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Take Care of Your Heart

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#1Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 8/2/23 at 4:51pm

I have always adhered to a healthy lifestyle.  Weight control; exercise; proper diet; no drugs/alcohol.  Even so, 13 years ago I survived a major heart attack that sent me home with five stents.  This Friday, I will be having surgery for the Cardiologist to tinker around with my heart and various bits and pieces.   

If I can have a heart attack, so can you.  Take care of your heart.

I will be back soon.

Non sibi sed patriae

#2Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 8/5/23 at 10:49am

It speaks volumes IMO of the type of person you appear to be from your posts, that not one poster wished you well. As much as I have dislike/disdain for you, I still hope for you and your family the medical procedures went well.

#3Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 8/8/23 at 11:47am

It actually speaks volumes about nothing.

I didn't see the post until today, a week later. It seems on Broadwayworld I am not a lengthy visitor. When I saw the thread title I assumed it was the title of a cabaret performance. 

Thanks for using your experience to remind us to take care of ourselves, Highland. Each one teach one.

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Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#4Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 8/8/23 at 3:02pm

FindingNamo said: "Thanks for using your experience to remind us to take care of ourselves, Highland. Each one teach one."

Thank you.  I am now walking around with a total of six stents, but happy to be walking around.  Ain't modern science wonderful?



Non sibi sed patriae

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#5Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 2/4/24 at 3:40pm

Thanks to those of you who responded.  February is "American Heart Month".  Here's some good info from the American Heart Association.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#6Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 2/4/24 at 6:51pm

Sending positive thoughts.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#7Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 2/4/24 at 11:14pm

Not long after I had a heart attack, Rosie O'Donnell had one as well.  Just in general, women tend to have more symptoms of a heart attack than do men.  But in my case, I seem to have had every possible symptom.  And, my symptoms matched almost exactly the symptoms experienced by Rosie.

After surviving her heart attack, Rosie went on to become a public advocate for heart health.  I admire her greatly.  There are a number of videos available of her doing standup where she discusses her heart attack and recovery.  I won't post them, because she uses a few adult words.  I encourage everyone here, and especially the women, to seek out those videos.   

Listen to Rosie, please.  ,  

Non sibi sed patriae

#8Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 4/16/24 at 3:09am

Thanks for posting here. Sending lots of love for you. Carry on!

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#9Take Care of Your Heart
Posted: 4/16/24 at 12:12pm

I get heart palpitations due to the sinus medication I'm on. My blood pressure and heart rate are always normal. My doctor tells me not to worry. Thankfully, I haven't had them in a few weeks. It's still bizarre when they occur as it's noticable when I'm relaxing or laying in bed. I take a "Super Beet" gummies once a day to help level my blood pressure. Since I cut back on drinking, they've also been less frequent, too. Always a reminder to not let stuff go unchecked for long stretches.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
