Hillary & Clinton RUSH

nealb1 Profile Photo
#1Hillary & Clinton RUSH
Posted: 4/10/19 at 3:08pm

Has anyone purchased RUSH tickets for "Hillary & Clinton?"  If so, what were the seat locations and how early did you get to the box office before they opened?  

I did a search for a thread on it, and didn't see anything posted yet.  

#2Hillary & Clinton RUSH
Posted: 4/10/19 at 4:28pm

A few people posted on rush in the previews thread

Mark_E Profile Photo
#3Hillary & Clinton RUSH
Posted: 4/10/19 at 5:55pm

Front row orchestra. Got there just before box office opened for a weds matinee two weeks ago.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#4Hillary & Clinton RUSH
Posted: 4/22/19 at 7:15pm

Thanks, Mark_E.  I planning on seeing it on Sat, 5/4 - matinee.  Since it's a 2 show day, I'll be at the Marquis box office early to get rush tickets for "Tootsie" for the evening show, and then run to "Hillary" to get a matinee rush.  I hope that they don't sell out of the rush seats before I get there.  Luckily the 2 theatres are close to one another.  
