
A different way to get the lead in a show

A different way to get the lead in a show

fiyerowhereareyou Profile Photo
#1A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 9:02am

This crazy woman left this voice mail on the answering machine at the Papermill Playhouse a few years ago asking for a part...and it is hilarious.

"I usually get the LEAD, or I'm somewhere in the chorus..."

This can't be for real...right?

Papermill Patty Updated On: 4/1/11 at 09:02 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#2A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 9:49am

Honey, that tape has been in circulation for a decade at least.

fiyerowhereareyou Profile Photo
#2A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 9:59am

Oh I know, I heard it a while back, but just remembered it last night. It still cracks me up. I bet there are a lot of younger people that check out here that haven't heard it.

#3A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:13am

I work with a woman who has the same attitude. "My resume is in pieces right now because I tore it up."

And I don't understand this woman's "I always get the lead." Sometimes the supporting roles are much more fun to play.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 4/1/11 at 10:13 AM

Idiot Profile Photo
#4A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:26am

I'd never heard this and it's hilarious. Ms. Taymor truly has come a long way. Thanks for posting.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#5A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:32am

It sounds to me like this individual was speaking from a rather chaotic and confused place. I wonder if some mental issues may have clouded her perspective. If that's the case, I am truly sorry this is being trotted out as something to laugh at. However, I do not know for certain, but I would encourage others to keep an open mind. It's possible she's not an egocentric self-deluded individual so much as she may have been in the throes of a serious mental illness and I would encourage us all to consider that as a viable possibility.

Idiot Profile Photo
#6A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:41am

I don't know, greensgreens. She sounds perfectly lucid to me. Disorganized, sure -- but delusional actors really are a dime a dozen.

'Diva' is not a mental disorder.

newintown Profile Photo
#7A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:41am

Word is that it's a viral piece of comedy. Perhaps Snopes would be a good source for someone who wants to look into it?

Idiot Profile Photo
#8A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:46am

Newintown -- if this was a performance piece, she really did nail it.

newintown Profile Photo
#9A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:52am

I agree - it never stops being funny.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#10A different way to get the lead in a show
Posted: 4/1/11 at 10:54am

That's been circulating for a long time. I heard that for the first time about 2 years ago. Still hysterical.
Updated On: 4/1/11 at 10:54 AM
