
When will OACD announce full casting?

When will OACD announce full casting?

c a show
#1When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 10:15am

I've been watching for this show and I think auditions were completed in April or May. When will full casting be announced and is the show still projected to start in early 2012?

#2When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 10:31am

There were callbacks as late as last week for a couple of roles.

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#2When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 11:06am

I cannot for the live of me think what OACD could possibly stand for.

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#3When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 11:10am

^On A Clear Day....don't worry, it took me a while too.


#4When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 11:28am

I thought it was something out of the DSM-5 ... you know: my bratty nephew has been diagnosed with OACD.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#5When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 12:56pm

Shouldn't it be OACDYCSF?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Steel Pier Fan
#6When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 12:59pm

Thats true you shouldn't abbreviate an abbreviation. It gets confusing.

tazber Profile Photo
#7When will OACD announce full casting?
Posted: 6/9/11 at 1:27pm

The more accurate abbreviation should be: OACDYCSFTBRFSTTE-TTT.

This will eliminate all confusion and is very quick and easy to type.

....but the world goes 'round
