Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?

RickyMT Profile Photo
#1Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 12:50pm

My parents surprised me with a trip to NYC this weekend (I'm from Florida), and although I'm really excited, I had no time to book tickets to any shows for this saturday. I've never had to do rush or lotto for seats, so any advice on how to do so and which shows are easier to get tickets to last minute, would be greatly appreciated!

beach2732 Profile Photo
#2Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 3:43pm

If you really want to see something, and it has a rush, you can get tickets if you are dedicated enough (meaning, wake up and get there early!). Since you're only here for a little bit, I'd recommend trying a rush over a lotto (again, lottos tend to be hard to win, and you can get a rush seat!). Knowing your show choices would make this easier to answer. There is pretty much a rush or lotto message board on every show, so you could try searching for it!

RickyMT Profile Photo
#2Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 4:34pm

I'd basically be happy to see anything besides Hair (which I just saw on tour with the same cast). So in your opinion, are there any shows that are easier to get rush tickets to, and if so how does the rush process work? Sorry for the inconvenience, but I've never had to do this before

OhTossums2 Profile Photo
#3Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 8:26pm

As beach said, if you're dedicated enough rush (or SRO) is perfect. I recently got to BOM at 8:30am and got SRO tickets (which have an AMAZING view btw) for $27. It was so worth the wait.
I also suggest that if you are going to do that bring games and lots of water =).

Jealous? I ain't jealous. I can take on these fellas whateva.

beach2732 Profile Photo
#4Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 11:21pm

Rush-wise, Catch Me If You Can is very easy. I would recommend How to Succeed over that show though, and the wait isn't that bad. My sister was visiting this past Tuesday, and she got tickets by getting there at 7:30 (BO opens at 10). I did SRO for Mormon about a month and a half ago. I got in line at 1:30 for an 8 o'clock show (so tickets sold at 7). Obviously, that line has gotten much earlier!

RickyMT Profile Photo
#5Rush/Lotto Ticket advice?
Posted: 7/23/11 at 10:47pm

landed up getting SR tickets for Anything Goes this afternoon. WOW what an amazing production. It was brilliant! :]
