are TEN MORE SONGS in the second act - should we stay? As I said before, I wish every show well and I hope they can fix it before they open on Broadway, but judging from what I saw, it will take a complete rewrite.

#27Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 11:11am

Meanwhile, the tryout run of the Addams family ends this week- the show grossed 11.5 Million during it's visit to Chicago, a new record. As the Chicago Tribune put it, "They are leaving town with a dowry."

#28Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 1:12pm

Every time I went the show was sold out, had standing ovations upon first opening. I've gotta say that I think the Chicago audiences loved it.

can't wait to see what's in store for it in NYC.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#29Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 1:47pm

You people are crazy, TAF had the highest ticket sales in Chicago history because the show had the most expensive TICKETS in Chicago history. You people are incorrigible.

And the show has a completely new director and is being severely reworked because it is SO GOOD and SUCH A HIT.

Keep your head up, Helene!


#30Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 1:59pm

They sold more tickets at a higher price- some people would see that as an indication people REALLY wanted to see it. Apparently that logic is flawed somehow.

The best week Wicked had in that theater was $1.7 million. Addams Family apparently AVERAGED $1.66 million.

#31Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 2:03pm

Daily Variety is reporting today that TAF averaged 95% of their potential gross.


averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#32Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 2:06pm

Crazy, huh?

Perhaps you can explain why the show also set an all-time record for percentage of capacity? Something which has nothing whatsoever to do with ticket prices (indeed, the higher the ticket price, the LESS likely they would be to set a record for percentage capacity). And something which is even more impressive given the size of the Oriental relative to the Shubert where "Spamalot" and "Movin' Out" played pre-Broadway.

I've resigned myself to simply tolerating your ceaseless vendetta against TAF and the ridicule you heap on people who deign to contradict your opinion and actually like the show or find promise in it. Irrespective of the particular opinion you're expressing and whether I agree or disagree, you've demonstrated that you're a condescending, sarcastic, insulting and downright nasty jerk, but I can't change that.

At the very least, though, when it comes to verifiable facts, know what the hell you're talking about before you take people to task.
Addams Chicago Records

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial

#33Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 2:06pm

They say it averaged $1.4 million a week- was it here 10 weeks? I thought 8.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#34Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 2:14pm

So, the show is brilliant AND popular!

Just like WICKED!

#35Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 3:07pm

IS it really your contention that Wicked is not popular?

#36Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 4:32pm

Popular and GOOD are two different things. A show can be one of those or both. Wicked is Popular, but not good. TAF is BOTH popular AND good!

#37Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 4:51pm

I thought the tickets were set a good price point for the market. I personally think that Chicago prices are way too high and broadway is event crazier. They also stuck the rush seats in a terrible location, instead of sucking it up like Wicked and devoting a whole front row.

But with all that said - people did buy the tickets and sold it out ever night. Same went for Wicked in Chicago over the holidays when they jacked up the prices to crazy numbers and had premium orchestra seats for over $200. If people will buy the tickets, then power to the producers. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a big financial success in NY. Will it be an addicting show (for so many people) like Wicked and run for many years? Probably not. But it will make big profits.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#38Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 5:14pm

Pgenre - Please do us all a favor and shut up.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Pgenre Profile Photo
#39Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 5:21pm

Oh, look, all 4 of my least favorite posters all in the same place - a TAF thread no less. As always, the posters fit the show!

Kisses & Hugs,

#40Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 5:23pm

Is that what that line means? God, I wondered. Now I just have to figure out who TAF is.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#41Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 5:25pm

1) I haven't even heard/seen this show and could care less about it

2) You keep bitching about people taking up space on this website, but yet you are a freakin' broken record saying the same crap on multiple threads and saying crap to people that don't agree with you.

3) I could care less if I am a "least favorite poster" because you are in the top 2 for me, so congrats on the feat since I try to stay out of these arguments.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Pgenre Profile Photo
#42Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 5:29pm

Oh, please, you are a tool and no likes you. Toodles!


spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#43Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 6:00pm

whatever it takes to make you feel good. *waves*

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#44Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/11/10 at 7:12pm

"Is that what that line means? God, I wondered. Now I just have to figure out who TAF is."

