Parade Stage Door?

#1Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 1:21pm

I was just wondering if there is a way to stage door at Lincoln Center tonight for the Parade concert? Thanks for any information.

#2Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 1:25pm

It is on the North side of the building. If anyone has a ticket they are looking to sell for the show tonight, PM me. I really want to go!

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JBroadway Profile Photo
#2Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 2:38pm

Going off the OP's question: does anyone think there is likelihood that the performers will actually come out of that door? Like, have people had luck stage-dooring at AFH before? I figure just because it's the official stage door doesn't mean any of the actors actually have to use it.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 2:41pm

I'm sure they'll have some sort of a get together inside the theater after the show, so I highly doubt anyone will be coming out to "stage door".

#4Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 3:14pm

If it helps, I went to see Show Boat there a while back. The actors didn't seem to specifically be coming out for the people there to "stage door" but they (Lauren Worsham, Julian Ovenden, Alli Mauzey, etc.) were happy to sign. Vanessa Williams was in a rush to get home though and Norm Lewis never came out. I didn't go on opening night though and I agree with Jordan that if they do come out it could be a long wait.

Stay safe! Don't end up frozen.

broadwayboy222 Profile Photo
#5Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 3:36pm

If it's any help, I attended the Ragtime concert two years ago and at the stage door, with the exception of about 2 of the supporting characters, none of the performers came out. They were all apparently at the front of the theater. So maybe staying in the lobby after would be a good idea. Hope you enjoy the performance! Wishing I could be there!

#6Parade Stage Door?
Posted: 2/16/15 at 6:14pm

Thanks everyone! We'll check in the lobby to see if anyone comes out to sign. We are in NYC to celebrate our daughter's 16th birthday. She is a huge musical theater fan, and loves the music of Jason Robert Brown. Thanks again for your help!
