
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...- Page 6

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...

#125Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...
Posted: 5/7/14 at 1:34pm

"Others beef with Liza is their beef, not mine."

When LH revealed a real name and linked to a blog
I said nothing because it wasn't me...

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#126Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...
Posted: 5/7/14 at 1:47pm

It's not my beef, period. He/she has accused others of being a troll and now the tables have turned and he/she is being accused. If that is not the definition of KARMA, then I don't know what is. I have no details or knowledge of revealing names and blogs. If that is something he/she did then that is the receiving party option to be upset. Doesn't affect me. I have made no secret that my real first name is Art. I have sent other posters cds, playbills, etc with all my personal info on it. If they reveal my personal info on BroadwayWorld, then so be it.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#127Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...
Posted: 5/7/14 at 1:54pm

"You should probably post less, then."



darreyl102 Profile Photo
#128Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...
Posted: 5/7/14 at 4:40pm

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...

Darreyl with an L!

#129Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka at the MET Ball...
Posted: 5/7/14 at 5:45pm

But you must have some stake since you've made it clear I "just want something to complain about," which gave LH another opportunity to show off his detective work, right darrey?

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