Jersey boys has a student RUSH

#1Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 9:30am

I just looked on the website for info about the student lottery and their is info on a rush policy. $27 each Tuesday-Thursday shows.
2 forms of ID must be shown
Limit 2 per person per 30 day period


I guess this means they are bringing back the student rush policy.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#2Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 10:05am

2 form of ID? What do they mean by that? Student ID and a Drivers License (Or Passport for me)?

#2Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 10:06am

It said 1 non expired student ID and a government issued ID (I guess a Driver's License or Passport would work)

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#3Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 11:34am

The website has the title "Jersey Boys Broadway Day of Performance Student Lottery" and then proceeds to say, "limited number of Student Rush tickets... available on the day of the performance starting at 10am at the box office." Is it a lottery or first come first served?

#4Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 11:38am

It sounds like a rush, but I thought they got rid of the original student rush due to a problem with scalpers.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#5Jersey boys has a student RUSH
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:09pm

Wow. I guess this is due to the rousing success of their mobile lottery?

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