Hugh Jackman in SUNSET

Matt_G Profile Photo
#0Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/18/04 at 11:47pm

I'm watching this Australian documentary on the making of SUNSET BLVD w/ Jackman and I was wondering how old he was when he did this? He looks like he's 16! He's so star struck by the whole thing too, it's absolutely adorable.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."
Updated On: 5/19/04 at 11:47 PM

#1re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:13am

I think he was about 27 when he did Sunset.

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#2re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:15am

I'd love to see the documentary

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#3re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:15am

It was in 1996, but I'm not up on the facts and figures for Hugh Jackman, so someone else will need to do the math. re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET I'm sure he wasn't 16, though!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:26am

aww... no fair.

#5re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:40am

There was a brief clip shown on the recent DATELINE NBC interview with Katie Couric with Hugh in costume ( wide shouldered suits of the 1950's) singing a few lines from the title song of SUNSET BOULEVARD.

I wonder if this came from the same documentary? Where did you see it?

Hugh was in SUNSET BOULEVARD a year before OKLAHOMA! - so that must have been in 1996-1997. That would make him around 28 years old when it opened.

Updated On: 5/19/04 at 12:40 AM

Matt_G Profile Photo
#6re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:44am

It was a documentary from Australia about the production. Kind of a makingn of type thing from the beginning through rehearsals until after it opened. I didn't see the DATELINE episode, so I'm not sure if it was taken from this or not.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#7re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 12:47am

I was trying to post a photo from the show - but couldn't.

There are a number of photos from the show on Jackman's Landing.>

Updated On: 5/19/04 at 12:47 AM

alterego Profile Photo
#8re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 2:13am

1996 sounds right to me. The show played at the Regent Theatre, Melbourne. It was plagued with problems from the word go. After opening it limped along for about 6 months and closed. Jackman played Gaston in Beauty and the Beast the year before. I have this documentry (you speak of) on tape somewhere. You have reminded me I have it, my interest has been rekindled, I must find it!

#9re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 3:53pm

I'm with you. I'd love to see this documentary. Is it available commercially?


~*Triple Star On Broadway*~ Profile Photo
~*Triple Star On Broadway*~
#10re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
Posted: 5/19/04 at 5:47pm

ps. HUGH IS HoTT!!!!!.........unlike that wasnt already known. I just thought it had to be reaffirmed. Thank you.

You've gotta have heart AND music
