Backstage activities

Mr. Dolly Levi
#1Backstage activities
Posted: 2/16/14 at 12:07pm

For those Broadway actors and actresses whose roles dictate long stretches of time between scenes, what typically do they do backstage? Watch television? Play cards? Nap? Smoke on the fire escape? Call their agent? In other words, how do you both stay in character and fill the time?

#2Backstage activities
Posted: 2/16/14 at 12:17pm

all of the above

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Backstage activities
Posted: 2/16/14 at 12:24pm

You'll have different answers from nearly every "type". Answers also change over time: early in the run, they are more focused on the details, and then it becomes second nature and (for many) can be turned on and off.

But there is no pat answer. And, considering shows only run 2 to 2 1/2 hours, it's not really all that long.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Esther2 Profile Photo
#3Backstage activities
Posted: 2/16/14 at 12:32pm

Way back in the day, during a 7 month run of "Cats" at the theatre where I worked, the swings put together and rehearsed a lovely production of "A Little Night Music" which they then performed on a Monday evening in the upstairs lobby. It was brilliant and I wish we'd had the easy access to recording that exists now.

Updated On: 2/16/14 at 12:32 PM
