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Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#1Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 2:44pm

This board seems to be on life support.


Nothing to talk about anymore?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#2Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 6:00pm

BWW is a Broadway site, and the "Broadway" part of the board is filled with people posting. I don't think the people who run this board are really concerned if there is little to no activity in the OT section. For the most part, the only true value of the OT section is that it lessens the clutter in the "Broadway" section with non-related topics. I have posted and created a couple of threads in the OT section but if it went away the world would not end -lmao.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#3Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 6:19pm

I don’t know what you find so funny.

I’m aware of everything you just said, and I agree. You might not believe it, but once upon a time, long long ago, this board had a sense of community. A vivid sense of humour. Political insight. Life lessons. Engaging and informative conversation.

Now just tumbleweeds.

I find that sad.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

darquegk Profile Photo
#4Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 7:34pm

This is the off topic sub board of a single-issue message board. In the post-socials, post-Reddit era, a stand alone message board is quaint enough… the off topic is a vestigial of a vestigial. 

#5Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 8:58pm

"I don’t know what you find so funny. I’m aware of everything you just said, and I agree. You might not believe it, but once upon a time, long long ago, this board had a sense of community. A vivid sense of humour. Political insight. Life lessons. Engaging and informative conversation. Now just tumbleweeds. I find that sad."

What I find funny is that you are going to a Broadway theater board looking for conversation on political insight and life lessons. There is plenty of engaging and informative conversation, it is on the Broadway part of this board. What is really sad is that it bothers you that there was no posting for a whole four days, OMG!!!

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#6Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 9:15pm

Why so defensive? I never said that it bothered me, just that I found it sad. Nostalgic for times past. It’s not necessarily a criticism of BroadwayWorld itself. All the fun characters that used to roam these parts are gone. The dark sense of humor that once was prevalent is now dead. It’s a ghost town. I took a long break myself and came back to find the place unrecognizable.

Darquegk, what you say is true, but the laughter lived on for a long time after the dawn of Facebook, Twitter etc. I think, for me, the start of the downfall came when FindingNamo was driven into exile.



Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

darquegk Profile Photo
#7Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 10:37pm

I spent much of my twenties as an avid member of the Commentariat; when the AV Club switched owners and dismantled the Commentariat in favor of a more standard “comment section,” I lost a major portion of my arts and culture life. 

#8Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/11/24 at 11:18pm

"Why so defensive? I never said that it bothered me, just that I found it sad. Nostalgic for times past. It’s not necessarily a criticism of BroadwayWorld itself. All the fun characters that used to roam these parts are gone. The dark sense of humor that once was prevalent is now dead. It’s a ghost town. I took a long break myself and came back to find the place unrecognizable."

Not being defensive at all. Once again amazed that you can create a post because nobody posted on the OT topic for 4 days especially when Broadway theater is the main purpose of this board and is quite active. You might have a point if nobody posted in 40 days, not 4 IMO. Take a look back at the BWW HOF post you created awhile back. All of those people were known for their knowledge, sense of humor and well written posts about Broadway and theater in general not the OT topics. The ghost town you mention is not the overall BWW board, it is just the OT section. I challenge anyone to come on this thread besides you and tell me what a vibrant section the OT part of this board was years ago. If you can get 5 -10 posters to agree with you maybe I will change my mind. I am waiting -lol.

Updated On: 3/12/24 at 11:18 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#9Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 11:29am

Zeppie2022 said: "I challenge anyone to come on this thread besides you and tell me what a vibrant section the OT part of this board was years ago."

There was frequent casual conversation on the off-topic board through the early 2010s. Much of it happened on a series of threads with the title "Can the adults please smoke?" I didn't participate often, because frankly it could be a little intimidating, but lots of the classic BWW characters shared little events and life observations on a daily basis. I'm not sure if 4-9 others will bother to post here to confirm it, but it's absolutely true regardless. smiley

ETA: I can see that one of these threads is actually still on the "top 50" list of the off-topic board, one user having posted on it as recently as January 31. If you inspect the earlier pages of the thread you can see how heavily it was used circa 2015.

Updated On: 3/12/24 at 11:29 AM

#10Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 1:02pm

"There was frequent casual conversation on the off-topic board through the early 2010s. Much of it happened on a series of threads with the title "Can the adults please smoke?" I didn't participate often, because frankly it could be a little intimidating, but lots of the classic BWW characters shared little events and life observations on a daily basis. I'm not sure if 4-9 others will bother to post here to confirm it, but it's absolutely true regardless. smiley"

Thanks for the confirmation. I have no problem with being corrected as long as somebody besides the OP is stating there was frequent conversation years ago. OK, I don't need 4-9 more people but would like somebody who has not been an ally of the OP on these boards backing it up. That being said "Kdogg", making an issue out of lack of activity for 4 days is a bit much IMO. Like I said in earlier response, if it was 40 days without activity than I could maybe understand the OP's point.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#11Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 1:31pm

Zeppie.... frankly, I don’t care if you believe me or not. It’s just a sad observation, not a call to arms. Four days without one post would have been unheard of back in the day.

That you can’t even remotely envisage that only makes my observation sadder.

(Thanks, kdogg)


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#12Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 2:40pm

It also doesn't help that the off-topic board hasn't been on the drop-down CHAT menu for many months. Obviously the stalwarts know how to find it, but it's not going to be attracting casual visitors or newer users.

#13Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 3:24pm

I was going to add about losing the link in the drop-down menu. It actually took me a few weeks to notice where the button for this board was when they made that change and just wondered if they had finally removed Off Topic all together 

#14Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 4:12pm

"Zeppie.... frankly, I don’t care if you believe me or not. It’s just a sad observation, not a call to arms. Four days without one post would have been unheard of back in the day. That you can’t even remotely envisage that only makes my observation sadder."

Real simple Jay. This is a Broadway site and OT part is not where I would expect to have abundance of activity. If you want to discuss other topics besides Broadway there are plenty of other places to go. There is a sports board that I check in on once in a while and there is area for non-related related sports discussion. Trust me, if there is more than a post or two a month on it is pretty rare. People go to this site to talk sports not discuss opinions about climate control or the 2024 election. The relative short time I have been on this board, I have never seen abundance of activity in the OT section. Matter of fact, anytime you have been suspended there has been more than 4 days between a post. in other words, you and "Highland Guy" are about 75% of the activity on the OT section.

Let go further. The last OT post/thread was one created by Sutton Ross about some TV show. It got a whole bunch of views which show people read it. Nobody commented on it, and it could be because like me they were not familiar with the show. Why comment when Sutton was looking for opinions of people who actually knew the show. This begs the question; do you consider activity comments only or views of a thread.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#15Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/12/24 at 5:05pm

A comment or thread could disappear quickly in times gone by. It can stay on page one in the most recent 50 for months at a time now. An unresponsive conversation would sink without a trace in less than 24 hours during the OT board’s prime. Now they hang around forever.

Again... I’m not complaining... this is not a debate... just a reflection on how the times they are a-changin'.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#16Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 3/14/24 at 4:52pm

You can thank me now "Jay" -lol, just one post not glorifying Joe Biden and suddenly posters came out of nowhere. Heading out of town next week and will be gone for a while so somebody else will need to "step up to the plate" and keep things humming. ***Note sarcasm***

#17Nobody Has Posted In 4 Days
Posted: 5/9/24 at 9:40am

"This board seems to be on life support. Sad. Nothing to talk about anymore?"

I am just guessing you got suspended again and "Highland Guy" has health issues to deal with so basically this OT board is dead. There will be some random posts here or there but no real steady activity. 
