
Cat on a hot tin roof seating and opening night advice

Cat on a hot tin roof seating and opening night advice

#1Cat on a hot tin roof seating and opening night advice
Posted: 1/7/13 at 11:04am


I need help with a choice I have of front row center mezzanine seats for next Wednesday Jan 16th last preview night, or the opening night Jan 17th front row center but rear mezzanine.

I have to choose in the next day or so.
I was leaning towards opening night if the rear mezzanine Row A is not too bad, because I can be sure that Scarlett Johansson will be performing, where as she might not the night before.

Which night would you guys choose?


TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#2Cat on a hot tin roof seating and opening night advice
Posted: 1/7/13 at 11:43am

Although of course we don't know for 100% certain, but I'd be shocked if Scarlett weren't in the last preview. There will probably be critics there.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#2Cat on a hot tin roof seating and opening night advice
Posted: 1/7/13 at 1:12pm

Out of curiousity, how is Scarlett's attendance when in a show? I'm seeing Cat... on an evening in March, I was under the impression as long as an absence wasn't publicized, like Chastain's in the Heiress, I'd see her (or the understudy, of course). I didn't follow her in A View... just wondering how her attendance usually is?
