Glinda backstage sprint

#1Glinda backstage sprint
Posted: 2/13/21 at 12:17am

This is super random but YEARS ago I used to watch this video on Youtube of Glinda doing a backstage sprint during one of the songs (Defying Gravity... I think). The vid has long since been deleted but now it's killing me I can't even remember the details. Basically, Glinda has to like 30 seconds to run backstage and make it up/down a flight of stairs before she comes back out. 

I know the video is gone forever but does ANYONE know what I'm talking about or am I going to be plagued by this randomly at 1 am for the rest of my life?


Tag Profile Photo
#2Glinda backstage sprint
Posted: 2/13/21 at 12:33am

On Broadway, she runs off stage left after Elphaba, and yes, 30 seconds later comes up the stairs downstage left before Defying Gravity.  The Elphaba has just moments more to do the same thing.  This doesn't happen on tour - where there are no stairs.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#3Glinda backstage sprint
Posted: 2/13/21 at 7:47am

IIRC, it was a blog from Kara Lindsay. I actually saw someone else talking about this same video not too long ago.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

Alexander Lamar
#4Glinda backstage sprint
Posted: 2/13/21 at 8:24am

Wow I’d love to see this. I love seeing the video of Elphaba running off stage, down the stairs and through the pit to get to the lift for No Good Deed.
