
Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?

Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#1Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/6/12 at 5:21pm

Anyone have a discount code for Leap of Faith for June? I'm only finding until late May. Much appreciated, ty.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/6/12 at 5:44pm

Sounds about right....I wouldn't expect new ones to crop up until mid may -- just before these current ones expire. Most new shows will be hoping to get a bump in sales if they get Tony noms -- and will hope to benefit without discounts.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Scottsacto Profile Photo
#2Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/6/12 at 6:31pm

There is one on the Givenik Site. Plus 5% goes to the charity of your choice. Good Deal--too! Good until 9/30.
Givenik Leap of Faith

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#3Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/6/12 at 7:42pm

Thank you Scott, that's a great idea! Much appreciated, my friend.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#4Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:30am

Thanks for the Givenik link. I hadn't known about that site before.

#5Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/8/12 at 10:32am

Based on the preview I saw the other night I would bet that the show will be closed by June. Despite Raul's performance the rest of the show is awful. Probably one of the WORST musicals I've ever seen.If this show does well I will eat my hat.

#6Leap of Faith Discount Code for June?
Posted: 4/8/12 at 10:54am

i saw a preview for $29. It was a leap day sale.

I wouldn't have even paid that amount.

I wouldn't even go back if it was free.

It was THAT horrible.

Probably one of , if not the worst, show I have seen on Broadway/Off Broadway.

nothing was redeeming.

Raul- overacting, kitsch and screaming.

music- bland and goes nowhere

set- blah, boring and clunky

costumes- uninspired

lyrics- embarrassing

books- predictable and lifeless

choreography- uninspired

throw in 1hr and 45 minutes of nothing
(basically you can take the first 10 minutes and repeat it 14 times)
an 11 o'clock number for Raul that he screeches and over-sings in leather pants
and a final number with a rain machine

the crowd goes whoah--they feel redeemed they spent money on a ticket- everyone claps

then, it's the undeserving automatic standing ovation at the end- which I slipped out for-

and then the ensemble tackily goes around the audience collecting more of YOUR money in their baskets as part of their characters.

and that's the show.

there are better things you can spend a discount coupon on.

This isn't it.
