Waitress or School of Rock?

#1Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 1:17am

I will be in NYC in early May and have a Wednesday matinee free and wondered out of these two shows, which should I see? Any insight would be great. Thanks! 

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#2Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 1:26am

Waitress - saw both and can't recommend Waitress enough over School of Rock! Jessie Mueller's performance is not to be missed. 

#3Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 8:32am

Waitress, definitely! The show is fantastic and Jessie Mueller and Chris Fitzgerald's performances are not to be missed!

#4Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 9:16am

Don't believe School of Rock's lead performer, Alex Brightman does Wednesday matinees. 

You may want to factor that into your decision. 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#6Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 11:26am

I think you should try if you can to see both.

#7Waitress or School of Rock?
Posted: 4/24/16 at 1:03pm

Saw them both and definitely preferred School of Rock.  Granted, I saw Waitress during the first week of previews....but the energy of School of Rock was unbelievable.  
