
First You Dream - Kennedy Center

First You Dream - Kennedy Center

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#1First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 5/28/12 at 5:17pm

I just got tickets for First You Dream at the Kennedy Center.

Haven't been hearing much buzz or even publicity about this, but I saw it at Signature a few years ago, and it was an incredibly satisfying evening, with amazing arrangements. Wondering if anyone else is planning to see it?

I have to say, I cannot imagine the show without Julia Murney, and I'm expecting to really miss her this time around (especially because I find Leslie Kritzer to be incredibly unappealing and surface-y.).... Is anyone else planning to go?

The orchestrations and all were fantastic at Signature, and it sounds like they've expanded it too. Heidi Blickenstaff sang the best "Sing Happy" I've ever heard - a very tricky song dramatically.

Looking forward to it.

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#2First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 5/28/12 at 5:19pm

I am going on June 23. I'm also looking forward to it.

tazber Profile Photo
#2First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 5/29/12 at 4:32pm

Please post reviews and song lists if you don't mind!

....but the world goes 'round

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#3First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/23/12 at 8:17pm

I attended today's matinee of First You Dream. The entire show was enjoyable, although the first act flew by quicker than the second. All of the cast members and the orchestra do a great job, but Heidi Blickenstaff and Matthew Scott were the standouts. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

Song List:

Act 1:
Overture- Orchestra
First You Dream/Leave the World Behind- Company
Razzle Dazzle- Alan, Heidi, Leslie, Patina
Not Every Day of the Week- James, Leslie
City Lights- Patina
She's a Woman/Dressing Them Up- Matthew
Colored Lights- Alan, Leslie
Blue Crystal/Marry Me- James, Patina
Sing Happy- Heidi
All I Need Is One Good Break/Yes- Company
A Certain Girl- Alan, James, Matthew
Boom Ditty Boom- Company
The Apple Doesn't Fall- Heidi, Leslie, Matthew
Walking Among My Yesterdays/Go Back Home- Matthew, James, Alan
Ring Them Bells- Heidi, Company

Act 2:
Entr'acte- Orchestra
Only in the Movies/Happy Endings/At the Rialto- Leslie, Patina, Heidi, Men
Military Man- James, Matthew, Alan
Seeing Things- Alan, Patina
Cabaret/I Miss the Music- Matthew
How Lucky Can You Get?- Patina, James, Alan
Dear One- Heidi, Leslie, James, Matthew
I Don't Care Much- Leslie
Love and Love Alone/Life Is- Alan
The Cell Block Tango- Company
My Own Space- James
The Money Tree/Maybe This Time- Leslie, Heidi
New York, New York- Patina
Show People- Company

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#4First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/23/12 at 11:01pm

awesome song list.
I had to change my tickets to next week, but I can't wait!

Is the pianist still Paul Masse, who conducted "Scottsboro Boys"? Wondered if he was still doing FYD. He seems to be Kander's guy now, as of the last few years. Always love the way he plays more than just notes on the page - rare nowadays.

I have other questions, but I guess I should just wait to see it!

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#5First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 12:42am

I'm glad to see there's a healthy dose of FLORA.

But I would have thought there would be nothing from THE WORLD GOES 'ROUND, just to make it a completely different show.
Heidi could kill ANYBODY'S GIRL.

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#6First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 6:08am

jdrye222- Paul Masse is still the pianist. He was wonderful!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#7First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 1:40pm

I had no idea Patina Miller was in this!

#8First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 3:47pm

Patina was wonderful in this. It was the first time I've seen her perform and she was, to me, the standout.

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#9First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 3:54pm

I thought Patina did a fine job, but was stronger in Sister Act.

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#10First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/24/12 at 5:05pm

wickedfan -

thanks for answering about Mr. Masse.
and by "plays more than the notes on the page" I didn't mean he makes stuff up! I just meant he really connects with the emotions and journey of the singers, at least when I've seen him perform, which seems to be really rare for a musician in theater these days. I love watching him accompany singers (I saw a great Noel Coward/Cole Porter concert he did at Merkin Hall with Judy Kuhn that was simply astonishing piano playing).

Anyway, I can't wait to see it next week!

#11First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/25/12 at 10:09am

We had a delightful time at the show ... more of a cabaret / concert with full orchestra than anything else. The arrangements are wonderful and yes, Matthew Scott and Heidi were the highlights. Patina was out, but her understudy is the amazing Eleasha Gamble (Laurie in Arena Stage's hit "Oklahoma"), so there was nothing lost there. Not a very full house, but the cast's energy was amazing.

And after a break for dinner and cocktails, we went upstairs to the Terrace Theater to see Barbara Cook. Sublime.

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#12First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/25/12 at 3:33pm

philcrosby - that sounds like an awesome day.
Kander and Ebb - cocktails - Barbara Cook

Kalimba Profile Photo
#13First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/25/12 at 3:51pm

So this is what replaced the previously scheduled Pal Joey, an Eric Schaeffer retread.

#14First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/26/12 at 1:03pm

CurtainDownPuller - the title of the revue, as well as the opening medley, are from STEEL PIER.

#15First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/26/12 at 5:33pm

Here's my review on DC Metro Theater Arts. I loved it!
First You Dream review on DC Metro Theater Arts

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#16First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/27/12 at 12:38am

Updated On: 6/27/12 at 12:38 AM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#17First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 6/27/12 at 9:08am

Thanks for your detailed review. I decided to take a pass on this when two of my friends who had seen this said "eh" in reference to this production. I've never heard of Alan Green either, and the clip of him singing Razzle Dazzle didn't help matters.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#18First You Dream - Kennedy Center
Posted: 7/2/12 at 7:16pm

Caught this over the weekend, happily with Kander himself in the audience...

It will make a wonderful CD. The show sounds fantastic, but there is NOTHING propelling the show forward, so it isn't great in a theatre. Very formal, start and stop start and stop.
The set looks like an elaborate take on the Chicago revival and all the actors are wearing formal wear and they are confined to the downstage, so it gets a bit stagnant. It'd almost be better / make more sense if they walked up to a mic and sang..
Heidi Blickenstaff, Matthew Scott and Leslie Kritzer are fantastic. Alan Green was actually strong and Razzle Dazzle worked well.. it was used to "ease" you into the night at the top. Clow was stiff. Miller wounded great, but was in a whole different show as everyone else.
the best parts of the night were Blickenstaff and Kritzer doing "The Apple Doesn't Fall", Scott singing "She's a Woman / Dress Them Up" and "Cabaret / I Miss the Music", Kritzer's "I Don't Care Much" and the full company "Cell Block Tango".
