Spiderman box seat

#1Spiderman box seat
Posted: 5/11/12 at 11:17pm

Hey all!

Are you able to see everything from an upper flying circle box? Is right or left side better? I was thinking of taking A, seat 1 of the box. Let me know! About to buy a ticket!!

#2Spiderman box seat
Posted: 5/11/12 at 11:38pm

How much are they?

Marla: I have to go sing about a life I never led.

#2Spiderman box seat
Posted: 5/11/12 at 11:43pm

110 dollars

#3Spiderman box seat
Posted: 5/12/12 at 12:01am

seriously? For that price, I'd get the Flying Circle with a discount code and be more centered.

Can't answer about Spidey, but I lost the Young Frank 1st row lottery and we were offered balcony box "runner up" seats for $25.00. Not really great. We moved at intermission as it wasn't sold out.

I'm sure it would be great for the flying parts but not great for the onstage part. Note, I only saw the "before" Spidey show before they canned Julie so if someone else has seen it since, follow their advice.