My guess is that it's supposed to be a new way of typing "William Howard Taft". But that's just me!

Sally Profile Photo
#45Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/12/10 at 2:09pm

"Now I just have to figure out who TAF is."

Thinkkkkk deeply, ready now?



Family Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-

#46Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/12/10 at 2:56pm

My reason for posting my comments was not to ignite a firestorm of personal attacks. I left the Addams Family feeling very angry that I spent a lot of money to see a show that was tedious, and in some places even painful, to sit through, after reading so many rave reviews on this board and in the papers. There is a lot of good theatre in Chicago, I could have seen several shows that would have at least been interesting for the money spent on this "event." For everyone who has responded, telling me I should have done my homework before going, and all the tickets sold, so it must have been good, let me tell you there was no "word of mouth" for this show. It was only here 8 weeks and the tickets were 90% sold out before the first preview. Apparently people in Chicago remembered Nathan Lane's success in the Producers, which also previewed in Chicago, and expected this would also be a fabulous, must-see show. Later, when the reviews came out and a few of them mentioned "the show has a few problems that need to be fixed," I thought about selling the tickets online because times are tough right now and I can't afford to waste money. The market was absolutely flooded, not by individuals but by resellers like Stubhub, etc. The scalpers must have had a big payday with this show, they certainly seemed to hold all the best seats, and had plenty available for every date, when the box office had long been sold out. I feel sorry for anyone who paid what the scalpers were asking, no wonder there was a sea of sad faces exiting the full house the night I was there.

#47Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/12/10 at 3:34pm

"It was only here 8 weeks and the tickets were 90% sold out before the first preview."

That's not true. Alot of people went through word of mouth, as well. I guess it's different taste. If some people liked it, there will always be people trying to tell people how bad it is. Opinion is fine, in your case, but Pgnre WONT SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!!

averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#48Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/12/10 at 3:41pm


Though my feelings about Addams in Chicago were a bit more positive, I sympathize that you spent a not insignificant sum on a show you did not like. That's never any fun.

That said, two notes:

1) unless you are able to substantiate that 90% of the tickets were sold in advance, please don't state that as fact. Per Variety, the show averaged nearly 95% capacity for the entire run. While I believe that it likely had a healthy advance sale, I have very strong doubts that it only sold 5-10% of its inventory after it began performances and/or after it opened and was reviewed -- a belief backed up by the number of friends of mine that were able to buy reasonably good seats throughout December. While I can't refute your assertion with my own set of verifiable facts, from my past experience and from what anecdotal evidence I have, I believe there still was a sizeable volume of inventory remaining for the final 3-4 weeks for the show to sell before they broke the record.

2) While I can absolutely relate to being unable to afford wasting money, it could be argued that you should have known what you were getting youself into by buying tickets to a pre-Broadway tryout, which is a riskier-than-usual investment. You can certainly hope that the show will already be in perfect shape but chances are, it won't be. So on top of the usual chance that you will disagree with the critical and/or popular opinion that you've read (which you clearly did), you're inherently buying a ticket to a show which, by its own admission, is unfinished. I realize that even in a worst case scenario, you didn't expect to dislike the show as much as you did. But if finances dictate that you need a "sure thing" to not be angry about your purchase, then perhaps you should wait for the Wickeds and the Jersey Boys and the Spamalots to come back to Chicago after they are established hits.

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial

#49Addams Family Review 1/05/10 -Slight Spoilers-
Posted: 1/12/10 at 4:17pm

The scalpers did make a fortune on this show- I chatted with one at length and he told me it was the biggest payday he's had in 10 years or so of re-selling tickets.

For the record, I firmly support your right to hate a show as much as you like. My quarrel with 'P" was that he posted numerous reviews of the show lambasting it without having actually seen it. I'd go so far as to say you can post about hating a show without having seen it, but I do think it's only sporting to admit that fact upfront.